Chapter 30

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Thunder bellowed across the Hogwarts grounds as rain hammered down. Every student in the castle thought it best if they stayed inside for the gloomy Saturday as much as they wanted to go out and enjoy the weekend.

I decided to spend my Saturday in the library. I sat at a desk by a window looking out into the Black Lake and the Forbidden Forest. It was a beautiful view of Hogwarts Grounds.

The library is a sanctuary for me. When I couldn't be up in the Astronomy Tower or in the Common Room, I was here. The library is a quite place. It allows me to think clearly about everything. I can work calmly without any stress. My head is cleared of all intruding thoughts and I can focus on the task at hand.

Today I was thinking about the gossip going around Hogwarts. When something happens, everyone hears about it, as long as it's relevant.

I don't usually bother with gossip but it can be good for blackmailing people, especially when it's gossip nobody else hears about. For example, Elijah Edwards cheated on his current girlfriend with Abigail Matthews. Edwards is a Death Eater and Matthews is an unsuspecting muggleborn. I'm sure The death eaters won't be too happy to hear one of there own is sleeping with a muggleborn.

Now my main focus was not on dirty cheaters and their relationships. It was on another relationship, well one that ended.

The Golden Couple of Hogwarts broke up. The news has been flying around since yesterday morning. I'm still trying to figure out why they would break up.

Yes it's none of my business but it's intriguing to say the least.

The worst part is; I can't help but feel relieved.

I have no clue as to why though. They were a lovely couple and they are no doubt upset. I shouldn't be relieved, I shouldn't be thinking about it at all.

I know I fancy James but I should be feeling any sort of happiness over his break up. He's probably heartbroken.

I really am a bad person.

I cleared my head and left the library. It was lucnh after all. I skipped breakfast this morning as well as dinner yesterday evening. I ate lunch yesterday in the kitchens.

I had a reason for this, though I wouldn't call it a good one. I've been avoiding James. I feel too bad about being happy for his break up. It hurts to see him. He's heartbroken over another girl and here I am being all happy about it.

I walked into the Great Hall and moved towards the Slytherin table. I glanced at the Gryffindor table and tried to find James. He sat in his usual spot in the middle of the table surrounded by the Marauders. I moved my gaze a little to the left to see Lily, looking at James with a sad look until her friend, Marlene McKinnon, nudged her arm causing her to look away.

I tore my gaze away from their table and sat next to Narcissa at mine. Lucius sat on her right and Severus sat opposite us. Regulus was nowhere to be seen.

"Afternoon. Where's Regulus?" I asked while searching for him along the Slytherin Table.

Severus responded, "I think he's in his dorm. Had a chat with Black, must've upset him."

Lucius sneered, "that good for nothing bloodtraitor is always causing problems."

"Come now Lucius, we can't cause a ruckus. It's only lunch." Narcissa tutted. She was always the best at putting everyone in their places. She looked the most innocent of all of us but when she spoke everyone listened.

"Yes, big brother. Can't have that." I smirked at him and he grumbled under his breath about how insufferable we are. I laughed with Narcissa before lowering my voice so only she heard. "Do you happen to know why James and Evans broke up?" I asked while I bit my lip. I wanted to know but at the same time I didn't. I feared the answer may not be of my liking.

She shook her head gently. "No, not a clue. You have rounds with Potter tonight. Ask him then." She suggested. That wouldn't be such a bad idea.

I stepped outside of my dorm room to see James standing in the common room. I smiled at him and he grinned.

"Finally," he dragged out the last letter, "I've been waiting her for ages." He waved his arms around dramatically.

I rolled my eyes but smiled nonetheless. "I'm 2 minutes late. I could've made you wait longer." I laughed at his antics.

He really was a drama queen that was for sure. Not nearly as much as Sirius though. Must been a Black gene, I swear they're all the most dramatic people I've ever met.

I gestured for James to follow me and I led the way out of the common room and down the first hall we were meant to patrol.

We had been walking for 20 minutes before I decided to speak again. James was usually the one to fill the silence. I could he hated it. He filled the silent void with jokes and pranks, anything to get people laughing or talking. As long as it wasn't silent.

To see him not making any move to get rid of the silence was worrying.

"James," I asked, "are you okay?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" He replied with a strained laugh as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Well you're very quiet today...and you just got out of a relationship." I said slowly. I tried to find the right words as to not upset him.

"Of course I'm okay. We didn't end on bad terms if that's what you're asking." James chuckled.

"Oh no, I wasn't asking. It's none of my business." Lies. I wanted to ask so badly.

"Well I'm okay. Thanks for caring Alivia." He smiled genuinely. I smiled back.

It was no longer silent. James would make a joke every two minutes and I'd either laugh at the stupidity of it or roll my eyes. Either way, it wasn't quiet.


Hello!! Decided to bless ya'll with another chapter. Chapter 30. Can you believe it? We've still got a long way to go!

Can you believe this story has 11k reads? I can't!! I'm so happy that people take the time to give my story a read and I'm so so grateful for you all. I love you all so so so much!! <3

Bye!! Vote and comment!! <3

– mysticpanda xx

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