|42| "Celebrations and rings"

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"I think I should get going now," Rin muttered out, her voice barely heard by the two whom she considered practically her family by now. They had been through so much together it was hard to not see them this way.

Nagisa furrowed his eyebrows as Karma pouted sadly. "Are you sure you don't want to stay at our place for a few days?" The blue haired man asked for what seemed like the hundredth time in the past half an hour. He didn't want to see Rin leave again. He wanted her to just stay with them as clearly her brother was too busy to look after her too.

Rin rolled her eyes and attempted a small smile (it coming out as more of a grimace however). "I'll be fine, Nagisa. Kazu is probably worried sick by now anyway," The brunette replied before standing up, stretching her legs out. After sitting down on the same bench for nearly an hour, her whole body felt stiff.

The mercury eyed man remained quiet, not knowing what to say. He already felt too attached to the girl whom he considered his own daughter. Karma felt as if he said anything, it would be telling her to stay at theirs and sign adoption papers. He quickly shook his head and got rid of that thought. It was stupid! No way would Rin want to be adopted by two broke men that were only six years older then her. Idiot, that's what he was.

He only came back to reality when he felt a tapping on his shoulder. Blinking, Karma realised Rin was trying to get his attention. "Y-Yeah?" He blurted out, embarrassment filling his head.

"I'm gonna get going now, Karma. Bye," The girl muttered out as she brought her arms around the man's shoulders. The redhead immediately returned the hug with little thought.

Nagisa did the same before Rin spoke again," It was nice seeing you two again. Bye!" She waved before disappearing into the bustling crowds.

At that moment, tears came pouring out of Karma's eyes. His boyfriend's eyes widened at the scene, never thinking that he would get so upset over this. He knew they were close but never...this close it would hurt him by Rin leaving them.

Nagisa edged up to Karma on the bench and leant his head on his shoulder, wrapping one arm around his waist. None of them cared about the looks they were receiving at that moment, just comforting each other was what mattered.


Karma and Nagisa where back in court. This day would hopefully prove the outcome to which they hoped would be a yes for same sex marriage. They had no idea what they would do if it got shot down. Everything was on the line at this moment.

It felt as if time was moving much slower than it needed to be, five minutes felt like five hours. Nagisa bit his nails out of anxiety, his leg bouncing against the floor, as he listened to the judge. Karma looked a lot more composed than him, no facial expressions what so ever. However, as they held hands the blue eyed man could feel how sweaty they were.

Their supporters were exactly like them. All on the edge of their seats wishing the outcome would arrive faster by the second. Eventually, the judge spoke up.

"After reviewing all, I have come to a decision."

No one dared breathe, all holding on to see what would be happening. Seconds passed, as if the judge wanted to create suspense.

"Same sex marriage is now legal in Japan," With that he hit the hammer (idk what it's called so yeah) against the wooden table and many erupted into cheers. Karma jumped up onto his feet and brought his boyfriend into a hug, picking him up off the ground and spinning him around.

Nagisa could feel tears of joy building up as he brought his hands to Karma's cheeks and pulled his forward until their lips connected. It seemed as if in those few moments everything was perfect, nothing could ruin the mood. As soon as they parted others ran up to them and brought them into a big hug. Everyone cheered for the two, knowing that they were the ones who made this happen.

Nagisa looked over to the other families and saw them all crying as they hugged each other. It made his heart melt to know that him and his boyfriend had made all of this happen. To know the Karma cared this much about him. To care about the boy who always looked like a girl in middle school and was scrawny, pathetic looser.

Those thoughts flooded out of his mind as he heard gasps all around him. The blue haired man raised an eyebrow at them all. Everyone was staring at him and something that was behind. He crossed his fingers, hoping it wasn't going to be like one of those horror movies and this was his death scene.

Edging around, Nagisa's eyes widened at the sight before him. Karma...he was smaller. Well he was on one knee but Nagisa relished in terms fact he's towered over him for a few moments.

His boyfriend of four years was on one knee, right before him with a box in his hands. Karma grinned brightly as he opened it to reveal a ring. Nagisa felt all air leave his lungs then.

"I know you always said if you were ever going to be proposed to you'd want it to be secluded but I thought this was a better time than not," Karma started," I want to show you off to the world Nagisa. God, I love you so much it's unbearable. If anyone ever told my 13 year old sexuality questioning self that I'd be in love with a man as amazing as you I'd have laughed."

Nagisa could feel tears rolling down his face. Everyone around them was quiet. "You know, Nagisa. When we met again in high school, if you hadn't have come back in my life I wouldn't be here right now. I would be six feet under. You brought me back from the edge without even knowing about it. You saved me without even doing anything, just by being by my side and supporting me. Along the way we just so happened to fall in love too," Karma sniffed, revealing something he had never told anyone before.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is...will you marry me Nagisa Shiota?" Silence ensued before the short blue haired man shouted out a yes before giving Karma and heartwarming hug and kissing him.


It's been some time, huh guys?

I'd like to saw I have no idea how court cases happen so please don't get mad at the fact I've probably gotten it all wrong.

So uh, coronavirus. My school is closing on Friday so that's exciting.

I hope everyone's ok and that your family is doing well. Please be safe and look after yourselves.

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