|41| "Tears"

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Rin regretted moving out with her brother. That was to say the least. She could easily tell he cared about her wellbeing and loved her yet it wasn't like they interacted much. He was always busy working or out drinking with his friends, coming back late into the night and accidentally waking the younger up with his drunkenness.

The brown haired girl sat in the passengers seat of the cheap car Kazu could barely afford. He was a college student so it made sense. "Thanks for giving me a lift," She muttered, careful to try not make his head hurt more than it already did. The older only waved his hand dismissively.

"It's fine. You're gonna have to come home by yourself tonight because I have a tutor session," Her brother replied tiredly with. Rin nodded silently before opening the car door and getting out, shifting it behind her. He immediately drove away, leaving Rin all alone.

She sighed before heading in the direction of her school, wanting nothing more than to miss the day and maybe get into a fight instead. It just so happened to be her lucky day when a boy who had to be at least a year older than her bumped into her.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" He shouted in her face, spitting on her. Rin's lips turned down as she brought up a hand to wipe away the saliva. The boy then pushed her shoulders slightly, as if to tell her to back off.

"Don't you fucking touch me again or I'll kill you," The shooter growled with a menacing glare on her face. He looked down at her and laughed, before getting promptly hit in his stomach. The boy coughed as a string of blood left his mouth, hands clutching his stomach as he stumbled back.

Rin then proceeded to kick him in the shin, making him fall to his knees. Punching him in the jaw, she smiled when hearing a sickening crack. "Rin? What the hell are you doing?" A shocked voice came from behind her.

The girl spun around and saw Ruka standing there, a look of confusion in her eyes. "Ugh," The boy let out a groan before stumbling back to his feet. Rin turned back around to him and was about to hit him again but the other girl grabbed onto her arm to stop her.

"What are you doing?" Rin huffed but didn't want to fight against Ruka's hold. Neither of them noticed the older boy about to hit her.

"Why are you fighting with him? Schools starting so-!" Suddenly, Ruka stopped speaking and pushed Rin down to the floor. The latter always about to shout out when she saw her crush get hit in the face.

The boy chuckled slightly before turning around. Rin quickly got up and helped Ruka to her feet, not bothering to try find the boy and get revenge. She had to be there for her friend.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" Rin asked as the other let out a groan of pain.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. What about you?" Ruka replied as she rubbed the back of her head," He didn't hurt you, right?" Rin shook her head and was about to speak when she felt pressure against her lips. Her eyes widened at seeing her friend kissing her. A warm, bubbly feeling took over her stomach. Ruka brought her hands up to Rin's face before placing them gently on her cheeks.

They broke apart a good few seconds later, both blushing madly as they look at each other. "I-I umm, what?" Rin blurred out, flustered and confused," Did we just kiss? For real?" Ruka let out a short giggle before nodding, a shy smile on her face.


Rin had been in high spirts all day. She felt as if she was on cloud nine. As if nothing was in her way anymore. That kiss had changed everything. Then, the girl accidentally bumped into someone. She groaned internally hoping it wouldn't turn out like it did in the morning.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry! Rin?" It was Saya, Ruka's twin sister.

"Hi Saya, what you up to?" The brunette asked with an awkward smile, not really knowing what to say. The two had barely even talked to each other, despite her being friends with her sister.

The pink haired girl grinned," Nothing much. Just going down to the store to grab some snacks. I'm watching a movie with Ruka and her girlfriend back at our place. You wanna join us?"

Just like that, the girl's world came crashing back down. She froze, having no idea what to respond with. Eventually, Rin got out a," Uhh, I'm already b-busy so thanks, but no thanks. H-Have a great night though."

She quickly turned her back on Saya, walking away. Rin wrapped her arms around herself as she felt a few tears roll down her face. She tried to hold in her sobs as much as possible, soon giving up and letting everything out. It didn't stop for a long time. Trying to wipe them away, Rin used her hands but it just spread them across her cheeks.

The girl couldn't hear the footsteps coming closer until she heard a," Rin?" Looking up slightly, her eyes widened at seeing the two people she least expected to see. Nagisa and Karma.

"What happened?" The blue haired man asked as she sat next to her on the bench she had taken refuge on in the local park. The taller mercury eyed man took a place on the other side of her and wrapped an arm over there shoulders.

Karma quickly spoke up," Anyone I need to beat up?" Nagisa shot him a slight glare, trying to calm down the teenager to the best of his ability.

Rin let out a sad chuckle," I've missed you two so much." The boyfriends attempted a smile in return, they had all missed each other dearly.

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