Chapter 23

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My parents finally replied to the letter I sent on Christmas. It's been sitting on my desk all day. I've been too afraid to open it.

Come on Alivia. I'm not a coward.

Maybe a little.

No. I can do this.

I ripped open the envelope and took out the letter. My hands were shaking as I read it.

Dear Alivia,

Your Father and I are still very angry you left without telling us. We are very disappointed in you.

You will be getting your Dark Mark as soon as you graduate. If you refuse then, we will disown you.

This is your final warning. If you disobey is again, you will have to face the consequences.

Your Mother

I took a breath I didn't know I was holding. I have a few months. At least they haven't disowned me, though I know they will once I refuse the Dark Mark once again.

I looked at the clock hanging above my desk. I'm going to be late to my rounds if I do not leave now.

I am a upposed to be doing rounds with a Gryffindor today. Everyone gets turns to do rounds with someone from each house. James does not count as a Gryffindor, because both Heads have to do round together anyway.

It is a full moon tonight so Remus, who I am doing rounds with, will not be able to make it. He might have asked for a replacement but I am fine doing it on my own.

I exited my common room to see Evans standing there. Remus must have asked her to fill in for him. I had to resist the urge to roll my eyes.

"Oh it's you." Evans spoke. She had her arms crossed and looked to be in a foul mood.

"This is the Head's common room is it not?" I raised an eyebrow, urging her to complain more. She didn't.

We have been walking for around 20 minutes when I decided to say something.

"James would never cheat on you, you that right?" I said. Evans stopped abruptly.

She turned to look at me, shocked. "He did cheat on me though. With you."

"No he didn't. Sirius put up Magic Mistletoe." She looked confused so I continued, "Magic Mistletoe prevents the two people under it from moving until they kiss. That's why James kissed me. He didn't want to, I told him to so that we could leave."


I sighed, "James does care about you. He's loyal too."

"Th-thank you. For telling me this. I should have let James explain." She sighed, shaking her head.

"Well you should soon, the tosser has been moping around for the past two weeks. I have to share a common room with him. It is torture." I laughed.

Lily started laughing too. When we quieted down she spoke again, "Thank you. Really. You're not that bad too hang around with."

"Not too bad yourself Evans."

We spent the rest of patrol talking about N.E.W.Ts, sugar quills, and surprisingly pranks.

Lily herself knows a thing or two about pranks. Which reminds me, Cissa and I still need to prank the Marauders for eavesdropping. Maybe we could use a helping hand.

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