|45| "Assassination Classroom"

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Today was the day. It was time for Nagisa and Karma to finally see their old classroom after so many years. They had both gotten up early to make sure they could spend a full day with the rest of their old classmates, therefor having to catch a train at ungodly hours.

"Hey Nagisa, I was thinking that at our wedding all the food should just be," A glare was shot in his direction from the blue haired male," Chicken nuggets." There were barely any other people on the train, meaning that the two didn't exactly have to whisper when talking about this.

"I swear to god, what is with you and chicken nuggets?" The shorter groaned, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

"You're telling me you wouldn't like chicken nuggets? I think I'm going to cry!" Karma let his head fall back onto the train wall dramatically, trying his best to ignore the sigh of annoyance that came out his fiancé's mouth.

"No, we can have chicken nuggets but I've been thinking about something."

Karma sat back up, looking worriedly down at the man. He didn't even get to say anything before Nagisa continued speaking. "You know Rin?" Silence settles between them for a few moments," Like, I get she's living with her brother and that now but I can't help but keep thinking about what if she had stayed with us."

"It was her choice," The redhead muttered," But, yeah, I get what you mean. You know, if she hadn't have moved out I was going to ask you if we could adopt her. I know, stupid."

"No it's not stupid. I wanted to as well," Nagisa quickly took his hand and held it tightly," Maybe we should just go ask Rin when we get back." It was meant to be a humourless joke but they both took it seriously.

Karma suddenly grinned," Let's do it."


"Nagisa! Karma! Let me see the ring!" Kayano's shout could be heard in this distance as the two reached the top of the mountain. Her eyes widened when the blue haired man held out his hand, hoping she wouldn't rip his arm off if he did do exactly as she asked.

Karma let out a low whistle as he glanced around, noticing a lot of their old middle school classmates where already here. "Dammit, did everyone get here before us? I was going to set up a few traps and everything too."

"Thank god we got here earlier then," Kanzaki joked as she approached the small group, carrying a bucket full of paint," Oh! Congratulations on the proposal, Karma, Nagisa. Can I come to the wedding?"

"Of course, Kanzaki-san!" The blue haired man grinned at the woman.

"Don't tell me you're gonna drop that bucket on top of one of our heads? Do you want me to carry it instead?" Karma asked slyly, a shit-eating smirk edging its way onto his face. For the two women and man it almost looked as if there were a pair of devil's horns and tail on him, sending shivers down theirs spines.

Kanzaki almost immediately held it as far as possible as she could away from the redhead," No thank you, Karma." Ignoring the pout on his face, she said goodbye before heading towards the classroom building.

"Kanzaki seems a lot more laidback after all these years," Nagisa commented, Kayano nodding along silently," I wonder how much everyone else has changed."

From what seemed out of no where, a hand suddenly lay on top of Karma's shoulder. The simple action almost made him jump, cursing himself internally from not noticing the presence behind him during the time talking with one of their old classmates.

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