|5| "It's your turn now"

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Once they managed to calm Keiko down, Jurou stood up. He readjusted his glasses before sighing," I can speak four languages." Most people looked impressed and Nagisa smiled widely, knowing it would be a valuable skill for assassinations.

Arashi was up next and he smiled slightly," Erm...I used to do gymnastics so I'm really athletic now." He dropped back into his seat and leaned back, not listening to the rest of the lesson.

Keiko angrily got to her feet, still mad about what Kamin had said earlier," I'm breaking up with Kamin." The boy jumped to his feet, a shocked look on his face, before Keiko shot him a smirk. "You were dared to kiss me, not date me for a year," She continued before sitting back down. Most of the students let out a ooo before the boy shot them all glares.

Daiki slowly stood up next, feeling awkward with what had just happened, and looked at Nagisa. The blue haired man only nodded for him to continue. "Uh...I work out everyday. That's it," He quickly spoke before slumping back down into his seat with a sigh of relief.

Yori stood up after and ran a hand through his hair," I'm really good at hacking."

Another boy stood up now, Yuki. He smiled warmly to everyone before speaking," I don't actually have golden eyes, they're contacts. My eye colour is actually green but I prefer to have a different colour." Most people shared a look of shock, knowing Yuki for a year or so and he always had golden eyes.

A girl with white hair got to her feet and said," I can pretty much beat you all in every sport." Kiya smirked widely before sitting back down and crossing her arms, seeing the annoyed looks of some of her peers.

The last student, Searen, stood up and stared blankly at everyone," Welcome to the Black Parade is a good song." With that, he sat back down and most people looked quite confused. Seira turned around with a smirk and shot him a thumbs up, agreeing.

Next, all the students looked over to their short blue haired teacher. He chuckled nervously before saying," Let's get this over with quickly." Everyone broke into smiles, wanting to get to know their teacher better. Especially with this whole assassination thing.

Sora put her hand up first with a huge smile," Sensei, what's your first name?" Nagisa smiled slightly at the so simple question before replying," Nagisa." The brown haired girl nodded her head.

More kept asking questions and Nagisa was always replying as honest as he could get. "What is this whole assassination thing about?" Kamin asked as he crossed his arms grumpily, a deep frown never leaving his features.

The blue haired man laughed but inside he was panicking. He had been sworn to secrecy by the Government themselves, what was he meant to say? "Erm...I thought it would be a cool idea." Another hand shot up into the air, not bothering to wait for permission to speak, and Yori said," Sure, that's why you're so good at everything we throw at you. Why don't you tell us? Why can't you?"

Nagisa visibly gulped when suddenly he was saved by the bell," Look at that class! I'll see you all tomorrow and you can have all your homework scores back!" He quickly gathered them all up and stuffed them inside his bag before rushing out the classroom before any of the students could. He ran out the school, knowing his students would probably follow to try get answers, when a very familiar car pulled up on the road before him.

Karma stuck his head out the window and shouted," Hurry the hell up Nagisa or we'll be late for the movie!" He nodded and jumped in the car, throwing his bag onto the backseat of the car and buckled up. As the car started to drive, Nagisa looked out the window and sure enough all his students stood looking at him.

"Dammit, I cant believe we let him get away without answering our question!" Saya complained as she turned back to face the rest of her peers. She then turned to face the quiet boy who never spoke in class," Yori, you said you're good at hacking. Maybe you could get more information about Shiota-Sensei for us?"

Everyone turned to look at the white haired boy and he only stared at the ground," I'll have a look for you." With that, everyone let out a cheer before going off in different directions. Yori walked glumly home, how could've he got himself stuck in his situation? Shaking his head, the 16 year old boy unlocked his house and walked through, not nothing to go to the kitchen and say hello to his mother.

Once he got to his room, Yori sat down in front of his laptop and began typing. When he first typed in Nagisa Shoita, nothing came up. It was like their teacher didn't exist until a news article popped up. The white haired boy immediately clicked on it.

Students held hostage by alien creature

Only last night, the whole of Japan found out about the students who were being held hostage by an alien creature. These were Class 3-E of Kunigigaoka Junior High School. The Government managed to contain the creature upon a mountain near the school, where apparently this alien taught his students, and kill it.

"Koro-Sensei didn't do nothing wrong! He's a great teacher and would never hurt any of us!" One student, who would like to remain anonymous, said on the night and the rest of the class agreed. This alien had threatened them so it wouldn't get caught and currently all parents of these children are adjusting to the information that their child was being held hostage for a whole year without them knowing. The Principal of the school let us quote him on," This creature was threatening all the teachers who knew about him to keep secrecy or die."

Yori scrolled down a bit further and saw when it was published. 7 years ago. Why would this appear under Shiota-Sensei's name? Was he somehow involved in this? The white haired boy looked at who published the article, Local Japan News. After taking a few photos of it on his phone, the boy began searching and hacking.

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