|32| "School Trip: Part six"

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To say the boy was nervous was an understatement. He was absolutely terrified. Why had he agreed to do this? All because Saya and Sora had pushed him to. The boy was that great of friends with the two girls but they clearly saw the looks he shot at their friend, Kota. They clearly saw that he liked her. It wasn't as if he was embarrassed, but he was.

That's how he ended up standing in front of the girl he liked with a small gift in his hands and a rare blush coating his face, words coming out in a jumbled mess and stuttering here and there. "What is this?" Kota raised an eyebrow at the small wrapped present that the taller boy was offering her, suddenly suspicious of his behaviour. She was already confused when two days ago he began to speak to her a lot more, helping and aiding the girl.

"J-Just open i-it," He hurried it into her hands. The girl quickly took it and pushed her glasses further up the bridge of her nose. She started to open it, feeling the gaze of the blue eyed boy on her.

Tearing open the paper, she saw a black box sitting in the palm of her hand. Frowning, Kota pulled off the lid and a gasp escaped her mouth. "Why did you get me this?" The black haired girl asked. In the box was a silver chain and in the middle lay a blue stone that was hanging from it. It looked expensive and most likely was with how intricate the detail actually was.

"Because I kind of like you?" Arashi muttered out, almost in a questioning tone. Kota furrowed her eyebrows at the confession, remembering all the times he had challenged her unofficially to work in school but then all the times the boy in front of her had been so caring and kind to her.

Her bottom lip quivered as she tried to come up with a response. "This isn't some dumb prank, is it?" Kota asked as she lifted up the beautiful necklace. Arashi quickly shook his head, hands clasping.

"No, no!" He almost shouted out before speaking yet again," Do you like it?" The black haired girl nodded wordlessly and her eyes never left the jewel in her hand, spinning it around carefully.

"Do you, um, maybe want to go on a date sometime?" The brunette boy finished his confession, never feeling so scared in his entire life," It's okay if you don't want t-!"

He was quickly interrupted," Sure."


It was the last day of the school trip, everyone packing up to go back home and to their normal, daily lives. Over the course of the school trip, the class had been taught how to defend themselves and also more about nature and hiking.

Nagisa felt the smile drop off his place as the made their way to the hill, realising he might not be coming back here for a long time. The man had loved every second being up on the mountain, often having flashbacks of Koro-Sensei helping class 3-E. Hinano had wished them a safe journey and goodbye only ten minutes ago up there as she had to work later in the day.

"Sensei, are you okay?" Sora asked as her and her two friends walked over to him with a confused look on their faces," You seem to be really upset." The blue haired man broke out of his trance as noticed that a lot of his students were shooting him small glances before quickly looking away.

Nagisa rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm fine, Sora. Thanks for asking though," He replied before Saya exclaimed something.

"Did you know that Kota and Arashi are together?" The pink haired girl squealed as she patted the back of Kota, a grin wide on her face. The teacher blinked before grinning at the girl with glasses.

"That's great Kota," Nagisa said before realising they had reached the bottom of the mountain and turned to face the rest of the class," Okay class! Listen up. We'll be heading towards the train station now so please don't venture off or leave the group. Our train leaves soon so let's hurry up!"

Karma quickly walked over with a sly grin on his face," Will I have to monitor a group again?" The blue haired man's smile dropped as he remembered what happened on the way before letting out a sigh.

"Yeah, but please can you not show them anymore phots?" Nagisa asked as they started their walk to the train station. The redhead thought for a few seconds before nodding.

He then leaned close to Nagia's ear and whispered," But only because I love you."


Nagisa found himself tired beyond belief after he finally relaxed once he got home. Karma was also worn out. The school trip had been lovely but also hectic at the same time, with trying to teach kids and also make sure they follow the rules that had been set for them.

Rin chuckled at the two before walking into the sore bedroom (aka her temporary one) and flopping on the bed, pulling out her phone. She looked at the notification before letting out a groan, realising she would have to get back up and go out shopping. It was Kieko's birthday in a few days and school starts soon.

The brunette let out a loud groan before forcing herself to her feet and looking around on her desk for some money. Quickly spotting it, Rin picked it up and let her room. She glanced at sofa which just had two lumps of blue and red on, one snoring, before finding a pen and some paper to write a note.

Nagisa and Karma,
        Going out to get a birthday present for Keiko. Be back soon and I'll buy some chicken nuggets if you want. I know you ate them all already Karma!


Yo my bros. I got a shitty chapter done but i don't care. How are y'all? Anything interesting happening today?

Someone tell me what happened to his hair? I thought it was a cool mullet and then he goes and cut it off and looks like this? How can he be Steve with this thing?

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Someone tell me what happened to his hair? I thought it was a cool mullet and then he goes and cut it off and looks like this? How can he be Steve with this thing?

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