|37| "Sensei?"

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"Why do we have to buy a book? They're so boring!" Seira groaned loudly as her friends and herself entered a small, quaint bookshop in town. It was called 'Heather & Willows Bookstore' and to be honest, it did look really calm. All the different coloured books stacked on shelves for some reason had a satisfying effect on the black haired girl. She shoved her hands in her pockets and adverted her eyes to see who else was currently in this shop.

A few customers were around, some scanning through books while others tried to find a certain one. A blonde haired woman was also behind the counter, a kind and heart-warming smile gracing her face.

"Don't be such a spoil sport, Seira!" Saya giggled as she twirled a pink piece of hair around one finger," You never know, this could be pretty cool. Maybe there is a crime bookshelf around here somewhere!" The twin of Ruka had a slight obsession with crime stories, it only being a recent development.

Arashi ran a hand through his hair at seeing the amount of books that filled the relatively small store, a look of surprise showing on his face. His girlfriend stood next to him, her eyes twinkling and Kota almost felt like leaving everyone behind and grabbing the nearest book.

The class had been given homework, a whole essay about World War 1 and how the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand could have been one of the many triggers to the start of it, and it had to be completed using books instead of the internet. Normally no one would listen and just use their phones but Iida-Sensei had also said they had to bring in the books to prove they took time and patience to do this piece of work. It was bullshit, really.

However, a few classmates had decided after school to go down to town and search out some stores that could have a few detailed books about the war. Sadly, the one before this didn't have any. There were only two stores too. Saya, Ruka, Kota, Arashi, Seira, Searen and Keiko were the students.

"I'm gonna go ask the person behind the register if she has any," Ruka added in and quickly walked off. Soon, Saya had ran somewhere to find her favourite books and the couple had gone who knows where. Keiko had at one point wandered off trying to find the fiction.

Searen silently walked up to a shelf labelled 'Fantasy' and his index finger slid across all the spines, trying to find a title that sounded interesting. The taller black haired girl came up beside him and watched what he was doing with curiosity. She never knew the tattooed boy had an interest for reading, thinking his whole persona was just emo music and angsty looks. Of course that wasn't all what she thought of him but it was the basics.

"What book are you looking for?" Seira asked quietly, tucking a few stands of hair behind her ear," Maybe I can help you look for it?"

The white haired with pink tips shook his head before dropping his hand. "I wasn't exactly looking. Everyone else just wandered off I didn't know what to do," Searen said.

"You could've talked to me, you know. I am your friend - right?" Seira asked awkwardly, a slight blush covering her cheeks. Searen nodded almost immediately and without hesitation, his cheeks also tinted a bright pink.


Nagisa let out a sigh of relief at making it to work on time that afternoon. He ran a hand through his messed up hair as he entered the shop, heading straight to the counter where Raiko should be and where she was. At first the blue haired man didn't notice the brunette girl in front of the register but as he got closer he recognised one of his stude-old students.

"Thank you for your help and time, Miss," Ruka grinned at the emerald eyed worker as she held a big brown book against her chest," How much will it cost?"

Nagisa immediately went behind the counter and joined Raiko with a wide smile at the teenager. "Sensei?" Ruka almost yelled out in surprise," What are you doing here? I-what?" He laughed.

"Hey Ruka, I work here. Please call me Nagisa now, I'm no longer your teacher," Nagisa's lips turned into a slight frown before turning to face his boss," I'll take over from now, it is my shift." Raiko nodded with a smile before leaving to another part of the store.

Ruka placed the huge book back on the counter and then rubbed her eyes, as if she didn't believe her old teacher would suddenly go to working in a bookshop. "Sen-Nagisa, why are you working here? Why were you fired? Did you do something wrong?" All the questions hit him at once and the man was a bit shocked. He had no idea how to answer half of them, not knowing whether to tell the truth or keep lying like he had done for most of his life.

"Calm down Ruka. I can't answer them all at once."

"Sorry," The 17 year old girl apologised but Nagisa just waved them off absentmindedly.

"Are any of the others here?" The blue eyed man asked, wanting to see some of his other old students. The brunette nodded excitedly and ran off, a few minutes passed, before coming back with six more teenagers (all who which looked confused).

However, as soon as they saw their old teacher their expressions rapidly changed. Ruka dropped them all, letting them out of her grip with a sly grin. Suddenly, all at once the students apart from the brunette shouted out," Sensei!"


Ya like jazz?

Yo bros, sorry for not updating for nearly a month. Been busy with sorting out myself and a load of other things. I've been struggling with my sexual identity (I used to go by Pansexual) but recently realised I am in fact straight.

Just because I went through a phase with my sexuality doesn't mean that it is the same for other people. It isn't a phase for some while it might be for others.

Also schools been a bitch with tests. Like, Physics can go fuck off but oh well.

I've been wondering though, what do you guys think of me? Like not the book but the author meee? How old do you think i am? What do you think I look like? Idk why I'm so interested.

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