|16| "Mase Haruna"

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"How's life outside of work, Akabane?" One of Karma's colleges asked, leaning over the table in hopes of getting some information. Barely anyone at work knew about Karma's home life. All they knew was he was in a relationship and that was it. "Tell us more about your girl," Another pressured as they dropped the pen they were holding.

Karma only rolled his eyes before typing on the computer again and trying to ignore their stares and continuous questions. He kept his mouth shut as they tried to ask him about his relationship. "When are you going to propose to her? You said you've been with each other for four years, that's a long time," Someone else butted in and the redhead had to stop himself from saying anything. He knew how lgbtq+ people were treated, heck he could loose his job if he wasn't careful. The only reason Nagisa and him hadn't gotten married was because they couldn't. No same sex marriage was permitted in Japan and it hurt Karma more and more everyday to know he might never get married to the love of his life.

"I guess I just haven't found the right moment," Karma shrugged it off before focusing on his work as he waited to go home to his boyfriend.


Nagisa clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth as he watched his students copy down from the board. None of them seemed to be interested in what they were learning, all wanting to talk more about how Mase Haruna was in town. She was apparently filming her latest movie here and almost everyone in the room wanted to go see her.

"I heard that she's one of the most popular actors in Japan now, almost number one!" Saya squealed loudly, earning all the attention from the class. Her and a few friends had been talking about the celebrity but it seemed she couldn't keep her excitement under control and just had to yell out.

Nagisa only sighed and rubbed his forehead," Saya please keep quiet and focus on your work just like everyone else. You can talk about Mase Haruna after the lesson is over." The pink haired girl muttered out an apology before picking up her pen again and beginning to write.

A good ten minutes passed before a knock was heard at the door. Without thinking about it, the teacher in training said," Come in." The door burst open and a woman with brown hair and golden eyes walked in. Almost immediately she ran over to Nagisa and surprised him with a hug. As soon as she let go, the blue haired man let out a gasp. "Kaede, is that you?" He asked.

Seira, Searen, Ruka and Kei all looked up. They remembered hearing her name that time they saw their teacher after school. In fact, this woman looked almost exactly the same except the hair. Back then she had blonde but now it was brown. Maybe a wig?

"Hey Nagisa! I'm on a break from filming right now and decided to visit you, especially since we never got to finish our chat last time at Takuya's ramen place," The unknown woman smiled but in her eyes only Nagisa could tell there was a hint of mischief. He gulped.

He then remembered the whole class was staring at them before Sora raised her hand. She didn't wait for them to say anything before she spoke out," Shiota-Sensei, is this your girlfriend?" The blue haired man felt his cheeks heat up and quickly shook his head while his friend next to him giggled slightly.

"No, I'm not Nagisa's girlfriend. I'm just a friend from Middle School," Kaede turned to face Nagisa again," About that anyway, all of us decided a date for going back to Koro-Sensei's classroom." Everyone froze. All students shared looks of doubt while a few had a look of fear.

Kamin leaned back on his chair with a scoff," Isn't that the guy Shiota told us about? The made up person who apparently blew up the moon? A load of bullshit!"

Kaede's pleasant smile on her lips immediately turned into a glare as she stormed across the classroom, her wig falling off in the process revealing her black hair. "How dare you say that about Koro-Sensei! I will fu-!" She shouted out but suddenly felt herself fall to the ground. Letting out a groan, she rolled onto her back and jumped back up to see Nagisa before her.

"Don't attack my students, Kaede," He said coldly and accidentally let a bit of his bloodlust out, sending a shiver down everyone's backs.

The woman seemed to realise what she did and immediately faced Kamin and bowed slightly," I'm sorry. That was out of line for me." She clenched her fists together before looking at Nagisa, seeing him back to his normal self," And I apologise to you as well, Nagisa. I shouldn't have done that. I guess coming from a scene where I have to be angry is getting to me."

"It's fine," He grinned slightly before patting the taller on the back and walking to the front of the classroom again. Kaede followed silently before a sudden scream was heard.

They both whipped their heads around and saw Saya pointing at the black haired woman with a huge smile on her face," You're Mase Haruna! Can I please get your autograph? And a picture, please?"

"I'm sorry for the trouble Kaede," Nagisa said as he realised his friend was a famous actress and of course some of his students would realised who she was.

The woman, however, only waved him off and began talking with everyone happily and signing piece of paper and taking photos. Nagisa smiled faintly as he sat back behind his desk and watched the scene. He forgot how good it was to see his friend again. Wait...wasn't she meant to tell him when the next meet up was?

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