|19| "Support"

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Rin blinked a few times before rubbing her eyes. She quickly re-read the text her older brother had sent her. Her bottom lip wobbled slightly as she tried to stop the tears falling from her eyes. It was useless though.

Kazu : Hey Rin, I've just gotten a text from our parents explaining that you've left home and are gay. Before you assume anything, I fully support you and don't care what mother and father think. However, our parents do not think the same. They've told me to say to you that you cannot go back home or see Ko again, saying you'll give your brother ideas about what is right and wrong. If you don't have a place to stay you can always crash here at my apartment.

Rin : Thanks for telling me. I would love to stay at yours but I know it's hard to pay rent and feed yourself at the moment since you're so busy with collage. Plus, my teacher is letting me stay with him so I'm fine.

Kazu : Okay Rin. Just be careful around him, you barely know anything about him. I don't want him to hurt or rape you.

Rin : He's gay and living with his boyfriend, I think I'll be fine. ఠ_ఠ

She was happy, so happy, that someone who shared her blood loved her no matter what. The girl continued walking towards the apartment she was currently staying in while a few stray tears ran down her face.

As soon as she entered, a concerned look was shot from Nagisa but the girl only ignored the blue haired man and went straight to the guest bedroom which she had been staying in for the time being. Rin shut the door behind her before collapsing onto the soft bed with a quiet laugh. Bringing her phone out again, the brown haired girl scrolled through her contacts - meaning to call her older brother - when she saw a name. Ruka Deik.

A small blush grew across her cheeks and Rin was tempted to press call and tell her the good news, heck she wanted to celebrate for the whole world to hear. To let someone know that a part of her family still loved her for herself. A few silent seconds passed by were the short brown haired girl considered her options before making a quick decision and pressed the call button.

A ring rang out through the room and she held the phone up to her ear. It was then the doubts started to run at a million miles per hour through her brain. Ruka was probably busy - maybe hanging out with a partner or friends - and that she wouldn't want to be disturbed now. Now that she thought about it, the two had only spoken a few times through the few months of their final year in high school.

Just as she was about press cancel the ringing stopped and a voice spoke out," Hello?" It was Ruka's. Rin but her bottom lip tightly with fear that the other girl would be angry with her.

"Hi, it's Rin," The brown haired girl squeaked out just above a whisper.

"Hey Rin!" Ruka's voice was filled with recognition," How you doing? Why'd you call me? Got a girlfriend?" The long brown haired girl teased the short haired one but immediately stopped when she didn't hear a laugh.

"I'm fine and no I didn't get a girlfriend," Rin muttered out as a blush still continued to spread over her whole face," I just wanted to tell you about coming out, since you are one of the only people who know I'm gay."

"How'd it go? I remember when I came out it was tough for a few months and my mother refused to believe me, saying I was going through a phase and it would be over soon. But she got over it eventually," Ruka admitted and the girl on the other side of the call could hear the slight hurt in her tone.

Rin sighed loudly," It went terrible. I ran away and am currently staying at a friends. The only person who accepts me is my older brother, my younger is under my parents influence."

"I'm so sorry," The other sympathised," It'll turn out okay. At least you have your brother, that's someone rather than none. And this friend must be really nice to let you crash there. Feel free to come around to mine anytime."


Nagisa walked into class the next morning with a wide grin overtaking his features, as if nothing could ruin his mood. He went up to the front of class and turned to face everyone. "Hello class, at the end of this week is when the acting project will take place so please finish up anything you need to do," He started as he placed his bag down by his chair," Today, however, we will be spending the first two lessons on practice with your groups. You can start now."

Immediately, everyone started moving towards who they were working with. Ruka jumped to her feet, grabbing the back of her chair and dragging it across the classroom to reach Rin. The girl didn't notice her until she sat down in front of her. "Hey Hermia," Ruka mused with a grin on her lips.

"Hi Lysander," The other replied with as she looked up from the doodling she was doing on a random piece of paper she found in the back of her book.

It was then Kei and Daiki strolled over to the two, both with their own chairs. As soon as they sat down, the small group of four began to work together to improve the small scene from the play they had chosen to act out.


Hey my amigos. How's life? Hope it's treating you okay 👌

Anyway, thanks for 10k! And almost 11k at the moment I'm writing this! What do you want me to do for 10k? Please give me some ideas or I'll just leave it and bother you again at 20k (if this book ever reaches it).

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