|28| "School Trip: Part Two"

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"Where are we?" Was the first thing that came out of someone's mouth. After a whole ten minutes of constant walking, the class had ended up outside a worn down school that looked like it hadn't been used in years. The gates had rusted up, weeds had overtaken the ground and nobody was around. It almost felt like the place was haunted.

Nagisa turned to face the class while Karma spoke on the phone to someone. "This is Kunugigaoka Junior High School," The blue haired man explained with a small frown on his face," It shut down a few years ago after it was discovered how the principal was teaching. This is also where Karma and I went to middle school, him also going to high school here."

"Why are we here though?" Ruka asked.

"This is where we will be spending the next few days, Ruka," Nagisa told the girl before the red haired man walked back over to the group. He ran a hand through his hair before a grin made its way onto his lips.

Karma said," Hinano told me to just start going up to the classroom. Apparently she's already waiting for us up there." His boyfriend nodded before going over to the rusting gate and pushing it, surprisingly it opened with little to no effort. The blue haired man raised an eyebrow at it but opened it far enough so everyone could walk through.

When they were all on the old school grounds, Karma clapped his hands. "I can't believe the school went down so badly, especially after our middle school days." The smaller nodded thoughtfully before the two turned out to the class that was waiting to hear what was going to happen next.

"Okay Class. We will be going up a mountain in a few minutes. There are some rules I need to say before though. Don't stray from the path as you will get lost, it's guaranteed. Next, look out for snakes and bugs as there are thousands. Karma will be in the front so don't go too far ahead and I will be at the back. As long as you stay somewhere in between the two of us you should be okay," Nagisa listed out before his eyes lit up," Oh, and we are both very fast so be prepared to run up there."

Almost immediately, Karma started to jog up the hill. Once everyone realised what was happening, they began to follow when their short blue haired teacher passed by then in a blur. "Shit," Kamin muttered under his breath as the whole class had to pick up their speed just so they could keep up with the two conducting the school trip.


It took half an hour for the class to reach the top of the mountain. Everyone was laying on the dirt floor or hunched over taking deep breathes while the two adults looked at the wooden building in front of them. It looked better than it had in their school days, thanks to 3-E buying the building and fixing it themselves. Nagisa couldn't wait till the whole class met up again and he would be able to help.

"Yo, Nagisa Karma!" A feminine voice shouted out. A ginger haired woman came out from behind the building, wearing a beige hat and clothes. Everyone's attention was now focused on her but she didn't seem to care as she ran up to her former classmates and gave them both a hug.

Nagisa let out a laugh," It's nice to see you again, Hinano. How's work?" The woman shrugged before letting out a meh.

"It's okay, I love working with all the kids," She explained before noticing the whole class standing behind the two men," This must be your students! They're all so cute!" Hinano skipped over to them all," They are adorable! What's your name?"

The white haired boy with a pink dip dye shuffled uncomfortably in his place before whispering out a," Searen Choi."

"Searen is now my favourite," Hinano exclaimed before moving away - giving the boy space to breathe - and going back to the two adults," Anyway, I managed to find a few tents in the storage rooom. Only five though."

"That'll be fine. We can have two for the girls and two for the boys. Karma and I will just have to share," Nagisa dropped a few of the bags he was holding before going to where the room was located. Only a few seconds later did he come back carrying all the tents by himself.

"How the hell did you pick up and carry all of those?" Karma asked but never get a reply. He huffed before taking two off the man and placing them on the ground. The redhead quickly called over all the boys and they all began to help each other put up the tents. Hinano grabbed one and began to put that up by herself while the short man helped the girl's construct the tents they would be sleeping in.


It took a full hour for everything to get set up, most of the teenagers having never put up a tent before. It was only seven in the morning and by now most people were hungry. Considering the time, Nagisa just went inside the wooden building and found the room they used for cooking. After asking Hinano to fill it up with food so they didn't have to go to the shops, the blue haired boy found it easy to pick out a loaf of bread.

He put the slices into the toaster and waited for the to get cooked. "Karma, could you put some butter on the ones I've already done?" Nagisa asked as his boyfriend walked into the room.

"Sure, Nagi," The redhead muttered, placing a kiss on the smaller's forehead before beginning his task. What neither of them realised was that someone had just witnessed it.


WHAT? You've never played tuner simulator? PFFT

hey guys, how are y'all? I'm doing okay, still recovering from how weird Jumin's route was on Mystic Messenger. I'm glad it's over because I'm never doing it again.

Anyway, thanks for 30k! Yay! I enjoy writing in my spare time so the fact this book has gotten so much recognition is amazing. 🎉👌🤯

Another matter is, I'm currently writing another book. It's not published yet but it probably will be soon. Basically, it's a BNHA Tododeku  (Todobaku for the win tho) fanfic with soulmates. You know, very original. I'm hesitant to publish it because of how toxic the fandom has been recently. Why can't everyone just be nice? It that too hard to ask?

 Why can't everyone just be nice? It that too hard to ask?

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