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Alivia Malfoy woke from her sleep at the sound of her brother's voice. She couldn't quite comprehend why he would be calling for her so early in the morning when it dawned on her that it was their birthday. Their 11th birthday.

With that thought in mind she jumped out of her bed and got changed into some more suitable clothes and brushed her long platinum blonde hair. She looked in the mirror once more before walking out of her room and to the stairs.

She ran downstairs into the living room where she saw her Father sitting on the couch with his coffee and a copy of the Daily Prophet. Her Mother sat next to him, and Lucius was standing by the window with two letters.

"Morning Mother, Father. Happy birthday Lucy." She said with a smirk on her face knowing how much her brother hated that name. He said it was too girly for him.

"I told you to stop calling me Lucy," he replied with a scowl, which soon vanished and a smile took its place, "Happy birthday to you too Livy."

Her mother held out her arms beckoning Alivia forward for a hug. "Happy birthday, 'Livia." She said with a soft smile.

Alivia walked forward into her mother's arms and hugged her. "Thank you, Mother." Alivia grinned

"Happy birthday, Alivia." Her Father said, a fond smile overtaking his features as he looked at his two children. He's always been proud of them. They always followed the rules and were never a problem growing up. "Now, Lucius, why don't you give Alivia her Hogwarts letter."

Lucius grinned and ran over to Alivia and shoved the letter into her hands.

Alivia had a grin that stretched across her face as she opened the envelope, being careful as to not rip the paper. She could imagine her brother rolling his eyes at how slow she was taking. She was always the more cautious and patient of the two.

Miss Alivia Malfoy
2nd bedroom on the right
3rd floor
Malfoy Manor
Wiltshire, London
Dear Miss. Malfoy,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardary.

Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on September 1st. We await your owl by no later than July 31

Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress

Alivia has been waiting for this moment for as long as she could remember. She was going to Hogwarts.


September 1st

Alivia sat with her brother the whole train ride. The Hogwarts express was beautiful and she couldn't wait to ride it again. Alivia and Lucius sat with the Blacks, another well known pureblood family. There eldest, Bellatrix, was starting her 7th year, Andromeda was starting her 4th year and Narcissa was starting her 1st year with them. The Black brothers, their cousins, were not with them as Sirius was with some other kids and Regulus would only be starting next year.

"Malfoy, Alivia." Professor McGonagall called.

Alivia sucked in a breath and walked up to the stool where the sorting hat was placed upon her head.

"Ah a Malfoy, I've been waiting for you and your brother." A voice spoke in her head. She soon realized that this was the sorting hat. "Quite brave and confident too. Although very ambitious and cunning. Mmm...very resourceful. You want to impress your parents hmmm...then it'll be...SLYTHERIN!" The hat shouted the last word out loud. Alivia sighed with relief. If she had gotten anything other than Slytherin her parents would be very disappointed.

She walked towards the cheering table of green and silver, Slytherin, and watched her brother as he was  sorted into Slytherin. She couldn't help but notice as she sat down at the Slytherin table that they were the only ones cheering, while almost every house–especially Gryffindor–was booing.

This was the start of Alivia's story. One she would come to either hate or love. Can she make it through the tough life of a pureblood or will she end up getting herself killed?


*Soooo...I'm editing the book. This is gonna me a slow process and the edited chapters will be marked with a *.

I'm not going to change my original authors notes because they show my journey when I first wrote this. So yeah.


Hello readers! This is my first story and if you're seeing this I'm so glad you decided to read it. I will be updating regularly and as much as I can. If you have any tips to improve my writing please let me know by messaging me privately


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