|2| "Shiota-Sensei's a boy?"

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Nagisa sometimes wished he had chosen an easier profession. He scanned the classroom in hopes of seeing any student who was actually interested in the topic he was covering now and could only see a few. The rest were either sleeping or staring blankly at something. A few times he had caught a few passing notes and would read them out to the class. He found it slightly funny to see some horrified expressions cross pupils faces but then immediately felt bad about it afterwards.

"Does everyone understand the homework now?" Nagisa asked as he put down the chalk he was holding and used a cloth to clean his hands. Nobody raised their hands so the blue haired man took that as a sign they were either not listening or actually understood it. He decided to go with the first idea. "I'll go through it once more for all of you," He said," All of you will be writing an essay on something that interests you. It can range between a person you'd like to know more about or already know a lot to a subject in school. I want it back by the start of next week and on my desk."

The bell rang only seconds later and everyone stood up, their chairs scratching against the floor, and packing up their bags. It only took a few more minutes until everyone had left the now clean room they spent yesterday tidying up.

Sora gripped onto her bag tightly as she wondered down the large halls, evading students, to get to the library. Her brown hair was tied up in a bun to keep it from distracting her by falling past her honey coloured eyes. Once she made it to the library, she started walking past shelves and pupils until she saw a small group of kids all sitting at a table. Her friends.

A smile broke out onto her face as she slipped into the seat next to them all and everyone greeted her. "What took you so long?" Saya complained as she brought out a load of paper and handed some to Sora," We got here like two minutes before you!" Sora chuckled at the dyed pink haired girl's behaviour before shrugging her shoulders.

"We all know I'm not as fast as you two and I'm smaller," She reasoned before looking over at Kota who was already writing the homework," You okay Kota?" The black haired girl raised her head slightly and murmured a slight yes before going back to the work. Her glasses almost slipped off her face but she quickly pushed them back up.

Leaning down, Sora grabbed her bag and unzipped it to find her pencil case. Once she had it, she took out a pen and wrote the date on her paper. "Why is Shiota-Sensei so odd?" Saya complained as she dropped the pen and ruler she was holding," Like, who gives homework on the second day of class?"

Sora stifled a laugh at her friends attitude," Most teachers do, Saya. I think she's odd because of this whole assassination thing she keeps going on about." Kota looked up from her work and raised an eyebrow at the two girls. "You do realise Shiota-Sensei is a boy, right?" She asked and the other two snapped their heads in her direction.

"What? No way! How do you know?" Saya questioned loudly, earning a shush from the librarian who sat a few desks off.

"Because he called himself a boy yesterday when we were all skipping class. You know when Kamin was going on about how terrible he was and Shiota-Sensei came from around that tree? He said it then," Kota explained before starting to write again. The two other girls shared a look before Saya started to complain again," You can't just go back to writing after dropping a bomb just like that!"

[English - Italics]

The bell went an hour later, signalling lunch was over and time for class again. Everyone was back in the classroom and Nagisa stood up from behind the desk. "For foreign language this year, I'll be teaching you all English. We'll start off with something easy and practicing how to say 'My name is' and then your name. Does that sound good?" A few students nodded and he took that as a sign to continue teaching.

A few minutes passed of Nagisa telling everyone how to pronounce the words until he called upon one of the pupils. "Kota, can you please show everyone how to say the sentence?" Nagisa asked as he let go of the chalk he was holding and faced the girl. The black haired girl pushed her glasses further up her nose before standing up and clearing her throat.

"Me na-name es Kota Ura," She spoke before sitting back down, an apparent blush on her cheeks for realising she messed up slightly.

Nagisa let out a small smile but clapped his hands together. "That was close Kota, thank you for giving it a go! Can anyone tell me where she went wrong?" A boy at the back of the class raised his hand slightly," Yes Arashi?" The light brown haired student stood up before speaking.

"She pronounced 'my' and 'is' wrong. It is meant to sound like 'My name is'," Arashi said before slipping back into his seat as Nagisa nodded. The blue haired boy then wrote on the board how to spell the small phrase before turning back to face his students.

"I now want all of you to practice writing this down in your book so you know how to spell it. If you want to, you can also write how you pronounce each letter underneath once you've got the hang of saying it," He told them before sitting down himself and opening up his planner to see what the next lesson was meant to be about. He internally groaned once he heard Kamin shouting out and lifted his head.

"Kamin do us all a favour and shut up and get on with your work. Some people are trying to focus," He watched as the boy sat back down with a huff before going back to what he was doing.

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