Chapter 2

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It was now the first school day of Hogwarts. Our common room and dorms are on the seventh floor, a little away from the Gryffindor Tower. It's a fairly large room with a fireplace surrounded by chairs, there's a bookshelf and a window seat that looks out onto the Black Lake and The Forbidden Forest. Potter and I didn't speak last night, when I got back from showing the first years to the dungeons he was already in his own dorm.

Anyway I was now walking to the great hall for breakfast before going to Potions. When I got to the Great Hall I sat down at the Slytherin table next to my brother, Narcissa next to him, Regulus and Severus we're across from us. They're all Death Eaters, except for Narcissa. I told my parents I didn't want the dark mark until I graduated but in reality I don't want the dark mark at all, however, I couldn't tell my parents that.

I finished my breakfast and we began walking to Potions. "How's your first day of being Head Girl?" Narcissa asked from beside me. She stayed a little ways back while the boys walked on ahead of us.

"It was good. It's nice having a dorm all to myself, no offense." I said with smile.

"None taken. What about Potter?" She asked.

"What about him? He's a prick who somehow got Head Boy." I rolled my eyes at the question. There's really nothing to it.

"You do know every Head Boy and Head Girl have ended up together, one way or another." She said with a smirk. She's pure evil sometimes but has the innocent looks to hide it.

"That's just pure coincidence. Even if that theory was true, he wouldn't want me anyway. He's got Evans. She looked to be warming up to him in the Prefects carriage yesterday."

"Oh come on, you never know."

We both walked into the classroom and sat together near the back.

Professor Slughorn walked in with his usual cheerful smile. "Good morning class. Today we will be brewing the Draught of the Living Death. I'll be coming around and testing your potions. The best potion will win this," he pulled out a small vial with a gold liquid inside, "Felix Felicis, otherwise known as Liquid Luck. Begin."

I immediately went to go fetch the ingredients. When I got back I set up my cauldron while Narcissa went to fetch her ingredients. I knew this potion by heart, including ways to perfect it. I also knew my biggest competition would be Severus, Evans, and Potter. All three of them are exceptional at Potions.

After I had finished brewing my potions I noticed Slughorn going around checking the potions. Evans didn't do as well as I expected. Potter did very well, though not perfect, Severus almost got perfect, he's still perfecting some of his potions. I noticed him working on his notes yesterday on the train. Finally Slughorn came to our table.

"Perfect!" He exclaimed. He was beaming. "I knew you'd get it Miss Malfoy. Always been my best student. Here, as promised, one vile of Felix Felicis." He handed me the vial he pulled from his robes.

I took the vial and thank him. I turned and grinned at Narcissa who gave me a smile and a thumbs up. She mouthed 'well done'.

"Class dismissed." Slughorn dismissed us. From there we went to the rest of our classes for the day, Transfiguration, DADA, and Charms.

After our last class, Charms, Narcissa and I walked to the Black Lake, we were going to do our homework and spend some time together before we had to go to our separate dorms. We sat down under a tree near the Black Lake, and began our homework.

"How far are you with your essay?" Narcissa asked me.

I looked up from my work and answered her, "Almost done, just need to do the conclusion, why?"

"Oh I just wanted you to check my essay for me." She said with a sheepish smile.

I laughed at her. She's always been shy about asking me for help. She always feels that Slytherin's don't need to ask for help but she knows I'll help her whenever she needs it. "Of course I'll help you. Just let me finish this up first." I said with a warm smile.

"Of course. Thank you." She said with a sigh of relief.

"Malfoy!" I heard someone call. I turned to the source of the voice and found it belonged to Potter. He was with the other Marauders.

"Yes, Potter?" I said with one eyebrow raised in question. He only answered when he got closer.

"We need to meet up to make new schedules for the prefects to do there rounds." He said.

"Okay, will tomorrow afternoon suit you?"

"Perfect." He said with a smile. Ah he's warming up to me. It'll at least make this whole thing less awkward if we were friendlier towards each other.

"Hello Sirius, Lupin, Pettigrew, Potter." Narcissa greeted them.

"Hello Cissy." Sirius greeted in return. She got hello's from the rest of them as well. Narcissa's always been the kind one between us. You see we are complete opposites, she's kind and sweet but cold to those she doesn't trust or did her wrong. I'm usually cold to everyone except those closest to me, which is basically just Narcissa and Lucius. I'm somewhat kind to the other Slytherins, and my parents I'm kind to but I most of the time I have to meet a certain standard and being kind does not fall under that category.

The Marauders left and soon Narcissa and I left for dinner. We got to the Great Hall and sat across from Lucius, Regulus, and Severus.

"Hello Livvy, Cissa." Lucius said with a smile.

"Hello Lucius." Cissa and I replied in unison.

"How was your first day back?" Regulus asked.

"It was great. I won a vial of Felix Felicis in Potions." I said with a smirk. I only said this to annoy Severus, he hates losing.

"Oh shut up Alivia, I was close." Severus grumbled, looking at his plate.

I just laughed. "Not close enough Severus." I shot back, still smirking.

"Okay enough you two, let's eat before dinner's over." Narcissa cut in with a laugh.

I smiled triumphantly. It's so easy to irritate Severus.

Once we finished our dinner I headed to my dorm. Potter was in there sitting by the fire, he appeared to be waiting for someone, but the only people who have access are him and me and prefects during prefect meetings. Seeing as there isn't a prefects meeting taking place he must be waiting for me. But why would he be waiting for me?

"Ah Malfoy, you're back." He said once he noticed me come in. He jumped off the couch to stand infront of me.

"Waiting for me now Potter? I'm flattered." I said with a completely neutral expression.

"Cut the sarcasm Malfoy. I wanted to ask if tomorrow after classes is a good time make the schedules for the prefect rounds."

"It should be good. Where?"

"Library." With that he turned and walked into his dorm. What a lovely conversation. Note the sarcasm. I went to my dorm and changed into my pajamas, which is really just a T-shirt and my underwear, and went to sleep.

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