|26| "Planning"

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The silence was deafening. Nagisa and Karma [funny thing, I accidentally put karma as todoroki and now I can't get it out of my head] walked back to the car, both still thinking of what just went down in the small visit they made to Nagisa's parents. It was terrifying, scary and horrid all at the same time. The redhead gripped onto his boyfriend's hand tightly as they made their way down the street.

As soon as the car was in sight, Nagisa ran towards it and pulled the devil along with him. Karma quickly unlocked their ride home before letting go of the blue haired man and going around to his side of the car to drive. "Let's go home Nagisa," Karma whispered before starting up the car and beginning the drive back to their apartment.


As soon as they got home, the couple found Rin sleeping in her room. They went straight to their own and got into bed. Neither wanted to bring up the meal with Nagisa's parents. After Hiromi had threatened her son, the silence was impeccable. Then she started talking to them like a normal mother would, asking how they were doing so far and all this. It confused the two immensely but went along with it to not cause anything else to happen.

Sadly, that didn't last very long. Hiromi asked when they would have children. It was impossible for them to do that considering the fact they were both males and they didn't even want kids yet. She still seemed to think Nagisa was a girl and kept telling him that. Now that he thought about it, the man realised how messed up it all was. His mother still acted like she could control his life. She didn't know how much of a hole she could dig herself in, if she hit him or anything. Karma was a lawyer. The two could send the woman to jail if they wanted to. They had proof throughout the years and could get their old peers from middle school as witnesses. They all saw the abuse Hiromi inflicted upon her only child.

"Hey Karma," Nagisa whispered into the nothingness," You are okay with me? Right?" The blue haired man felt the shifting on the other side of the bed and felt arms wrap around his waist.

Karma let out a chuckle," I'm more than okay with you Nagisa. I love you with my entire heart. Who cares if your family is a little messed up? My parents view you as their own, one day I hope you can be their son-in-law."

"I love you too," The smaller muttered back with a wide smile on his lips as he leant into his partner's warmth and embrace.


"I have all your test scores and papers here," Nagisa said as soon as he had finished registration," Remember if you got over 60% I would allow you to go on the school trip I'm planning." The teacher began to hand out all the papers to the correct students. It only took a few minutes for everyone to check over their scores.

Their teacher smiled widely before writing something on the board," Most of you got the majority of your tests over 60% so that means everyone can go on the school trip!" It was the percentage, that was all he had written.

"Where are we going?" Arashi asked as he closed the final test he was looking through, his eyes travelling across the room to meet Nagisa's blue ones," It's not like the school has much money to fund these trips. Plus, the bottom class of every year never gets to go on school trips, you know punishment and all for being bad at everything."

The blue haired man only let out a chuckle," That's why the trip is happening in the half term. It isn't a school trip, technically, because myself and a few others are paying for everything. Your parents will have to pay a bit for train tickets but that's about all."

"Sir, how long will the trip be?" Sora asked as she ran a hand through her hair. She was probably the best scorer in the class, earning over 90% for all her exam papers. It was a wonder she was even put in the bottom class, no one actually knew why she was in there.

Nagisa grinned as he placed the chalk back down at the bottom of the black board and facing the class again. Most of the pupils had finished going through their tests, the majority looking pleased with what they had received. "It will only be three days and three nights. We all meet at the train station on the Monday and go back on the Thursday morning," He explained.

His eyes then lit up, as if he was remembering something he had forgotten to mention to the class of students. "I need to tell you what to bring!" He said," Since the school refuses to pay, we are on a very small funding and can't afford much. You will need to bring sleeping bags, flashlights, portable chargers if you bring your phone and swimming costumes. The rest is on the letter I've printed out. There is a slip attached that your guardians have to sign to say you can go and fill out the information. For example if you have a medical condition." He begin to hand them out to the whole class, a huge smile on his face the entire time while his eyes shone with excitement. The teacher seemed more hyped for the school trip than the students this time.


It's past midnight where I live. Why do I do this to myself? Oh yeah, because of fricking Mystic Messenger. If anyone cares I did get onto Jumin's route. That's exciting.

You know what I also realised as I was scrolling through Pinterest....


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THIS BOI WHICH IS THE CHARACTER FOR DAIKI is actually under Jumin Han. I have accidentally put him into my story without realising it. That's how dumb I am.

Anyway, onto other matters. Thanks for 1k votes! Idk if I've already mentioned it but thank you again! You have no idea how much it means to me! And also thanks for reading this story, I find it hilarious to read the comments and what you guys think.

There's no point in celebrating the reads or votes cause no one tells me what they want. Like...TELL ME!! GIVE ME ADIVCE , ANYTHING!

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