|15| "Work with him?"

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Kota pushed her glasses further up her face. She hated her group, heck she had barely even made conversation with either one of them. Arashi was one of the smartest in the class, often challenging her to quizzes, and had lots of friends but she had heard rumours he always slagged people off behind their backs. She definitely did not want to get anywhere near him. Jurou had a cold attitude and barely any friends, carrying around a pocket knife that he threatened Shiota-Sensei with on the first day of lessons. The black haired girl shivered at the memory. Keiko was the only other girl in the group. They hadn't spoken much but Kota knew the girl was very forgetful but had a kind heart.

The black haired girl walked to the library in silence, gripping her bag straps tightly as she wished she didn't have to meet up with her group and could just go home. Clicking her tongue against the top of her mouth, Kota turned down a corner and saw a small table and two people sitting at it. Arashi and Keiko. This meant Jurou still had to arrive and she wasn't as late as she thought. Good.

"Hey Kota, don't worry we're still waiting for Jurou before we get started," Keiko smiled warmly as the black haired girl shrugged off her backpack and slid into the chair next to her," Have you got any ideas of what scene we could perform for the project?" Kota furrowed her eyebrows as the boy in front of them brought out A Midsummer Night's Dream script and began reading through it. She knew the boy was a whizz kid but she didn't think he worked so hard, she thought it just came naturally from the know it all attitude in class.

"What about the scene where Bottom gets his head turning into a donkey?" The girl suggested," We could have one of us play him and make a few props while the others could be the rest of the company who run away?" The blonde haired girl nodded thoughtfully before they all heard stomping coming towards their table.

They all looked to where the source of the noise was coming from and saw Jurou storming towards them - hands stuffed in pockets and a frown present on his features. Kota flinched slightly as he passed by her and landed in the seat across before bringing out his small pocket knife and messing around with it. "Sorry I was late, I had business to take care of," Was all the white haired boy told them as he flipped his knife in the air before catching it again.

"I was thinking we could do the scene where Titania and Oberon fight at the start," Arashi ignored the boy who had just shown up," We could have one of us as each of them, one as the narrative and the other as Puck." Keiko smiled widely at the idea and nodded vigorously to agree. She seemed to be the type of girl who wanted to play Titania, the fairy queen. Sometimes Kota wondered how the girl beside her and Kamin actually got together in the first place because of their drastically different personalities but realised it wasn't any of her business and focused on the task at hand.

Kota brought out a piece of paper from a file in her bag as she wrote down the ideas they all had. "I think you've both got good ideas, how come you two don't work together most of the time? You'd make a great team!" Keiko quietly cheered as the librarian sent her a look telling her to shut up.

"Work with him?" Kota asked as she raised an eyebrow before glancing at Arashi," Never happening!" She failed to notice the slight hurt flash through the brown haired boy's eyes before he scoffed and nodded along to her statement.

"We are rivals, Kieko! We go against each other for top spot, we cannot be teammates," He agreed and ignored the painful beat of his own heart against his chest. Arashi blinked once before turning to face the white haired boy but to only find Jurou already gone. He hadn't even stayed for five minutes before he disappeared again.

Keiko smirked slightly but decided to not mention anything before grabbing the book laying in front of Arashi and dragging it over to her. "Hmm, I think we should go with Arashi's idea. Since we have two weeks to get everything ready, everyone can come around to my place tomorrow night after school. Could one of you let Jurou know so he can come too?" Kota rolled her eyes at hearing the blonde girl go with her rival's idea but decided it was probably easier to make props to instead of forming a giant donkey head. Though she would never admit that to the brunette in front of her, that would be like saying he won.

It was then she heard her phone vibrate in her pocket and she took it out to see a text from her mother asking where she was. The black haired girl quickly replied saying she would be home soon before picking up her bag and standing up," I've got to go now. See you guys tomorrow." Then Kota walked away and left the other two sitting there in silence.

Keiko decided this was time to strike and she rested her arms on the library table before letting a grin grow on her face. The boy across from her raised an eyebrow before taking his book off her and shoving it in his bag. "You like Kota!" Keiko blurted out. It was then he stopped what he was doing and his eyes widened. Did he really? He had to admit the attraction he felt towards the shorter girl but for some reason she considered him a rival in lessons. All he had done was correct what she had gotten wrong and it was then the girl with glasses decided they were enemies.

"Huh, I guess I might..." Arashi trailed off before shaking his head and standing up, walking out of the library and leaving the other girl alone.

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