|20| "Plays and Study"

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It was finally the day of the project. Most groups were prepared and ready to act out what they had rehearsed while some just looked around with a nervous look on their face - everyone could easily tell they hadn't planned anything.

Nagisa Shiota was tired but he couldn't care less. To be honest, he was too excited for what was about to happen. Clicking his tongue, the short man stood up. His blue hair moved slightly as he got to his feet. All the students attention turned towards their teacher as he walked to the front of the classroom.

"Hello class, today you will be performing your scenes you have chosen from A Midsummer Night's Dream. The first group will be: Saya, Sora, Kamin and Yuki," The four students chosen all groaned loudly," Please come up to the front and get ready."


Everyone had finished preforming. Some were good while others definitely lacked - as Nagisa put it - in the creativity and acting. The blue haired man quickly wrote down a few things in his book about each performance so he would be able to grade them all for the following day.

It was then the bell rang for lunch and all students started running out the room. Kamin growled under his breath as a few of his classmates passed by him and laughed. Yes, his performance was terrible but that didn't mean they had to make fun of him. "I'm King Oberon-Oh no! I fell face first!" A student named Seira snorted loudly at Searen's horrible interpretation.

"You guys, stop that," Their teacher chided them, making the two stop immediately - not wanting to get a detention tonight. They had planned to have a study session with their two other friends for the upcoming exams which were only a month away.

"Fine," Seira grumbled under her breath as she grabbed onto her friend's wrist and dragged him out of the classroom, a frown present on her face. While this was happening, she failed to noticed the apparent redness covering Searen's entire face.


"As you all know, exams are just a month away. These are only end of term exams so they aren't as important at the end of year ones but I would still like you to try your best," Nagisa smiled. The whole class looked down to the ground, fidgeting with their uniform or something else in their hand. Sora was the only one who looked excited about the whole ordeal which made everyone remember that she'd told them earlier in the term about how much she loved studying.

"Why the fuck should we revise for some stupid tests?" Kiya groaned as she leaned back on her chair and shoved her feet onto the table. A few people nodded their heads in agreement.

"Yeah, we are in the end class. The bottom of the school, who would want us?" Jurou added on. Nagisa's eyes seemed to glaze over, almost as if he wasn't acknowledging anything that wasn't being said. Almost as if he was having a flashback.

"Sensei?" Saya asked, unsure of what to do," Are you okay?" The short blue haired man just stood still. Everyone looked at one another, not knowing what to do when suddenly he let out a deep gasp for air.

"Shiota-Sensei?" Sora said as she forced herself to stay still in her seat," What just happened?"

Nagisa blinked a few times, getting used to what he was seeing and recalling what had just happened. "Sorry about that class, it was just a flashback." All that flooded through his mind was the days his class had met Koro-Sensei all those years ago. How the octopus told them their class couldn't hold back their aspirations and working as hard as they could to achieve their dreams.

"About studying?" Nagisa chuckled," I advise you to do it. If you don't, you don't. When I was in Middle School, I was in the bottom class. We were bullied by the rest of the classes and it was that bad we were moved to a different building up a mountain. That was were we had everyday lessons. Our teacher told us about how our class wouldn't restrict you and trust me the principal tried everything to keep us back. Your school doesn't do that, you are doing that to yourself so try and work hard for yourself."

The blue haired man rubbed the back of his neck with a small encouraging smile on his lips," And if you all get above a 60% maybe I'll let you come on the school trip I'm planning." Now that definitely perked a lot of people's interest.


Nagisa was thankful to hear the bell for the end of the school day. He walked out of the empty classroom with his bag in hand and made his way to the front of the school slowly - taking his time. As soon as he left the building, the man saw his boyfriend's car parked outside and quickly jogged up to it. Opening the door, Nagisa threw his bag into the back seats and slid into the passenger side.

"Hey Karma, how was work?" The smaller asked the redhead, who only smirked at him. Once the door was shut, Karma started up the engine again and began to drive away.

"It was fine, blueberry. What I want to know was how hectic your class was today," He replied as they came to a stop and waited for the lights to turn green so they could continue getting to the apartment," And where's Rin?"

"She's hanging out with her friends today," Nagisa explained as he let out a small yawn," And the plays today were honestly pretty okay. Kamin face planted which wasn't that good."

Karma snorted before muttering out," Oof."


Hey guys, my updated are getting more regular which is really good. I'm surprising myself more and more every time, it's slightly scary.

Anyway, thanks for 14k! I swear I was just saying thank you for 10k? The book is getting so popular and I'm so happy!

I included a little bit of Karmagisa talking because there's been a dire need for it. I can't remember the last time I wrote anything to do with it now. (^^)

I'm also very interested if any of you guys ship any characters? Maybe if you do I could try make some changes and include fluff moments between them? You've already seen their pictures and if they are straight or not so the rest of up to you.

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