Chapter 36

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The Great Hall remained quiet while several students spent their time studying. The only sound that could be heard was the rustling of paper and and quills.

I sat at the Gryffindor table during our study period because the Marauders has asked me to join them. I told them that it would be a stupid idea and people would question it but nobody seemed to notice since I was not wearing uniform.

I sat in between James and Remus. Lily and her friend Marlene sat across from us. Sirius sat next to James on the left and Peter across from him.

Sirius sighed and laid his head down on the table. James following shortly after in complaint.

Lily sighed, "James, Sirius." She snapped her fingers, "focus. Our first exam is only 3 days away."

She shook her head at the two of them before continuing to study.

James and I had been keeping our relationship on low profile. It had been going really well but I couldn't shake the nerves of after graduation.

I was so scared that my actions would end in his death. Or the death of any one of my friends. I don't think I would be able to live with myself if one of them was hurt because of me.

James seemed to notice I zoned out and grabbed my hand under the table. I felt his hand and turned to give him a questioning look. He smiled and gave my hand a squeeze. I squeezed his hand and smiled back gratefully.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts and went back to revising Potions. It was the first exam next Monday. I was fairly confident in my ability to pass our NEWTS but I knew I would struggle with a few subjects like Alchemy and Transfiguration.

Nevertheless I aimed to pass my final year with all O's an I'd be damned if I received anything less.

Monday came and I was up earlier than anyone else revising my work and making sure I knew everything I needed to know. I was in my common room because it was the quietest place to be especially with James being asleep.

James stumbles out of his dorm about 3 hours later ready for breakfast. He saw me and his eyebrows furrowed. "Liv. How long have you been awake?" He asked as he took a seat next to me.

I looked up and sighed. "Since 4:00."

"It's 7:00!" He exclaimed.

"Yes I am well aware James." I rolled my eyes slightly annoyed. I sighed again. The lack of sleep and stress was getting to me. I turned to James and apologized.

"Liv, it's okay. You're going to great on this exam and all of the others." James rubbed circles on my back as he spoke gently.

"I'm not worried about that James." My cracked as I spoke. I fought the urge to cry. I needed to be strong right now.

James pulled me into a tight hug. I rested my head on his chest. "Don't worry about it, love. It will all be okay." My heart fluttered at the nickname. I knew it wouldn't be okay but I could hope.

I chuckled softly. "We should go to breakfast."

James grinned and pulled me up by my hands. He pulled me into a quick kiss. "Then let's go."

I quickly kissed him before turning and walking away.

"Tease!" He shouted before jogging to catch up to me.

The exams flew by quickly and before long we were walking out of our last exam. The Marauders were busy arguing over which answer was correct. I laughed softly. I caught Remus' and called him over.

"Hey, I'm going to go find Narcissa. I'll you lot later though." I said. Remus nodded.

"See you later." Remus smirked. He sighed as he walked over to Sirius and James who were still arguing. Though neither of them actually got the question right.

I found Narcissa by the lake. She was with Regulus, Severus and Lucius.

"Hello dear friends." I called out as I neared them.

Their heads turned and they all let out greetings. I sat next to Regulus across from Narcissa and Lucius. Severus sat to Regulus' right.

"How were the exams?" I asked.

"Terrible. I'm positive I got a Troll on every single one." Lucius grumbled.

I shook my head and laughed at him. He doesn't actually do bad at school. He's quite smart and probably received a couple Os and Es.

"I think it went quite well." Narcissa answered softly when I nodded towards her. Severus and Regulus mumbled agreements.

"Reg, just wait until you have to suffer through NEWTS." I chuckled.

"I reckon I can do better than you." Regulus smirked.

I laughed. "We'll just have to see a bit that won't we."

We all laughed. Regulus and Severus started talking about Quidditch and Narcissa and Lucius were in their own little world as they sat and talked while holding hands. I smiled at them. These were my best friends. Raised without being given many choices.

I was the lucky one. I was given an escape in the form of James Potter. 

Lucius would go on to be a Death Eater as well as Regulus and Severus. Narcissa helping and supporting them.

I would be happy with the love of my life. Yes i said love. I had come to the conclusion a little while ago. I truly did love James and I really did not deserve him.

He was far too kind and sweet for me. I was so lucky and I would forever thank fate that our paths crossed.

He is the light in my darkness.


Another chapter done!

I hope you enjoy!!

Lockdown has not been treating me well. We have so much homework and I can't even tell what day it is at this point. I hope everyone is staying safe and being careful.

I love you all!! Thank you for reading ! <3

– mysticpanda xx

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