Chapter 20

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I told Narcissa everything. She was upset I didn't tell her before but she's grateful that I did now. I didn't tell her where I was staying though. I couldn't risk it.

She was slightly hurt by that but I explained to her that it's because the Dark Lord could read her mind. She's not that powerful in Occulmency yet.

She's been practicing and she's pretty good. It's a handy skill. Severus is teaching her. I would learn as well but I'm so busy and I don't think I'll ever have the time.

Lucius hasn't spoken to me since our fight. We're in the compartment now with Severus and Narcissa. Regulus is with Evan Rosier, a friend in his own year.

Lucius is looking out the window, and Narcissa is sitting next to him will holding his hand. Severus is sitting next to me but he's reading.

The train ride was long and tense. We sat in silence for most of it. We were finally at Kings Cross Station.

I made sure I was one of the last ones out of the train. That way not many people would still be here and less would see me go home with the Potters.

I grabbed my luggage from the compartment and stepped of the train. As soon as I did James was there and he offered to take my bags. I let him.

I was nervous to say the least. I was scared they'd think I was evil because of my house or my last name.

"Mum, Dad. This is Alivia...Malfoy." He hesitated at my last name. His parents looked shocked but it instantly went away.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr and Mrs Potter." I greeted them politely and shook both their hands.

"Oh the pleasures all ours. Please call us Euphemia and Fleamont." Mrs Potter said.

"Of course. I appreciate you letting me stay with you over the holidays." I smiled.

"Oh it's not a problem dear." Mr Potter said.

We apparated to the Potter Manor. It was definitely much different from the Malfoy Manor.

For starters it had a lighter aesthetic, and it felt more homey. Malfoy Manor wasn't a home. It was a house where I lived and so did many other Malfoy families before me.

We stopped inside in the living room. Mrs Potter turned towards me and said, "James be a dear and take Alivia's things up to her room." James and Sirius looked at each other before snickering.

Honestly those two are so immature. I rolled my eyes at the thought.

"Come little Malfoy." Sirius called from where he was already at the stairs. I muttered another quick thanks to Mrs Potter and followed Sirius and James up to the room I'd be staying in.

It was a beautiful room. It was simple, mainly white and grey. The walls were white as well as the sheets on the bed. The few scatter cushions being different shades of grey. I liked it.

"So this is where you'll be staying Alivia." James said, gesturing around my room.

"Thank you so much for letting me stay here. I really appreciate it." I thanked him genuinely. I really was grateful that he let me stay here. I couldn't imagine going back home and facing my parents.

I could have had to get my dark mark. I shuddered at the thought.

We ate dinner and then went to bed. Well I'm pretty sure James and Sirius stayed up talking all night but I didn't really care.

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