|39| "Unexpected"

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"I can't believe this," Nagisa muttered out. It had been three days since Rin had left them and life seemed to be just spiralling even further into a pit of darkness. Karma frowned as he saw a few tears slip down his boyfriend's pale face, rubbing his back gently.

"I hate her, so why am I mourning her? She made my life living hell and here I am crying. My mother abused me yet here I am upset over her untimely death. God, why do you hate me?" He continued speaking to himself," She promised me she'd become a better mother then went back on her word, yet here I am sad. She starved me for days on end but I'm weeping." Nagisa weakly hit the pillow on the double bed, sobs wreaking out his mouth as his whole figure shook tremendously.

Karma didn't know how to react. He didn't know how to comfort his boyfriend. He didn't know what to do. All through his years of knowing Nagisa not once had he said he loved his mother but he still so evidently cared.

"Do you want to go?" The redhead quietly asked, indicating to the funeral that was going to take place in a week. What annoyed him most was that Nagisa's father not once thought of informing his own son about his wife's death until half a month later. It disgusted him.

The blue haired man nodded numbly before dryly laughing. "My dad even wants to make write a eulogy for the gad damn funeral. And the funeral is a week away," Nagisa said before taking his eyes away from the wall and over to his boyfriend," Pretty bad, isn't it? I thought he was different."

Karma frowned," He's probably mourning. She was his wife."

Nagisa once again chuckled. "Why the hell would he remarry an awful woman like my mother? Must be insane," The man continued.


Karma and Nagisa both wore black on the day. There wasn't many people at the funeral, not many actually liked the horrid woman. Nearly no words were exchanged as the two entered the graveyard.

The blue haired man quickly walked up to his father with a hard glare. "What the hell? How come I only got to know my own mother died a week ago. I bet all these knew before me!" Nagisa angrily spoke to his own blood, feelings tears well up in the corner of his eyes.

"Please forgive me, Nagisa. It's been so hard," Was the only excuse his father came up with before opening his mouth again," The service is about to start. You'll be up at the front. The eulogy will be before the end."

The younger man bit his bottom lip before letting out a sigh and nodding silently. He couldn't stay mad at his only known living relative, not wanting to be even more disconnected than he already did.

Karma slipped his hand into his boyfriends after Nagisa's father walked away, the funeral starting. A priest was in front of everyone, behind the black coffin that was soon to be put six feet under the ground. Nagisa has no idea why a priest was directing the service, it wasn't as if his mother was religious. In fact, she was far from it.

Half an hour passed slowly, some mourning and weeping. The blue haired man had tears in the corner of his eyes, refusing to let them loose. He couldn't show his mother he cared, wherever she might be now.

When it was his time to speak, Nagisa walked up to the priest's side and took out the small script he had planned in the span of a few days. It wasn't the best but he did what he could in the time given.

"Hi, I'm Nagisa Shiota. Hiromi Shiota was my mother. If I know one thing for sure she'll be rotting in hell right now," Alarmed eyes met his as he began his eulogy but Nagisa couldn't have cared less at the point," She wasn't the nicest of people, definitely wasn't the most forgiving and to put it plainly I hate her. Now that she's gone and about to be put in the ground I think I can finally be free of her. This woman doesn't deserve to be cried over. Heck, she was worse than Scrooge ever was. My mother abused my mentally and physically for years, I can't mourn her knowing this. You all might've had wonderful, different experiences with her but this was mine. One she almost set my Middle School on fire she was that insane. She promised me she would change but never did. Thank you for your time."

Nagisa didn't meet anyone's eyes as he walked back into place beside Karma, feeling looks of shock and horror. The blue haired man finally felt free. He felt as if the chains his mother made him carry all those years had finally been lifted. A few tears ran down his cheeks but he smiled slightly, knowing the horrid woman couldn't hurt him no more.


Don't be mad at me, ok?

This month has been so busy and hectic I don't know what to say. It's been hard trying to write this chapter, get ready for Christmas and the fact I've been in hospital hasn't helped anything.

A dog bit me on the 23rd when I tried to let it sniff my hand and I was in hospital two times on Christmas Eve. Once on the 23rd. I couldn't use my hand until today so I'm so sorry!

Before saying anything, please understand I do have a dog and know how to act around ones I don't know. Please don't assume I did anything to anger the dog for it to bite me. I didn't do anything! The owner didn't apologise or say anything to me!

If you do want to know the full story just ask! I'll tell it's just I can't be bothered boring y'all who don't care by writing it here.

Ive also gotten a new phone for Christmas so been setting that up all day

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Ive also gotten a new phone for Christmas so been setting that up all day. My brother using all the bandwidth on the Wifi for his new game Red Dead Redemption 2. Good game like but it slowed everything down by at least 3 hours. However I'm so happy to move on from my six year old phone!!

 However I'm so happy to move on from my six year old phone!!

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