Q&A |1|

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Holla mi amigos. Que tal?

 Que tal?

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Hey bros. How's y'all doing? This is the Q&A I only got a few questions asked for so sorry if it's quite short.

My brain is just dead from school at the moment so I can't really write a chapter. It's actually painful to write drafts for other stories I'm planning on publishing in a few months or weeks. Haven't exactly figured out when.

But hey, if you like Harry Potter and are absolutely in love with Fred Weasley you might have an interest. Idk tho, already wrote almost ten chapters so somebody better like it.

Anyway, here's the Q&A no one asked for. Maybe I'll add some facts in at the bottom to make this seem more interesting.


1. From @SongTheDuck
Ducks or Chickens?

First of all, how dare you make me chose between these two creatures. I'd have to go with chickens cuz like I have had bad memories where a whole flock of ducks surrounded my brother and I because we had bread. If we stepped off the bench they would peck at us until all our food was gone. Very dramatic.

2. From @booknerd4leo

A) What's your favourite thing about teaching?

Hmm...There's a lot of thing I love about my job. All my students are great and most don't seem to hate me either. Considering they are in the lowest class, I love seeing their faces when they receive tests with higher than average scores for them. While it is a pain to mark, the end result is definitely worth it. It encourages and gives my students confidence.

B) What's your favourite thing about Karma?

My favourite thing about Karma is probably his loyalty. He could've chosen any person out there, leave me at any moment he desired or cheat on me behind my back. Instead though he doesn't and I really admire him for that. Although I love everything about my boyfriend, well, apart from the fact that at every opportunity he gets he showing photos of me cross dressing to anyone!

C) If one of your students manage to 'kill you' what then happens? Like, do they pass the grade no matter what their actual grades are or you just doing it to motivate them to do their work?

In fairness, when I first came up with the idea I didn't know what I was thinking. Though, if one of my students do manage to get me into a position where it would 'kill me' and I couldn't get out they would not pass a grade. Despite me trying to motivate them, I couldn't be a proper teacher if I let them pass that easily. As for the latter, it is for the motivation but not to do their work. It's more to show what striving for a goal really feels like and how you have to work towards it to achieve what you want.

3. From @PSSJGamer
Why don't you make Nagisa teach them how to Naruto run?

Nagisa once overheard a few of his class talking about Naruto Running into Area 51 and since that day he swore to never teach these children how to do it. They could never learn the secret. He wouldn't tell them in fear of loosing a student.


1. Hogwarts Houses. I'm pretty sure every fandom has sorted their characters into houses from the Harry Potter fandom at some point.

Is it just me who thinks Nagisa would be in Slytherin? Like he's ambitious (I'm going off the personalities I've created for my book, don't come at me) with trying to teach the students, cunning with the whole 'kill me' thing and can be very mysterious.

Karma would definitely be in Ravenclaw according to this book. He's a lawyer which you have to be smart to do, very quick-witted and I'd feel as he'd be the person to cry if a character died in a book.

2. I only plan on there being like 35-45 chapters in this book. After the school trip they're basically in the endgame now. So expect a lot of sudden turns.

3. After this book I plan to take a break for a month or two before publishing a new book.

4. I know Karma's parents weren't very close with him in cannon but I couldn't dare to give both my children sad coming out experiences. Thus, the bet was invented.

5. Nagisa views most of the pupils he teaches as his children. Like if someone tried to hurt them he'd definitely get involved and try to stop that shit.

6. I had planned on the E Class being more involved with the story but that just kinda made it too complicated and I'm already suffering enough.

7. When I showed my irl friends how many reads this book had gotten one pointed out how noncey the title sounded but I was already in too deep to change it by then.

8. I do plan on getting a few characters together and some will just be plain out angst so don't come at me.


Well, hope you enjoyed that. Sorry for not updating more but I barely have anytime for anything anymore with it being a big year in my school life.

Hopefully an update will come out in the next week or so. Until then, uh bye.

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