Chapter 41

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Two years passed, and James and I were married. It was a splendid ceremony and I adored it. Narcissa and Lucius came, and even my parents, albeit reluctantly.

We moved into a smaller house so that we could have our own space but we visited James parents as often as we could.

A year after our marriage, the two elderly Potters passed from Dragon Pox. James and Sirius were devastated, so was I. Euphemia and Fleamont we're apart of my family and they were gone. Just like that.

And with their death, came the death of Regulus Black. He was only eighteen. I cried for weeks after that happened and sometimes I still do. He was still so young. No one even knows what happened, he just vanished one day.

James and I, we got through it. He distracted himself with order missions while I was still attending Death Eater meetings. But when we both came home, we were happy together. When we weren't we would cry together. And that was all I could ask for in times like this, the fact that we were together through it all.

I stood in the bathroom clutching the pregnancy test in my hand.

Two lines.


I stared at the two lines for what seemed like forever. I was pregnant.

And in a war.

I wasn't alone though, Narcissa had just announced a month ago that she was also pregnant. She was so happy, Lucius was terribly nervous but I could tell he was just as ecstatic.

Now I needed to tell James.

I stepped out of the bathroom and walked to the lounge. I looked at the clock hanged above the fireplace, he would be home in a few minutes.

I paced along the room as I waited, going over ways I could tell him. How would he react? Would he be happy? Would he not want it? Would he say it's a bad time to have a child?

The door opening startled me and I turned to come face to face with James. I sucked in a breath, "Hello."

James furrowed his eyebrows, confused with how I was acting. "Hello, love." He spoke slowly. "Is everything all right?"

"You tell me." I muttered but it seemed he heard me. He walked closer and put a hand on my waist and one on my chin to make me look up at him.

"What's wrong?" He asked softly.

"James," I whispered, "I'm pregnant."

I refused to look him in the eye in case he reacted badly. He used the hand that was on my chin to force me to look him in the eye.

He was smiling.

"Really? We're having a child?"

I nodded.

He picked me up and swung me around circles, both of us laughing. He put me down and kissed me. "They're going to be so beautiful." He mumbled against my lips. I smiled and kissed him harder.

James and I decided to have a dinner to announce the news. It would be in a weeks time.

"So who are we inviting?" I asked as we laid on our bed with a piece of parchment and quill in front of me.

"Well obviously Sirius, Remus, Peter, Lily, Frank and Alice maybe." James suggested. Alice has also just announced she was pregnant.

"Oh yes, Frank and Alice are lovely. I haven't seen them in ages." I hesitated for a second. "Would you be okay with me inviting my brother and Narcissa?" I didn't mention Severus although I would have loved to invite him. James didn't get along with him at all, they hated each other.

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