|36| "People like us?"

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"I've done it, Nagisa!" Karma shouted proudly as he opened the door to the apartment, walking straight past Rin," I told you I would try and I'm well on my way to doing so!" Nagisa opened one eye at the sudden loud noises filling the small living space and used his free hand to rub his eyes. His other grabbed the tv remote and paused the series he was watching on Netflix as his boyfriend entered the room.

"What is it Karma? You just scared Rin half to death!" The blue haired man said with an exasperated tone in his voice, his head pointing at the short brunette haired girl that had almost dropped a few books her new teacher had supplied them with. The teenager quickly scurried away to her room, realising she wasn't apart of the conversation that was about to take place.

The redhead smirked as he placed his briefcase on the coffee table and immediately opened it, pulling out a beige file that didn't look full at all. He flipped it open and grabbed a single sheet that had a picture and loads of writing on it. Karma handed it to his boyfriend silently.

There was a picture of two woman, both with wide smiles and one holding up a peace sign. The one making the sign had dark black hair that reached past her shoulders and bright blue eyes, she stood a little shorter than the other woman beside her. The other woman had dyed pink fluffy hair that looked to be naturally curly and a pair of dark green eyes, she slightly towered over the shorter woman.

Nagisa quickly moved onto the writing below the picture and raised his eyebrows at what he was reading, suddenly realising how serious Karma was being about the conversation they had a few days ago.

I'm Diane and I'm 29 years old. I met my girlfriend when we were in college and we got together when I was 24. For years, we have tried to get married with our whole family backing us up to try win the court over. However, we were never once successful and are currently trying to adopt a child from an orphanage. Despite never getting married (and we doubt we ever will) we made promises to stay together, our bond means the world to us and we would love to get married. We are human too, you know?

The blue eyed man rubbed his eyes. He couldn't believe what he was reading. "Karma? You are actually serious about this?" Nagisa asked, his voice barely reaching above a whisper," I-I never thought you were being..." The man ended up trailing off, not finishing his sentence.

"Nagisa, I love you and one day I want to marry you," At those words the shorter blushed furiously," While it may not be for a while, when I propose to you I'd like to not go through all this then. Gives us a bit less pressure, you know?" Karma smirked as he found a place on the sofa.

The man picked up another piece of paper out of the file and handed it to his boyfriend. There were another two women on it but this time a small girl stood in between them on the photo. One woman had black hair in a pixie cut with green eyes, a tattoo clearly visible on her arm that she had wrapped around the young girl's shoulder. The other woman had blonde hair that was tied up into a messy bun, blue eyes and a thin line running across her cheek that looked to be a scar. Finally, the young girl (who seemed to be around 13 years old) had black hair that was cut into a bob and dark brown eyes.

I'm Jamie Brooks and I am currently 31 years old. My girlfriend is 30 and we have been friends since childhood. When I came out to my parents at 15 she was one of the only people who accepted me and we began dating at 17 when she came out as bisexual. When we were 24 and 23 we both moved into a house together and wished to get married ever since. Despite the fact we couldn't, we decided to adopt three years ago a ten year old girl. We're hoping this case will be considered as we want to be able to live our life freely.

"There hasn't been anything confirmed yet since I only sent through the appeal today before I left work but I'm hoping something will come back in the next week or so," Karma scratched the back of his head nervously, hoping that the blue haired man would see this as a good thing he was trying to do for them and not trying to pull any pranks or jokes. He was serious this time.

Nagisa only stuttered out," I-I, Karma is this real?" The redhead felt his heart clench against his will.

"Yeah, I wouldn't even pull a joke about this. I know we're still too young to be thinking about marriage, being 22 and all, but I want the option to be available to us when we do want to in the future," The taller explained. Nagisa felt something wet slip down his cheek and brought up a hand to touch it. It was a tear.

He sniffed before dropping the papers with the information on them and wrapping his arms around Karma's neck and pulling him down slightly. The mercury eyed man let out a choked gasp of surprise as his boyfriend pulled him into an embrace. A few seconds passed before he found himself relaxing and letting out a chuckle, patting the blue haired man's head.

"Calm down Nagi, there's no need to get all teary eyed about it," Karma whispered into his ear, bringing his own arms around the small figure that was latched onto him. Nagisa could feel more tears escaping his eyes.


Wow, it's been a while. Hasn't it?

Sorry for updating so late but I've been busy with school, homework, life, family and loads of other stuff. Writing has never been my top priority out of all the things in my life but it's considerably moved down after a wreak of a week I've had to go though.

By the way, I just want you readers to know I have no idea what I'm talking about with the whole law and getting a case into court so please don't think I know what I'm talking about.

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