Chapter 35

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Hiding a relationship was a lot harder than it seemed. Especially when it's with James. It had only been two weeks.

I really like him and he's so affectionate. I'm surprised no one has noticed something is going on.

He is constantly trying to be close to me. In the classes we sit together his hand is always on my knee or he is occasionally bumping his arm against mine.

It's really cute and I love it, but I'm scared someone notices and tells my parents. I'd rather tell them myself because they can't cause a scene while I'm at school and draw attention.

I would never do anything to put James or his friends in danger. I'm so grateful that he's a caring and understanding person. It's one of the reasons I like him so much.

In the common room is where we can be ourselves. We don't have to worry about anyone walking in and seeing us. We can be normal.

I was cuddled up next to James as I read a book about potions. James was doing his homework, only really because I made him do it.

The sound of a quill roughly hitting the table drew my attention away from my book and towards James. He leaned back and I adjusted my position so that I was laying with my head in his lap.

I placed my book down on my chest and looked up at him. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." He sighed. "I just don't see why I have to do Transfiguration when I could be doing something else." He smirked suggestively and winked.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes but I couldn't help the small smile that pushed it's way onto my face.

"How about..." I pretended to think really hard, "no." I finished with a laugh.

"You're no fun Liv." He said but smiled anyway. His hand moved to my hair and he began to play with it. I sighed and closed my eyes.

A few seconds later I felt James leaning down and then his lips were on my own. I smiled into the kiss.

He pulled away and looked at me. I smiled at him and pulled him back down for another kiss.

We heard a gasp and immediately sat up. We looked towards the door and saw Sirius, along with Remus and Peter.

"No way." Sirius practically screamed. Remus stood there with a smirk on his face as if he had known all along. Knowing him, he probably did.

"Prongs, Little Malfoy. You've got some explaining to do." Sirius commanded as he jumped on to one of the couches in the common room.

"Little Malfoy?" I exclaimed. "I'll have you know I'm a minute older than Lucius."

They laughed. "Well you're still shorter than Malfoy." Sirius smirked.

"Such a shame then Little Black." I smirked. Sirius has always been taller than Regulus but this past year, Regulus quickly surpassed him in height.

"Hey! I'm older than Reg." Sirius shouted.

"Older but shorter. Welcome to the club." I smirked happily at his defeat. He slouched further into the chair he sat on and grumbled under his breath.

"Okay enough of trying to change the subject Alivia." Remus spoke up, "how long?"

"Two weeks." James muttered out.

"Two weeks?!" They all screamed.

James and I nodded. James sighed before explaining, "You all know how the Malfoys are. Alivia doesn't want word to get out to them because they'll cause a scene."

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