|33| "Inquiries"

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Kiya felt confused. She had no idea what to do. Her mind buzzed with thoughts and what to do about the situation at hand. The white haired girl knew she could trust her mother with anything, she always told her what was on her mind and usually she'd get some good advice in return.

So that's what Kiya decided to do. Ask her mother for help or some guidance of what to do with the information she had accidentally acquired. The young girl made her way down the stairs of her home, walking past her younger sister and brother, until she found her mother in the kitchen.

"Hello Kiya, darling," Her mother smiled warmly at her," How can I help you? Do you need new football gloves or something?" The white haired girl shook her head dismissively as she sat down at the small table in the room, her fingers against the wood.

Her mother's black hair fell past her shoulder as she leaned down to get something out of the fridge. "On the school trip, there was something I saw," Kiya started, biting her bottom lip anxiously," I don't know what to do or if I should do anything about it."

"Well, what is it? Maybe I could help," The black haired woman offered her daughter a smile as she closed the fridge door and placing the food on the counter," Is it a boy?"

Kiya immediately shook her head and stuck her tongue out in disgust, flailing her arms about. "Ew, no! What the heck, Mum?" She asked," It's about my teacher." The black haired woman stood up straight and had a stern look on her face.

"No, Kiya. Don't get involved with your teacher no matter how hot he is. When I was in collage I liked to do my English Professor so I wouldn't have to do the homework-!" Her mother started to rant before realising how weirded out she was," That's beside the point. Is he a sexy teacher though?"

The white haired girl furrowed her eyebrows as she shifted uncomfortably in her seat. "No, he looks as if he's in middle school or something. Plus, I-I think he might be gay." That suddenly made her mother stiffen up and she almost looked like a brick wall.

"He's that?" The disgust laced in the black haired woman's tone of voice shocked Kiya, always thinking her mother was a kind and gentle woman," I-I need to phone up the school immediately! Are you sure, darling? How did you find out? Did he try assault a kid in your class?"

Kiya shook her head," On the school trip, I saw him and another person helping (He was his roommate) kissing each other on the cheek. That can be platonic, right though?" Her mother had a crazed look in her purple eyes as she stumbled over to her and sat down in another one of the chairs.

"No, no, no, no! I cannot allow a person like that to teach my daughter. I'll phone your father and we'll go see the principal about this as soon as possible. He'll be able to fix this," The black haired woman muttered to herself, running a hand over her face with tiredness.

Kiya's purple eyes widened," No, mum! It's okay! Shiota-Sensei, he's a real good teacher-!"

"Thank you, Kiya. I was just about to ask for his name," Her mother smiled her usual warm, kind and gentle smile at her before patting her daughter on the head," I'll go inform your father now. Go and look after your siblings please."

The woman made her way out of the kitchen and the white haired girl gulped, only now realising the situation she had put her only good teacher in. She might've just gotten the one person in the school who cared about her class' education fired, and that thought terrified her.


Nagisa walked into work that day with a tired look on his face, still exhausted from the school trip which occurred only a few days ago. He clutched onto his bag as if it was his life source and ability to stay awake as he wondered through the halls to get to his classroom.

As he pushed the door open, the teacher in training was surprised to see the actual real teacher sitting behind the desk. The man had straight blue hair, rectangular glasses and dark blue eyes. He shuffled the papers on his desk before looking up.

"Ah, you must be Nagisa Shiota," The teacher smirked before standing up from the seat," I must congratulate you for being able to contain this horror of a class while I was away. I'm Tenya Iida." The two shook hands awkwardly before Nagisa spoke up, confused about the whole situation.

"Sir, if you don't mind me asking, why are you here? The principal had informed me you wouldn't be in for another few weeks from now. Are you already recovered?" The blue haired man smiled at the taller one.

It was then Tenya shook his head with a grin," Thank you, although I'm sorry to say I'm not fully better yet but I had to be called in after the news got to me about you." Nagisa blinked before furrowing his eyebrows with confusion and suspicion.

"I'm sorry, but what news?" He asked and only received an amused chuckle in return. It was now ten minutes until students would start turning up to lessons and the teacher in training was getting impatient.

Tenya pushed his glasses further up the bridge of his nose," You haven't heard? Principal fired you because one of my students parents reported you being...how do I say this...gay." The man's eyes widened at the information, his legs shaking from it.

"You're joking right?" Nagisa attempted to smile but had a realisation that it most likely came out as a grimace," This is one whole big joke?" The dark eyed teacher shook his head before nodding his head towards the door.

"You should probably go speak to the principal now that I think about it. So you don't disrupt my lesson." With that, Nagisa walked numbly out of the classroom ignoring the confused looks of his pupils.


Yeet yeet brethren. I'm surprised I got another chapter out but here we are and I'm actually kind of feeling okay about this one. I think my writing not the worst it's been but definitely not the best. But beggars can't be choosers.

So, how are you all? I'm feeling so bored with school right now. It's just drilling into my brain and eating it. I need help.

Also I know I used Iida Tenya as a character but it was because I was feeling lazy and couldn't be bothered to make up a new person I'd have to remember for later use in the story.

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