|40| "Court"

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It was the day of the court fight. Nerves were running high and Karma couldn't stop shaking. "You'll be fine, Karma. You've been preparing for the past month for this," Nagisa reminded the redhead.

"I could just leave now and no one would notice," Karma suggested with a nerve-wracked smile. It was clear he didn't want to be here, despite how much he had prepared for this day. All those all-nighters pulled and staying at work late would be for nothing if he backed out now.

Nagisa raised an eyebrow," I think they'd notice. You kind of are the main guy here." The mercury eyed man rolled his eyes at the comment before a couple of woman came over to the two. They were all here to back him up in court, the women and their families from the papers Karma showed Nagisa ages ago.

"H-Hi!" The lawyer smiled awkwardly. He had already met these people before but this was the first time they had all been together. "Everyone, meet Nagisa. Nagisa meet Jamie, Diane and their families."

Everyone grinned nervously. "Hey, I'm Karma's boyfriend," The short blue haired man announced, a few people shooting him warm smiles. Everyone was nervous, which was an understatement. They were the ones fighting for Japan's rights. Fighting for the people like they who didn't have the opportunity to do this and better their own lives.

Then, they all saw the judge sit down and quickly rushed back to their own seats, however not before Nagisa could give Karma a small peck on the cheek.


"You did so well in there!" Nagisa praised the taller as they sat in a restaurant near their apartment. The whole thing was over and done with now, the decision left up to the judge and jury to decide what happened next. The case had been postponed while they looked over what had been presented so far, currently it seemed at least a 50/50 chance. The scale could tip in either direction with how things were looking.

Karma ran a hand through his hair which was no longer slicked back as it usually was. It was obvious how much stress the young man was in. Nagisa couldn't blame him either, not like he would in the first place anyway.

They both sat in silence for a few moments, having no idea what to say to each other. The silence was comforting though, making neither want to speak. It had been a long day for both.

"May I take your order?" A waitress interrupted it with a warm smile on her lips as she stared directly at Karma, completely ignoring the blue haired man at the other end of the table.

The mercury eyed man sent back an awkward smile before looking back down at the menu for a second. "Hmm...can I get a sukiyaki please? And a large coke," Karma ordered before turning his eyes to see Nagisa," What about you?"

"Could I get a sukiyaki too, and a sprite please?" The smaller said with a tight smile.

She nodded and wrote it all down on her notepad," Two sukiyakis, a large coke and a sprite? Is that all?" Karma and Nagisa nodded before the waitress walked back to the kitchen to give the order in.

"Do you think that once this is all over and if this does happen, you'll go back to your old job?" The redhead asked in a quiet voice," I know how much you loved teaching those kids and to help those just like Koro-Sensei did with us."

Nagisa faulted, taking a moment to reply. He had no idea what he wanted to do after this ordeal had passed. On one hand he did want to go back and help them finish their education but the man didn't want to go work under someone who fired him because of his sexuality. It just didn't seem right but at the moment he cared too much about those kids.

"I-I don't know what I'm going to do next, maybe," He replied with a small shrug of his shoulders," But I feel as if I wouldn't be comfortable working with someone who got rid of me for liking the same sex."

Karma nodded before the waitress came back with their drinks, shooting said man a wink as she put them down onto the table. He didn't react, just said a small thank you before she disappeared back into the rest.

"You know, the waitress seems to like you," Nagisa tried to make a joke out of it but his mouth felt dry just saying those words. He picked up the sprite he ordered and drank a bit of it.

"Well I don't like her," Karma frowned.

The blue haired man gave him a short smile before looking down at his hands on his lap, having no idea what to say next. Now, Nagisa had always been insecure next to Karma. It was a given considering how he was raised and it didn't help when every other girl hit on his boyfriend. It made him feel second best, nothing compared to the tall redhead that seemed to capture everyone's eyes the first time they laid eyes on him.

"Nagisa...is that upsetting you?" Karma asked slowly, not wanting to tread on any nerves," We can always leave if you want to." The other quickly shook his head rapidly.

"No! It's fine, just awkward." The conversation seemed to die off at that point, only minutes later did their food arrive. Digging into their meals, the two slowly began speaking again and soon enough they were laughing and talking like normal. As if none of that just happened.

"Oh my god, remember that time when you thought you could put twenty grapes in your mouth," Nagisa snorted at he continued speaking," But accidentally ending up choking and Nakamura had to pick you up and started performing the choking method thing we learned in first year of middle school. I forgot what it's called." Karma laughed along, remembering the days when they were teenage assassins.


I apologise.

I have nothing else to say. Writers block, school, binge watching Netflix and deciding to watch all the 'A Very Potter Musicals'.

I can't believe I've never watched them before considering how obsessed I used to be. Tbh Draco is amazing in it.

Again, I'm really sorry for not updating in so long. Over a month. I can't believe that I started writing this story in February 2019, time really does fly.

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