Chapter 1*

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"Livvy! Wake up!" Lucius shouted in my ear causing me to wake up with a jolt. He can be a real pain sometimes. He started laughing, clutching his sides he exclaimed, "You should've seen your face!"

"What, Lucy?" I asked, annoyed that he woke me up so early. I noticed he had two letters in his hand.

Once Lucius finished laughing he handed me the letters. "Here these came for you in the mail." With that he turned and left.

I looked at the first letter and opened it. Inside were the normal list of requirements for my seventh year. The other letter is also from Hogwarts. Strange. Inside the letter read:

Miss Malfoy,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been chosen as Head Girl for the years 1977-1978. You'll find enclosed the password to your new dorm, and your new badge. You and the Head Boy will need to work together to sort out schedules and handle any minor problems. Your first meeting will be held in the prefects carriage on the Hogwarts express. We wish you the very best and good luck.

Yours sincerely
Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress

Oh my Merlin! I'm going to be Head Girl! I can't believe it. I thought it would be Evans to get Head Girl. I ran downstairs not even bothering to get changed, I was too excited. "Mother! Father! Lucy!" I screamed, coming to a stop in the living room. "I'm Head Girl!" I exclaimed with a huge grin, barely containing my excitement.

"Congratulations, Livia." My Mother said, enveloping me in a hug. Lucius was next, he was so happy for me that he forgot I even called him Lucy. Father care up to me and wrapped me in a hug after Lucius let go.

"That's my girl. I'm so proud of you." Father said with a proud smile.


We had just apparated to Platform 9 3/4 when I heard loud laughing, I turned and saw the Marauders boarding the train. Ah, the Marauders. Four Gryffindor seventh years.

James Potter, sort of the leader, round silver glasses covering hazel eyes and messy black hair.

Sirius Black, one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight, disowned after his fifth year, long black hair and striking grey eyes.

Remus Lupin, very studious although just as mischievous, I believe he's a werewolf, although I haven't told him I know.

Peter Pettigrew, sort of a follower, very skittish, does well in Herbology but sucks at Potions and Transfiguration.

Now you may be wondering how I know this. Am I their friend? Do I stalk them? No. I know a lot of things about a lot of people, like how Alice Fortescue, Gryffindor, has been dating Frank Longbottem, Gryffindor, in secret for a year now. They're planning to tell everyone this year though.

Other people's secrets and stories always seem to find their way to me. It could be that I'm quite observant or in the right place at the right time. Most of the time I'm not even trying to discover people's secrets, they're just terrible at hiding them.

The sound of my Father's voice drew me from my thoughts and I turned to face them. "Goodbye Alivia. We'll be seeing you during the Christmas holidays." Father wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug, I hugged him back before my Mother grabbed me and hugged me.

"Stay out of trouble, good luck with being Head Girl, study hard. We'll see you during Christmas." Mother said.

I took a step back. "Goodbye Mother, Father. I'll see you during Christmas." With that me and Lucius walked off towards the train.

Once we had found the compartment with Narcissa, Severus, Regulus, and Avery, we sat down. Lucius started talking to Narcissa. They were in an arranged marriage, although they had been dating for a year before they found out. Quite the coincidence, isn't it? To fall in love with someone and finding out you're part of an arranged married only to be marrying them? They must've been very happy to know they didn't have to break up and marry someone they didn't love.

I wonder if I'm part of an arranged marriage? Who would it be? Could I learn to love them? I hope I'm not.

Someone tapped my shoulder, bringing me back to reality from the ocean of my thoughts. It was Regulus. "You need to be in the prefects carriage in ten minutes." was all he said. He was the quiet, but helpful friend of the group.

A small explosion of smoke appeared and we were all now covered in red goop. The Marauder's first prank of 1977. And I'm going to be late.

I tried about 10 different spells to get rid of this goop but none of them worked. I had to go to this meeting like this. Maybe Lupin will be able to fix this. He may be a Marauder but he is the most helpful of the lot.

I walked down the the train towards the carriage. Once I got there I opened the door and everyone stopped talking, except for Potter and Lupin. Why was Potter even here? It's not like he's a prefect.

"Potter, what are you doing here?" I asked him. I had my arms crossed and I was glaring daggers at him.

"I could ask you the same thing." He shot back.

"I happen to be Head Girl, and I've also been a prefect for the past two years." I replied. That's when I notice the Head Boy badge shining next to his Quidditch Captain badge on his uniform.

"I'm Head Boy. How can they make a Slytherin Head Girl? Not only that but a Malfoy." He spat, a look of disgust adorned his features. This only made me angrier.

"How can they make a lousy, irresponsible Gryffindor, Head Boy. Besides you were never even a prefect." I was getting angrier by the second. I have to share a dorm with this prick!

Lupin decided to step in. "Okay Prongs, stop it. She's a good prefect and I'm sure she'll make an excellent Head Girl, and you can't blame her for getting so worked up I mean you just pranked her."
He turned to me and said a spell that got rid of the red slime.

"Thank you, Lupin." I said with a grateful smile. "Now let's get this meeting started."

The meeting went pretty well. Potter managed to somewhat accept that I'm Head Girl and was able to cooperate. He wouldn't stop trying to hit on Evans though. Ah Lily Evans. Top Gryffindor along with Lupin, and Potter's been in love with her since second year, although it's more of an infatuation than love. Potter, Lupin, and I were the last ones in the carriage. We all stood to leave.

"Goodbye, Malfoy, we'll see you around, " Lupin said before he left, probably going to make sure Black didn't do anything while they were gone.

Potter turned to look at me before leaving. "You're not so bad, Malfoy."

"Not too bad yourself, Potter." I said with a small smile that disappeared as soon as it came. He smirked and walked away. I strolled back to my own carriage with one thought in mind.

This was going to be one hell of a year.

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