|8| "Yori hacked"

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All the class sat in silence. Their teacher wasn't there, just like they had predicted with the phone call yesterday, but were all sort of excited to see who the other person Nagisa was talking to. A few minutes passed after the bell went until the door slammed open. A man walked in with a woman in tow.

He had black combed back hair and was wearing a professional suit while the woman had long blonde hair tied up in a ponytail, a short skirt and top with a huge bust. They both walked up to the front of the classroom before turning to face the class. "Hello class, my name is Karasuma and this is Irina. We will be teaching you today since your teacher in training is taking time off," The man explained before picking up a small book.

"Sora Tayamaiko."

The brunette got to her feet and held up one hand in the air," Hai!" She then sat back down.

"Seira Fuimji."

The black haired girl couldn't be bothered standing up so she just lazily raised a hand and shouted out," Here."

"Saya Deik."

The dyed pink haired girl jumped to her feet with a bright smile that blinded a few students," Here Sensei!"

"Ruka Deik."

The rest of the names were read out with people replying to them until Karasuma closed the small, thin book and sighed loudly. All the students looked expectantly at the two adults in front of them. "We're here as a replacement for your teacher in training who is busy today," Karasuma informed them all before Irina laughed loudly.

"Nagisa will be back tomorrow so don't worry for your small teacher. Besides that, let's get on to some work!" She smiled widely and looked all around the classroom, noting some looks and stares she received.


"You're telling me that one of my students managed to hack into Government official files for half and hour and was only detected after twenty minutes!" Nagisa shouted as he grabbed onto his short hair, a frown present on his face. His boyfriend only chuckled softly at how he was acting before looking back down at the laptop in front of them.

"Well we could always go down to this address and actually see if he lives there?" Karma suggested before glancing back down at the small blue haired man. Nagisa let out a breath of air his lungs were holding in and calmed down, a short nod followed afterwards. "Okay, if he lives there I'll speak to his parents and talk to him about it," Nagisa whispered a small to do list to himself while the red head next to him shook his head slightly.

"I'm coming with you."

"No you're not! This is my student, not yours Karma!" Nagisa stated but the taller man had a small smirk playing on his lips. "Last time I checked Karasuma set us both up for this so you don't have a choice in the matter."

Nagisa rubbed his forehead before giving in and nodding," Okay. Let's go now."


Karma had parked the car outside the two story house, turning off the ignition before facing his blue haired boyfriend. "It's almost four, doesn't that mean your student will be home by now?" He asked.

Nagisa shook his head slightly with a sigh," Yori normally stays back after school for half an hour to get help on the homework, plus it's another half an hour to walk here." Karma nodded silently before the two got out the car and walked to the front door. The short blue haired man knocked loudly on it a few times and they heard a woman scream something on the other side of the door.

It then swung open and a young woman answered. She had long brown hair that was tied back to avoid getting it in her face and she wore a black apron, making the couple think she had been cooking a few seconds before. "Can I help you two?" She asked, wiping her hands on the apron.

"Hi, does Yori Sasaku live here?" Nagisa asked politely as he bowed," I'm his teacher and I need to have a few words with him about how he's doing in school." The woman's eyes widened before opening the door more and stepping back.

"Come in, Yori isn't home yet but I'm sure he'll be back soon. In the meantime, you can come wait inside. I'm his mother, Lexi." Nagisa and Karma both thanked her before stepping inside the homey place. Lexi led them to the lounge where she told them both to sit before seating herself across from them. "What has my son done now?" She asked with a slight sad look in her eyes.

"Nothing wrong Sasaku, I just need to speak to him about his attitude in class and how he needs to participate more in lessons," Nagisa reassured his students mother with a bright smile.

"Okay, couldn't you have told him this in class? And who's the other person with you? Is this another teacher?" Lexi questioned.

Karma smirked widely before gripping onto the blue haired man's hand," In not a teacher, just his boyfriend." A shocked look passed quickly on Lexi's face but she nodded anyway before facing Nagisa, who looked almost as bright as his boyfriend's hair.

"I didn't want to disrupt the rest of the class and decided to speak with your son outside of school so he wouldn't get embarrassed by everyone else hearing," Nagisa lied with a small smile playing on his lips.

Suddenly, they all heard the front door open and slam shut loudly. "Mum, I'm home!" Yori shouted and dropped his bag onto the floor in the hall before walking into the lounge, immediately coming to a stop when seeing his teacher and another man sitting in there.

"Honey, your teacher wants to talk to you for a bit," Lexi smiled softly.

"I do, can Yori and I speak in private somewhere?" Nagisa asked as he got up from the sofa, dropping Karma's hand. The brown haired woman nodded happily before pointing to the stairs in the corner of the room," Yori, show your teacher to your room."

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