Chapter 7

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It's Sunday morning. I woke up early to see if I could find Regulus in the common room before going to breakfast. I was right. He was there, but as soon as he saw me he ran straight up the stairs to the boys dorms. I sighed. He really liked her.

I also needed to go to the library after breakfast to hangout with Remus for a bit. It's nice having a friend that isn't a pureblood or Slytherin. I don't have to pretend around him. He's my friend because he wants to be and I'm his because I want to be. It's awesome.

Now off to breakfast. Maybe Regulus will be there. The Great Hall was pretty quiet but that's normal considering it's still pretty early. There were a few Ravenclaws scattered across their table, a small group of Hufflepuffs, a few Slytherins in first and second year, and some Gryffindors. Among those Gryffindors were the Marauders who were currently glaring at me. Well only Black and Potter really.

I walked over to the Slytherin table and sat down. I began to fill my plate with toast, bacon, and eggs. I buttered my toast and took a bite.

I felt someone sit next to me, so I turned to see who it was. Potter. What's he doing here?

"Anything you need Potter?" I asked. He was still glaring at me.

"You need to sort out your brother. What he said yesterday was unacceptable." He said this so with such a calm anger that it almost scared me.

"I don't control my brother. I've already spoken to him about it anyway. I agree that what he said was wrong and unnecessary but if you're looking for an apology out of him you may as well give up now because you're not going to get out." I said this looking directly into his eyes. His glare softened.

"How can you just let your brother do that?"

"I've said this before. I don't control him. I don't agree with him but that doesn't mean I should change him. Sometimes he doesn't agree with my choices and actions, and he warns me but he doesn't try to change me." I turned back to my food and continued eating. Potter took this as his cue to leave and walked back to the Gryffindor table. Just as he sat down Narcissa and Lucius walked in. Once again, they glared. This time Lucius glared back.

They sat down across from just as I was finishing up my breakfast.

"Since when are you up so early Liv?" Narcissa asked as she started filling up her plate. Lucius was still glaring at Potter and Black. They were both glaring back.

"I wanted to see if I could catch Regulus in the common room, but he ran straight upstairs when he saw me. Lucius stop glaring at them" I turned to Lucius as I said the last bit. He just mumbled something and glared at his food. "Anyway I have to go. I'll see you later. And Cissa, please keep Lucius out of trouble." I whispered the last part to Narcissa so Lucius wouldn't hear, not that he was listening anyway.

"Sure thing. Bye Liv." Narcissa waved goodbye and continued eating.

I walked out of the Great Hall and headed to the Library to meet Remus. When I got there I found a closed off space near the back.

After a few minutes Remus walked in and sat down across from me. "Hello Alivia."

"Hello Remus." I said with a small smile. "Are Potter and Black always this immature?"

"Unfortunately yes. I'm surprised they haven't pranked him yet." He said while taking out some parchment and ink.

"I suppose Potter knows better. I mean he is Head Boy. He has responsibilities and a new reputation to uphold. Prancing another prefect would surely look bad." I was already working on my Potions essay. Slughorn always gives us long essays to do. Remus looked to be only starting his now.

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