|24| "A memory"

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Nagisa paced back and forth through the living room. His boyfriend watched as he sat on the sofa, practically laying on it. The blue haired man stopped moving and spun around to Karma," Are you sure this isn't one of your pranks?" The man scoffed and his looked offended.

"Why would I lie about this Nagisa? The text didn't even come from my damn phone! It's from your father!" Karma explained yet again as he rubbed his eyes tiredly. It had only been half an hour since the teacher had ran from his students in the library. Luckily, Rin hadn't gotten back yet which left a bit of time for the couple to try think of what to do with the situation they were stuck in.

Nagisa flopped down on the opposite sofa with a groan. "I can't believe this is happening," He whispered tiredly," Why would she care about me now?" The redhead's mercury eyes softened as he stood up and walked over to the other, sitting down and wrapping his arms around him.

"When do they want to see us?" Karma asked. It took a few seconds for his boyfriend to answer, even then he looked as if he was about to vomit. His skin looked too pale and he was shaking.

"On Sunday," Nagisa replied.

Karma's eyes furrowed for a split second," Do you want to go? I'm sure your father would understand, he was fine with it. Remember?" The blue haired man rolled his eyes but attempted to smile at the person hugging him tightly.

"He was okay, it's my mother I'm worried about. She thinks I'm still a girl!" Nagisa said," Plus, none of them know it's you I'm dating. They know it's someone but not you."

Karma thought for a moment," So your mother will think we're in a straight, heterosexual relationship? That's not good." Despite how the situation looked at the moment, the two of them both hoped it would work out in the end. Especially after what happened to Nagisa.


Nagisa twirled a long strand of blue hair around his finger. He bit his bottom lip nervously as he sat in the living room with his parents. It was odd to think he was now in high school, his middle school days over along with Koro-Sensei. After his final year there though, his parents had decided to get back together and work things out. More for their son's sake than their own.

He finally opened his mouth," Mum...Dad. I've got something to tell you." Both his parents turned to face their son, looks of confusion written on their faces. Nagisa let out a breath he had been holding in as his fingers messed with the end of the shirt he was wearing.

"What is it?" His father asked, a kind and gentle look in his eyes. The tired look under his eyes showed how late the man had been working lately, just to try help the small family earn some more money for when Nagisa went to college. Sadly, most of it had been spent on his mother drinking. Hiromi had lasted six whole months without a drink but she went to a night out and came back hammered. Since then she had barely been sober anymore.

Nagisa bit his bottom lip tightly, almost making it bleed. "I...I'm..." He stuttered out and could easily tell how impatient his mother was becoming," Ok...I'm gay. I like boys." His sixteen year old self was shaking terribly, it was clearly visible how nervous and scared the boy was.

It took a few seconds for the news to sink in. His father was the first to open his mouth," T-That's okay Nagisa. If you like boys that's fine but you'll never be able to get married, you do know that?" This did hurt the blue haired boy's feelings but overall he was relieved. His father was okay with it.

"But Nagi, you're a girl. You're supposed to like boys!" Hiromi started as she placed the glass half full with red wine onto the coffee table," You can't be gay!" Despite his mother saying how she would treat him better, nothing had changed. She still viewed him as a girl and controlled him as if he were a puppet who had no feelings.

Both Nagisa and his father shared a worried look. They didn't want to the same thing that had been happening for the past fifteen years to start up again, especially after the past year had been relatively peaceful before she began drinking again. "Hiromi...Nagisa is a boy," His father explained," Not a girl. He's never been a girl."

The woman shook her head with denial," You're wrong! How would you know anyway? You left years ago, leaving me with a daughter to fend for ourselves!" She was now standing, a fierce anger in her eyes as her fists clenched together.

"I'm a boy, mum!" Nagisa shouted, interrupting the argument that was bound to start in a matter of seconds," Not a girl. I thought you agreed to that a year ago!" This time Hiromi spun around to face her son, a frown upon her lips.

"Don't you speak to me like that! You-you brat!" She screamed before lifting up her hand and let it cross over his face, rings leaving cuts and scars across it. Nagisa's father jumped to his feet and started shouting but nothing seemed to reach either one of their ears. Hiromi had a dark look cast over her face while the blue haired boy cowered in fear - trying to sink as deep as he could into the sofa.

After that moment, the abuse never seemed to end.


Nagisa woke up, panting heavily. His body was covered in sweat and the bedsheets cling onto his figure. Tears ran down his face as he peeled off the duvet and swung his legs off the bed. Once his feet touched the cold sodden floor, his body heat seemed to go down.

"Nagisa, you okay?" A tired voice asked from the other side of the double bed. Karma sat up and rubbed his eyes but realising the state his boyfriend was in and got out of bed. He made his way around before sitting next to him and hugging his small frame. He would ask in the morning what had upset him but the redhead could almost guarantee it was a memory of his mother.


Hey guys. I can't believe I've gotten another chapter written so quickly. It's not even been a few days yet. Anyway, I was reading the comments as usual on the last chapter and most people thought someone had been kidnapped (; ̄▽ ̄)

Someone also suggested that Karma was pregnant. Like I would like to do that but I don't fancy doing a male pregnancy. There is nothing wrong with those types of stories (I read a lot of MHA ones so I can't say anything) but I think it's either too early in the book or it's not realistic. I don't like the idea of introducing it into my book this far but I could change my mind on the situation.

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