|4| "Lets play a game, Sensei"

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It had been a week since the four students had seen their teacher talking to a huge group of around twenty people and it still confused them immensely but never brought it up. Nagisa was going through all their homework while the class silently wrote away, memorising words in English.

One girl, with brown hair in the style of a pixie cut, had stopped writing and stared at their teacher hoping to find a weakness where she could attack at any second. Rin looked down at her lap to see her small dagger she had borrowed from her older brother this morning. Gripping it tightly, she stepped silently out of her seat and gained a few other teenagers attention.

She quietly ran up to Nagisa and swung the dagger at him but the blue haired man quickly turned around and grabbed onto her wrist at the last second. Rin gritted her teeth but swung her leg up to his opposite side and Nagisa got hit in the knee, making him falter just long enough to get her wrist out of his grasp. Not leaving any moment to loose, the brown haired girl used her other hand to try and punch him but the teacher was nowhere in sight.

Just then, she felt an arm snake around her neck and her hands rushed up to her neck. Fear was cursing through her veins. There was something about this man that was different from all the other people she had fights with, he was experienced and never let his guard down. Nagisa swiftly removed the knife from Rin's grasp and let go. She dropped to the ground and painted heavily.

"That was a great tactic you used Rin, well done. Deciding to go with a silent approach was good but your bloodlust is uncontrollable so I could easily sense you coming for me," Nagisa explained and praised before the girl stood up and dragged her feet back to her seat near the back of the room. Rin felt ashamed. She had always been able to take down anyone who posed a threat and now he had come along and tried to get the better of her. She clenched a fist together before looking up at the chalkboard to see what she actually had to do.

Nagisa sat back down in his chair and picked up a green pen, indenting on finishing marking all the papers before the end of the day so he wouldn't have to bring them home. Then he could spend the whole night with Karma, who wanted to take his to the movies tonight. The blue haired man looked over all the class to see if anyone needed help when someone raised a hand.

"What is it, Saya?" Nagisa asked as he put down the pen once again this lesson. The pink haired girl stood up and smiled widely.

"Can we do something a bit more fun, Sensei? Like a game, we've all worked really hard on our essays and I think we deserve a reward!" She stayed and all the students heads immediately nodded along with her, not wanting to write about their families in English. Nagisa looked at the whole class and sighed. "Fine, only for half an hour though. We'll go all around the class where one person has to say one thing about themselves so I can get to know you all better."

"And then after that can we all ask questions about you, one per person, so we can get to know you better too!" Saya exclaimed before sitting back down into her seat and Nagisa sweat dropped.

The first person to say something about themselves stood up, it was Sora. She rubbed the back of her neck before muttering out," I like revising for tests." Nearly the whole class gasped at this and someone fell out of their chair, how could someone like to revise? The brown haired girl shyly sat back down and looked at her lap.

Seira stood up and played with her black hair slightly before speaking," I'm thinking about getting a tattoo soon." Searen raised an eyebrow at the back, having just gotten a tattoo himself but decided to not push the topic any further to question it.

Saya got to her feet next with a huge smile on her lips," Since Ruka's and my dad is a police officer he taught us both how to use guns for self defence!" Ruka, Saya's older twin sister, rolled her eyes at the attention she got but nodded along with it anyway.

She then stood up next and straightened out the blazer she was wearing," I'm Pansexual." With that, she sat down. Nobody looked shocked, except from Nagisa, because they already knew with the amount of times she flaunted the corridors screaming it at the top of her voice. Not to mention the amount of people she had been with.

Rin awkwardly stood up, not knowing where to look, before scratching her arm," Erm...I...uh... I've sent a lot of people to the hospital for beating them up?" Nagisa let out a laugh earning everyone's attention, the short brown haired girl reminded him too much of his lover it made him laugh. Who knew someone could be so much like Karma?

Kota got up next and pushed her glasses further up her nose," My best subject is science." Nagisa chuckled once again, this time being reminded of Okuda too much. Why must everyone be so similar to his assassin friends?

Kei got to his feet and said," I've never kissed anyone before." Most of the girls immediately went into a frenzy about it, Kai was one of the most popular boys in the class, while some only rolled their eyes.

Kamin was up next and most people huffed. He only rolled his eyes at this before claiming," I once kissed Keiko as a dare." Immediately, the blonde and slightly pink dip dyed haired girl got to her feet and began wacking him. A few girls had to rush to their feet, knowing Keiko was strong and good at hand-to-hand combat, and dragged her off Kamin.

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