|9| "Lying isn't good for the soul"

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Yori stalked quietly to his room, hands shoved into his pockets, while Nagisa silently followed the young boy. Once they made it to his room, Nagisa closed the door behind them and his kind smile immediately turned into a frown. "Care to explain why you were hacking into Government files?" He asked, getting to the point once he turned around to face Yori.

The white haired boy's face changed into one of shock as he flopped back onto his single bed. "How the hell do you know about that?" He froze for a few seconds before replying. Yori hit himself internally for this situation. How had his teacher managed to find out about that?

"You don't need to know that, what I need to know is which ones you looked at," Nagisa pressured with a firm look on his normally soft, kind looking face. The white haired boy's heart increased slightly from panic.

"I-I clicked on a file named 'Koro-Sensei'... then I was immediately kicked off! I swear I didn't see anything on there!" Yori lied as he waved his hands in front of him with panic. His teacher frightened him, after reading the whole file written up about him. How his teacher killed someone! How Nagisa assassinated someone! Heck, Yori was scared for his own well-being!

"Oh, is that it? I'm going to have to ask you to not hack into those files again or the Government will actually have to arrest you. Yori, I don't want that to happen so consider this a warning," Nagisa said.


Yori was sitting in school the next day, shaking. He was still scared stiff because of his teacher. Who knew that someone who looked so innocent and nice could commit a murder? It didn't seem real. There had to be a reason why but he was kicked off the files and computer exploded before he could read any more.

"Hey Yori, you okay?" Daiki, a pupil who didn't often speak up, asked," You look kinda pale." A soft blush scattered on the white haired boy's cheeks and ears.

"I'm fine, weirdo," Yori muttered, turning away from the black haired student, also trying to stop the blush that was randomly heating up his face. Why was he acting like this? Was it just because of what had happened with their teacher? It had to be! He was just feeling a bit out of sorts, that's why he felt hot all over. "I guess," Daiki rolled his eyes at how Yori was acting," Something's obviously wrong with you, so why don't you tell me?"

"Just fuck off you stupid boy!" Yori growled, turning back to face him for a split second yet also failing to see a look of hurt flash through his eyes at the word 'boy'.

"Okay then, just remember lying isn't good for the soul," Daiki huffed before turning around and facing the front of the room once again. The white haired boy almost slapped himself out of stupidity.

Nagisa then walked into the classroom with a bright smile on his lips as he always did, book in hand. "Hi Class, it's Friday so be excited. Today we will be going outside for some physical exercise and I will teach you some defence to protect yourselves," He told everyone before going into attendance. Seira's eyes darted around the room, once seeing their teacher look down at the book, and over to Kei.

She nodded slightly and he stood up, jumped over his desk, and ran straight at the blue haired man with gun and held it in front of him. Pressing down the trigger, a loud boom came from the pistol and Nagisa looked up with shock before dropping to the ground. Seira stood up with her bat and ran up before slamming it down on him. Luckily, the man rolled out the way and onto his feet. Nagisa sprinted at Kei and distracted him by connecting his palm to the boy's forehead, then hitting the gun out of his hand and caught it.

Sensing Seira behind him, he spun around and held the gun in her face accidentally letting a bit of bloodlust out for her to drop the bat on the floor. Suddenly, Yori shot up and yelled," Stop!" Everyone turned to face him and Nagisa raised an eyebrow.

"I wasn't going to hurt your classmate's Yori, there's nothing to be afraid of," He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck.

"No! I know what you've done, you've killed someone! You could hurt any of us within a second! I read the files Sensei! Nagisa Shiota, student of the E class, landed the final blow killing Koro-Sensei! I've read it, I know you're a monster!" He yelled and everyone turned to face their teacher, not expecting this.

"Yori I-I thought you said you didn't read that?" Nagisa stuttered slightly before dropping the gun and stumbling over to his phone. He pressed a few buttons and held it up to his ear, running out the room. Panic clouded his head as he ran out the front of school and saw Karma's familiar car parked up outside.

He slid in the seat and curled up into a small ball, letting his boyfriend stroke his blue hair gently. "What happened?" Karma asked softly and only got a head shaking as a response. Starting up the car, the redhead decided to drive home. "I had to run out of work for you Nagisa, this can't keep happening," Karma sighed but still didn't get a reply and turned his attention back to the road when Nagisa squeaked out a small sentence.

"They know about Koro-Sensei," Nagisa let out a breath," They don't know he was an octopus that could blow up the world, they think he was a normal human I killed. They think I'm a killer!"


Hey people who read this. I'm mwah, the person who never updates this story cuz I've not got a plot! I'm sorry for the lack of updates but it can't be helped! For some odd reason, I have a few friends and it's one of their party's today. You know what that means, socialising! Yay! My favourite! I'm so glad we are just watching Bohemian Rhapsody in the cinema.

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