|12| "Hell, apparently"

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"Rin, dear, come down for dinner!" The girl's mother shouted up the stairs before walking back off to the kitchen. The brown haired girl quickly closed all the tabs open on google before turning off her laptop. If anyone saw what she was searching...let's just say it wouldn't be pleasant.

Running a hand through her short hair, the girl rushed downstairs at the smell of her favourite meal. Despite growing up in Japan, her mother's side of the family originally came from England. Which meant she got to try a lot of food that wasn't Japanese. Plus, her mother loved to try food from all over the globe.

As soon as she entered the dining room, Rin saw all her family. She sat down in her seat, next to her younger brother and across from her parents. The neighbourhood radio was playing quietly in the corner of the room. Don't ask why they had a neighbourhood radio, for some reason everyone seemed to be rich. Her mother brought in all the roast dinner and placed it in front of everyone before sitting down herself.

"In the local church, the priest has hung up a sign on the notice board outside. It reads 'Love has no gender. Love is love and even if it is a sin everything is forgiven because love rules over it'..."

The radio continued and Rin tried to act like the news didn't pipe her interest as she cut open a potato. "Honey, do you know a church we could go to instead of that one?" Her mother asked.

"No, I don't. Why?" Rin's father kept eating as he tried to talk to his wife.

"I don't want my children to be around any of the gays. Those types of people are mentally ill and should be put in hospital to get fixed," Her mother explained her reasoning," I don't want my kids to get any ideas or think that being gay is a normal everyday thing."

Rin clutched onto her fork and knife harder and she tried to continue eating silently. "I think there's one half an hour away we could go to?" Her father brought up and the teenager felt like groaning.

"Mum, Dad what are gays?" Ko, her ten year old brother, asked as he looked between them curiously.

Their mother glanced wearily to their father and took a few seconds to reply," A bunch of people who are very very sick, Ko. We don't want to talk to them because they go against God and for that all of them will go to hell."

Rin rolled her eyes before standing up. "Where do you think you are going, Rin?" The brown haired girl looked towards her mother with a sigh.

"Hell, apparently," She let out carelessly before jolting to a stop. What the fuck has she just said? All noise seemed to stop and the teenager took this as her opportunity to rush out of the room and up the stairs. She locked the door in her bedroom and paced up and down.

Her heart pounded against her chest as she tried to get her emotions in check. "Open this door right now, young lady!" Rin heard her mother screaming through the door and her blood ran cold. Quickly scanning her room, she snatched up a jacket and her phone before running to the window.

Tanking it open, she climbed out and onto the tree right outside her bedroom. "Break the door down!" Rin could hear her mother yelling," Rin! What the fuck do you think you are doing? We don't tolerate gays in this household!"


Nagisa rubbed his eyes tiredly as he slid out of Karma's car. "See you tonight," The redhead yelled out the window before slowly driving away and Nagisa grinned. The man took his time walking to his classroom, being earlier than normal for once. His head was jumbled with all the things he was supposed to be teaching today.

As he opened the door to his classroom, Nagisa gasped at the sight. Rin was lying face down on the ground, asleep. She wasn't in her school uniform, her clothes were dirty and covered in mud.

Nagisa immediately shut the door behind him and rushed over to the young girl. He crouched down and shook the girl's shoulder gently. "Rin, what are you doing here so early?" Nagisa asked as the brown haired girl sat up tiredly.

"I-I ran away," She stuttered out and the man's eyes widened," I accidentally said I was gay last night to my family, they hate gays! I don't even know if I am gay, i-it just came out..." Rin quickly wipes away any tears that had fallen.

The blue haired man nodded silently before helping her up," You van stay with me for a while then."

"Really? You'd let me?" She hiccuped loudly, a blush covering her face.

"Of course I would. We'll skip today and get you sorted out," Nagisa assured her before they left the classroom.


"And this is where I live," Nagisa smiled warmly as he unlocked the apartment door and let Rin walk in. The teenager looked around quietly before turning around to face Nagisa with a small grin on her lips.

"Thank you for letting me stay here," She muttered.

"It's fine, since today is Friday we'll go out shopping for some clothes tomorrow. Until then you'll be able to fit into something of mine and you can use the spare bedroom," The blue haired man explained as he took off his shoes.

Rin sat down on the edge of the sofa with an amazed look in her eyes," I-I don't know what to say. Why are you helping me?"

"Because I know what it's like to feel all alone in the world, my mother hates me so I understand you," Nagisa replied as he placed his briefcase down and accompanied the young girl on the sofa, picking up the remote and turning on the tv.

Hey bros, It's me. Again, I'm sorry I never update but I've got end of year tests coming up which I have to focus on studying for and I'm just a lazy ass. Also, please give me ideas. I need them desperately.

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