|35| "The Law"

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Karma was fuming. His face was partly red and his fists were clenched tightly, nails digging into the skin. "That-! That dick!" The redhead shouted out, cussing the principal of the school," Can he really not have someone who likes the same gender working at his school? It is too much to ask for?"

Nagisa didn't say anything as he watched his boyfriend get even more angry by the second, whole heartedly agreeing with what was being said. He was lucky to be able to find a job so quickly and was accepted without a second thought.

The redhead got to his feet, a new and different glint in his eyes. A look of determination and want. "Karma, what are you going to do?" Nagisa asked carefully, knowing the taller man could act rash when he desired to.

"I'm going to fucking change the law," Karma stated proudly, clenching one hand into a fist and holding it up," Then you can get your job back and one day we could get married!" The short blue haired man blushed furiously at those last few words but immediately shook his head in denial.

"How the hell are you going to do that?" Nagisa spoke up, an inside tone in his voice," Do you realise how hard it'll be to change the law of the goddamn country? You'll need a lot of help and possibly money."

Karma flopped back onto the sofa and rubbed his forehead tiredly. "I have to try," He muttered.


The whole class sat in silence as they waited for the minutes to pass by until their detention was up. They couldn't fall asleep or talk, curtesy to Iida-Sensei threatening to give them more detentions or speak personally with the headmaster. Normally they wouldn't mind this, being the bottom class and all, but after all they has learnt from Shiota-Sensei it made them want to be better. He made them want to be better people than they already were.

Seira fidgeted with the rubber in her hand, slowly picking it apart to entertain herself. Occasionally she found herself staring to the side of her where her friend sat, just looking at him and it made her heart pound. Adverting her eyes, she focused on the blank board which their dark blue haired teacher had recently cleaned. She could hear the ticking of the clock as the hands slowly moved until their teacher finally stood up from behind his desk.

"Okay class," Tenya Iida announced," Your detention is over. Go before I decide to give out another." Everyone quickly scrambled out of the room like a bunch of ants. Seira ran a hand through her long black hair with a groan as a few of her friends walked up to her.

She smiled slightly as they exited the school building. "Can you believe Shiota-Sensei is gone?" She sighed," Aw, man." Ruka frowned as she clutched her bag, waving goodbye to her sister that was having a sleepover at a friends.

"I know," Kei said as he looked down at his friends," What surprised me was the fact we all got a detention because Yuki asked why Iida-Sensei was off." Searen chuckled quietly as he heard those words.

"Maybe it was a really embarrassing problem he had," The white with pink ends haired offered with a small grin," Like, I dunno. An STD?" Seira snorted, covering her face with her hands in an attempt to not laugh as the awful joke.


"Are you okay, Nagisa?" Raiko Yumiko asked the smaller man as she found him blanking out. Her emerald eyes held a glint of worry in it for her new worker. The blue haired man blinked and looked up to see his co-worker.

He closed the book he was holding and smiled sheepishly. "I'm fine, Raiko. Just got something on my mind, that's all," He replied, standing up and slotting the item back onto the shelf where it belonged," There's barely any customers today."

Raiko nodded glumly," Yeah, normally this is one of our best days. Anyway, I find talking helps get things off your mind. You don't have to tell me anything if you don't feel like it." She glanced at him, doubting Nagisa would actually tell or say anything to her.

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. The silence was too much, filling the atmosphere of the room as the two workers stared each other down. "I-It's just, I only lost my job a few days ago and I'm missing it. Well, not really but I miss the kids I taught. They were great, you know," Nagisa spoke so quietly Raiko has to strain her ears to be able to listen to the words that came out of his mouth.

"If you don't mind me asking, Nagisa. Why did you loose your job?" The blonde woman asked as she tapped her nails against the counter of the register.

A shiver ran down the blue eyed man's body as he replayed the reason, not completely sure if he should tell the woman who hired him the reason. "If I do tell you, promise you won't fire me?" As he said that sentence, Nagisa smiled warmly as the girl.

"What? Did you murder someone or something?" Raiko giggled at her own joke but seeing the look on his face she immediately shut up," You didn't? Right?"

"I have a...boyfriend. We've been together for four years," Nagisa muttered out, staring at the floor the entire time he spoke," P-Please don't fire me." A few moments passed of no one saying anything.

The short blonde haired woman grinned widely at her new worker," Why would I fire you for having a boyfriend? That's a pretty stupid thing to do!"


Yo bros, I got another chapter done. Whoooo!

It's ma birthday in 10 days so I'm pretty fricking excited. Sorry if I don't update for a while because of this and school.

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