Chapter 32

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Friday afternoon.

What's not to love about it?

I finally get to relax after another long and stressful week. I get to catch up on some reading and alone time. It should be perfect.

Or so I thought.

That brings us to now. I am sitting in the Heads common room, reading a book. All was going well until now.

The common room door slams open, causing me to jump out of my seat and drop my book. I turned around startled to see James standing by the door.

"James! What in Merlin's Beard are you doing?" I gasped, still scrambling for air as I try to lower my heart rate.

James grinned before strolling over to me and jumping over the couch to sit next to me. "Well," he begins, "I was wondering if you were busy this lovely evening?"

I furrowed my brows and looked out the window. The howling wind proved me correct. It is most definitely not a lovely evening in most standards, not that I mind.

"I am not busy tonight. Though I would reconsider the lovely evening part." He grinned again.

"Well then your even just got even better now that I'm here." He smirked. Ah, there's the cocky prick I know.

"Well what did you have in mind then, James?" I asked with a smirk.

"Follow me." He whispered and he grabbed my arm and dragged me out the door.

"James!" I shrieked as I nearly tripped down the stairs. "What are you doing and where are you taking me?" I questioned.

"It's a surprise." He turned back and grinned.

He pulled me across the castle until we stood in the Astronomy Tower.

I looked around as I admired the sky tonight. Although it was cloudy and windy it still looked beautiful. It felt refreshing being up here. The wind blowing through my hair was cooling and the shivers that ran up my spine were comforting.

I loved the chaos a storm brought.

James grabbed my wrist again and led me to the centre. He sat down and dragged me down with him.

"Why'd you bring me here James?" I asked after a long silence. We both sat with our legs straight out in front of us while leaning on our arms.

"I thought you could use a break. You looked like you had a busy week this past week." James replied. I felt his gaze upon me but I didn't take mine away from the sky.

"Exams are next month. NEWTs, nonetheless. I decided to have a break this weekend before I jumped back into studying full on." I spoke softly.

"You should relax more. Have some fun." James said. I finally felt his eyes turn back to the sky. I turned to look at him. The way the wind blew his hair made it worse, messier that it always is. This didn't make it look bad though, now he looked calm. Mystical even in the dim lighting.

"It can be hard to have fun. We're not kids anymore. We've got responsibilities and we need to find jobs once we're done with school."

"Come on," he laughed a little, "we're still young. Still kids. We have the whole world ahead of us." He grinned.

"I think I stopped being a kid a long time ago."

He reached for my hand, "no, I think the adult just took over for a bit. Maybe it's time to let the kid have some fun for a bit."

I squeezed his hand and smiled, "maybe."

We sat in silence for the rest of the night, occasionally breaking it to speak about nonsense. I enjoyed it though. I had fun even though all I did was sit and talk. I'm just happy it was with him I was talking.

About two hours later I heard a sound. Startled, I turned around, alerting James in the process. We stared behind us for a few minutes trying to find he source of the noise.

"What was that?" James whispered. His eyebrows were furrowed and his eyes were still farting around the room trying to find the source of the sound.

"I don't know. It was probably a cat or something." I said. Though I didn't quite know if I was trying to reassure him or myself.

Neither of us said it but we both thought it.

I could not shake the fear of someone watching us. Someone like a Death Eater. Anyone who could use this against us.

I bit my lip and turned back around. James and I shared a look before he got up. He gave me his hand and helped me up.

"We should get going before we get caught." He said.

"Good idea." I mumbled in response.

We got back to the common room and entered silently. I yawned.

The exhaustion was finally hitting me.

"You should get some sleep." James smiled. "Good night." He said before walking into his dorm.

"Thank you." I whispered, as he shut his door. I doubted he heard me.

I stumbled across the common room to my dorm and flopped into my bed.


Hello my lovelies!!

Finally done with all my tests and assignments for the term. Now I can relax for the next two weeks until Term 2 starts. Exam term, yay! Note the sarcasm.

I'll be updating more frequently! The story is nearly over and I'm excited to finish it. I know for sure I want to write a sequel, though I need to plan out a plot and all the characters first, so it might take a while. But while I'm doing that I might start editing this story, but I'll keep you all updated.

Thank you sooo much for the reads and votes! It means so much to me! I never thought I'd get this far. <3

– mysticpanda xx

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