Chapter 15

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Parties are always the worst to get ready for, especially when you have Narcissa getting you ready. Now I love Narcissa but I honestly think I already look good enough and that we don't need for hours to get ready for a party.

Halloween morning was spent eating plenty of sweets. The Great Hall was decorated wonderfully for Halloween. There were cobwebs, fake spiders, pumpkin lanterns, and plenty of decorations related to Halloween.

Later on in the day, after lunch to be exact, Narcissa dragged me up to her dorm to begin the preparations. The party started after the Halloween feast so we'd get ready then. For now she set out the costumes on her bed with all of the accessories. We were going to shower now and do our hair and nails.

After dinner we quickly ran off to Narcissa's dorm and began on our makeup. We put on our outfits and we were ready to go.

We walked to the Room of Requirement. I'm pretty sure Dumbledore knows about every party that goes on in Hogwarts and that he just doesn't care enough to do something about it or he's chill enough to let it happen.

Even if Dumbledore was okay with the parties we couldn't let the other teachers know so we made sure to stay away from their offices.

The Room of Requirement was packed. The dance floor was crowded with learners who were somehow already drunk.

All of the sober learners sat or stood over to the side or around the tables filled with drinks and snacks. Narcissa and I walked over to a table get a drink.

I didn't spend much time with Narcissa as she ran off to her boyfriend as soon as she saw him. I was left alone as I walked slowly towards the drinks table, dodging drunk dancers on the way.

I grabbed a bottle of fire-whiskey and took a sip. The feeling of it burning my throat was exhilarating.

I noticed Remus off towards a corner and decided I would join him.

He seemed startled that I was there, talking to him. "Hello Lupin." I waved.

"Hi Malfoy?" His eyebrows were raised slightly and he glanced around the room.

"They're all drunk anyway. No one will notice." I laughed a little as I said it. I gave him a smile to reassure him as he didn't seem too convinced.

"Okay." He sighed while shaking his head.

We talked for a bit before Potter and Evans came over. Evans hates me and I hate her.

"Hello Potter, Evans." I smiled at Potter and glared at Evans. I looked away before anyone else could notice my glare.

"Malfoy." Evans sneered. I smirked at her.

"Malfoy." Potter said cheerfully. He grinned at me, and I returned the gesture. Potter was clearly drunk. He swayed a little and had his arm around Evans for balance. Evans didn't look too pleased as he opened another bottle. She must not be a drinker.

He offered me a bottle to which I showed my already half-empty one.

It was around midnight now and I was planning on heading back to my dorm. The night didn't go too well but it was bad either.

Three boys tried to hit on me, all bloody drunk Gryffindors. I rolled my eyes at the thought. I also noticed how uncomfortable Evans seemed tonight. Whenever Potter was particularly rowdy she would fidget with her costume or try to get him to stop. She must not like it when he's like that.

I scanned the party to see if I could spot Narcissa but I couldn't find her. She must've left already. With Lucius.

I headed out the room and walked back to my dorm. I was prepared to sleep the entire night. I drank slightly too much but not enough to be completely drunk.

I stumbled into the common room and walked towards my door. I put my hand on the handle but I noticed something in the corner of my eye.

I turned and saw a pair of high heels and a jacket in front of Potter's dorm. Must be his and Evans'. I rolled my eyes.

I entered my room and undressed. I took off my make-up before climbing into bed.

That night I dreamt of what my life could've been if I wasn't a Malfoy. Maybe I'd be happier. Or sadder. Maybe I'd be braver. Or more outgoing. Or shy.

Maybe I wouldn't be on my way to being a death eater.


I finally updated!

Have you enjoyed the story so far? Let me know what you like, what you don't like, and any mistakes I've made.

For those who actually read A/N's I've been really caught up with schoolwork and studying. My teachers have been piling on work to finish the syllabus before exams begin. Which is in two weeks.

I promise I'm going to try to update soon again. We've started with revision in some classes so I'll probably have more free time to write.


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