|21| "Chicken Nuggets Gone"

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The exams were two days away. Most students - after hearing there might be a school trip - jumped into revising in hopes they could go and get away from their homes for a while.

"I can't do this!" Ruka groaned as she dropped the pen she was holding and massaged her temples. Rin glanced over her shoulder and smiled faintly.

"It's simple, all you need to do is this," The short brown haired girl demonstrated with her own revision. Ruka's eyes scanned over the page, trying to process what was written down.

She nodded," I think I get it..." Rin grinned before placing the book back down on the desk. In the silence, only the noise of pen scraping against paper could be heard. Both girls were bored out of their minds, anyone would be after practicing Japanese for so long.

"Do you want to do something else?" Ruka suddenly suggested, looking up again," We could maybe watch a movie or something?" The girl beside her nodded quietly, a small smile edging onto her lips.

Ruka stood up and walked over to her bed, patting the place next to her once she had flopped onto it. Her new friend followed silently as she grabbed the remote to the flat screen tv attached to the wall across from them. The brown haired girl turned on Netflix before scrolling through the films they could watch. "If you see anything just say stop," She muttered out.

"How about Don't Breathe?" Rin suggested as they went past the thriller section. The girl beside her raised an eyebrow but went back and found it.

"I swear if I get scared I'm blaming this on you!" Ruka joked as the film started to play. Her classmate only smirked in return. The audio was in Japanese so they could easily understand what was being said.


"I'm just gonna say it, they definitely like each other," Saya blurted out into the phone she was holding. Sora's name was seen on the caller ID. The pink haired girl had only just gotten home after a long day shopping with her two friends and as soon as she walked into her twin's room, the girl saw her and Rin cuddling. Luckily, they were both asleep so she could take as many pictures as she wanted to use as blackmail for later purposes if needed.

"I knew Ruka was Pansexual but I never guessed Rin would be gay. Then again, I don't know her well or speak to her much," Sora replied," To be honest, the two would be cute together!" Saya nodded silently before realising her friend couldn't see her and muttered a quiet yes.

"Yeah, I just don't want Rin to get hurt," The pink haired girl sighed," My sister dates loads of people, she's literally dating a girl in the year below at the moment but hanging around with Rin! Ruka either needs to break up with that girl or she can't get Rin's hopes up like that!"

Sora sighed on the other side of the phone," Are we even sure Rin likes your sister though?"

"Trust me, Rin was literally getting spooned by Ruka. There is no way she doesn't like her," Saya chuckled.


Rin woke up to it being pitch black. She felt hot. Letting out a quiet yawn, the girl tried to sit up on the bed but to only find she couldn't. Looking down, she noticed an arm wrapped around her waist and blushed. Her eyes followed the arm to see Ruka holding her and the girl felt like dying from embarrassment.

She quickly looked around the room, noticing the tv was turned off and the door was now shut unlike it had been before. That means someone had came in when they were sleeping, meaning they had seen them. At that thought, Rin's face flushed a darker red than before.

On the bedside table, the brunette girl could see her phone. Stretching out as far as she could, the teenager managed to get ahold of it. Turning it on, the first thing she noticed was the amount of texts from Nagisa and Karma - along with a few missed phone calls. The next was the time. Luckily, it was only half eleven at night so it wasn't too late.

Unlocking the phone, Rin quickly opened up the messages and replied to them. She didn't want the people looking after her currently to be worried for her whereabouts and if she had gone missing or not.

Nagisa: where are you Rin?

Nagisa: please reply soon

Delivered at 23:04
Seen at 23:31

Rin: I'm fine. Just fell asleep at Ruka's place

Nagisa: thankfully you're okay, next time text when you are staying later. We've been worried about you

Rin chuckled quietly - in hopes of not waking Ruka who still had her arm wrapped around her waist - as she saw what Karma had sent her. Going onto his messages, she was blown away with how many that had been sent.

View 148 more messages

Karma: R

Karma: I

Karma: N

Karma: where the frickily dickily are you?

Karma: bro come on

Karma: I'll eat all the god damn chicken nuggets

Delivered at 23:28
Seen at 23:33

Rin: nO! Not the nuggets!

Karma: then why did you reply to Nagisa first? HmmmmmMm

Rin: no dude! It was a mistake! You know you're best bro

Karma: i better be

Karma: tbh, already ate the nuggets hours ago


Seen at 23:39


Hola peeps, how's life treating y'all?

Thanks for all the votes, passed 700 a lil while ago and I'm so happy. Also this book has reached 18k which is like...woW!!!

Okay, let's get down to business (to defeat the huns!), what do y'all want for 20k? Anything? I know you read this! What do you want? I need ideas and if I do something that no one likes that'll be pretty bad. Think about it bros.

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