|23| "Exams"

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It was finally the day of the exams. Every student was sat in the classroom, all that could be heard was the ticking of the clock, as they stared down at the papers. "The Maths exam is a full sixty minutes," Nagisa explained as he sat down in his seat," That time begins now." Almost immediately, everyone opened their papers. The blue haired man considered the thought that they were all synchronised.

Now all he had to do was wait for the hour to be over and then start over again but with a different paper. Being a teacher was fun...


It had been a few days since then and all exams were over and done with. All that needed to happen was for Nagisa to mark all of them in the next few weeks before it was half term. He had stuffed all the papers into a backpack he had brought especially for this reason. Now he could easily carry them all home without much trouble. Except for the fact it weighed a lot.

"Are you sure you don't need any help?" Rin asked as they walked down the road. She had decided to go back to the apartment with the teacher for once, surprising both of them. Normally she would hang out with Ruka or some of her other friends after school. It seemed as if what happened less than a week ago had really effected the brunette girl.

Nagisa only shot a small forced smile at the younger but same height girl," It's fine, Rin! Thanks for walking with me though." She hummed quietly before silence fell over the group once again.

Suddenly, a loud commotion could be heard behind them. "Hey Rin-! Is that Shiota-Sensei you're with?" Keiko gasped out as she skidded to a stop. A few other classmates where all gathered behind her, as if they had all agreed to hang out. In fact, it was most of the class apart from the Deik siblings, Kamin, Searen, Seira and Kiya.

Nagisa's eyes widened at seeing most of his class behind them and the two quickly turned out to face all. "Erm...hi?" He questioned than stated. Sora shot him a wide smile but that seemed to be the friendliest one out of them all.

"What are you doing with Rin, sir?" Kota asked, fixing the glasses on her face. Arashi raised an eyebrow at him, another few teenagers following the motion.

He didn't hear who but someone shouted out," You two aren't secretly dating? Are you!" Both immediately shook their heads and gave each other a weirded out look.

Nagisa furrowed his eyebrows tightly together before speaking," Rin has offered to help me mark the papers. Since all the tests are over now students can help, as long as nobody else really knows. Especially the principal."

"It's a good thing Kamin isn't here then," Jurou appeared from the small crowd with a malicious smirk across his lips," He would definitely say something and you'd get fired. But then, anyone could do that right?" Nagisa gulped at seeing the predicament he'd gotten himself and Rin into. He had carelessly came up with an excuse so nobody would find out the young girl was living with him and his boyfriend. It wasn't for him to tell.

The brown eyed girl beside him quickly intervened," And I'm sure no one will say anything. Shiota-Sensei is the nicest teacher we've had and is someone that actually cares about us. He's even offered to pay for a goddamn school trip!" Most of the girls nodded along to this. A few boys raised their eyebrows and gave each other looks before nodding too.

"Can we help then?" Sora asked as she held onto the straps of her bag tightly, a bright smile on her lips which blinded a few people.

Nagisa sweat dropped before replying," Sure. Do you guys want to go down to the local library?" Never before in his life did he think he would be hanging around with a bunch of teenagers after school hours to mark some tests. It seemed slightly unreal.


"Hey Sensei, what's the answer to question 24 on the maths test?" Kei asked as he looked up from a paper he was helping grade. The blue haired man quickly opened a thick book which held most of the answers and replied with the answer.

This process continued for a while until most students had marked their small piles of exams and were sitting around a table and talking to each other. Nagisa didn't stick out of the group, fitting in with the bunch of teenagers because of his size. He was almost done with his last one when his phone pinged off.

The librarian shot the man an annoyed look only to receive a small smile in return. Nagisa picked up his phone and saw Karma had text him. All of a sudden, his students crowded around him all trying to get a look at what the notification was.

"Why can't we see Sensei?" Keiko groaned out as the small man turned off his device and stuffed it in his pocket. Everyone sat around him, leaving basically no escape for the teacher to leave without jumping over a few kids and having a possibility of hitting them.

"I bet it was his girlfriend!" Sora announced happily as she clapped her hands together quietly, trying to not attract any attention to the relatively big group. A few heads nodded in agreement and Nagisa sweat dropped.

His phone pinged again, making the man realise he had forgotten to mute it because of his students. "It isn't," Nagisa whispered out," At least not this time." The look of terror in their teacher's eyes was enough to let the students realise it was very personal and very bad.

"I've got to go," Nagisa muttered out as he stuffed his phone into his pocket, quickly gathering up all the papers that were mostly finished and putting them all in the bag he had brought for them.

All his students watched in shock as the normally friendly and outgoing man rushed out the library doors with a horrified look on his face. "What's happened?" Keiko asked.


Hey guys! Another update so quickly cause this book hit over 20k! Thank you so much! Also, I've gotten over 800 votes on this fanfic so that's great.

But seriously, I've only gotten one suggestion of what to do for 20k. I would do a Q & A but I'm afraid no one would ask questions and that'll be pretty sad tbh.

Also, any of you guys like My Hero Academia? I'm thinking of writing a Uraraka x Bakugo fanfic. It's not my favourite ship but for the storyline I've got it fits perfectly and I kinda lowkey ship them.

Todobaku for the win tho. Tododeku in close second with Katsudeku following.

Anyway, another thing to discuss is that I forgot to mention my new Instagram I've gotten. I do have one under my wattpad account but idk how I feel about it currently. I've started up a new one under the name 'todobakuiscute'. I just shít post and meme every two days. Talk to me on it, I'm hella bored most of the time.

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