|10| "I did kill someone"

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Nagisa walked nimbly back into school. He had no choice but to come back in and confront his class, make them think he wasn't a killer. Well, he was... but it was for the good of humanity! That was a good reason! But taking someone's life was still the same, no matter what context it was in.

The man had rung up Karasuma last night, informing him of the incident that had taken place. After a long minute or two of waiting, Nagisa had been ordered to tell the class about Koro-Sensei then swear them to secrecy. Oh course, to make sure everything went to plan the blue haired boy had been forced to bring Karma with him. The devil was grinning evilly behind him, probably scheming something he would find out later.

The bell rang through the corridors and Nagisa pushed his classroom door open. Everyone was already sat down and staring frightened up at him but confusion flashed across their face when Karma came in. "Hello class, I'm sorry about running out like that yesterday. I've been informed to explain what Yori was going on about yesterday," Nagisa said loud enough for everyone in the room to here. Karma learn against the wall and crossed his arms, staying out of the way but ready to back up his boyfriend at any moment.

"What Yori said yesterday was partly correct, I did kill someone many years ago. When I was in my last year of middle school I had a teacher who wasn't human, he's also the reason the moon is like it is today. My class called him Koro-Sensei. We spent a whole year with him training to assassinate him before he destroyed the whole world. On the night he was supposed to do it, I was able to land the final blow. My class saved humanity even if it meant killing the best teacher I knew."


Keiko threw her fist to Sora's face but the brown haired girl managed to dodge her, swiping her feet. The blonde girl dropped to the floor with a groan but rolled over and back onto her feet. She swung her hand from below and hit Sora in the stomach, making her double over in pain and wrap arms around her stomach. "Over!" Nagisa shouted," Well done both of you. Sora you need to protect yourself more instead of overthinking it and, Keiko, you've done really well but you need to learn to not use up all your stamina in the first few minutes. You might be strong but if someone is stronger you'd be easily overpowered in a fight."

The blonde girl let out a deep breath before nodding respectfully at Nagisa, helping Sora over to the rest of the class. Nagisa turned around to face the rest of the class with a small smile playing on his lips," Who wants to go next?"

"Me! Pick me, Nagi!" A bright blush decorated Nagisa's face when he heard that voice and sharply spun around. All the class dropped their hands and stared at Karma. After the talk with the class this morning, the redhead had left unexpectedly without informing anyone and the class still had no idea who he was. "Karma, what are you doing here? I thought you had to get back to work?" The blue haired boy asked as he took a few steps forward.

"I couldn't be bothered going back into work so I decided to come down again. Plus, I want to spar with you. Last time we did it was a few days ago, whatcha say?" Karma grinned and the smaller man blinked a few times, thinking he had just seen devil horns and a tail.

"I don't know Ka-"

"Do it, Sensei!" Half the students shouted out and Karma's grin only increased. The blue haired man bit his bottom lip before giving in and nodding. Karma immediately smiled widely before shrugging off his jacket and Nagisa felt like cursing his boyfriend. The redhead knew what he was doing. Karma was showing off.

The two men both got in fighting stances and suddenly ran at each other at alarming speed. Karma tried to punch his boyfriend in the face but to only find that Nagisa had quickly slid right under him. Tsking quietly, he spun around and extended his leg to try kick him.


Okay, what the fuck is wrong with me?! I haven't updated in nearly a month! I'm so so sorry for lack of updates but I was really stuck on the whole Karma and Nagisa fight that I just now have decided to cut it short and leave it on a cliffhanger. I only realised I didn't update when I saw someone add this book to their reading list named 'Hiatus' and came to my senses of how fucking dumb I am. Again, sorry and I'll try to post more chapters.

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