Chapter 42

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James and I just got back from St.Mungos for a check-up on the baby.

Or should I say babies.

I was ecstatic. I was having twins. A little baby boy, and a little baby girl. I looked over at James as he helped me take off my coat. He insisted that he do everything, he never wanted me to have to lift a finger during this pregnancy and while I was able to do everything he still insisted I should have to. I loved him so much.

I hoped they looked like him. They were going to be so beautiful.

I couldn't wait.

I entered the Malfoy Manor, to be greeted by Lucius. Narcissa gave birth to her son only a few days ago. I didn't go to the birth because the healer told me that the screaming would be stressful for the babies. So, despite how much I wanted to be there for my nephews birth I reluctantly stayed at home.

Lucius led me to little Draco's room. I walked in and saw Narcissa sitting on a chair holding the little baby in her arm. I noticed immediately he had the distinct platinum blonde hair of the Malfoy family.

Though instead of the blue eyes of the Malfoys, he had Narcissa's light grey-blue eyes.

Narcissa smiled and handed me Draco. I gently grabbed him and held him securely in my arms.

"He's beautiful." I gushed.

"Alivia." Narcissa called gently.

I looked up at her and nodded. I looked back at Draco because he grabbed a piece of my hair in his sleep.

"We want you to be his godmother." Narcissa said.

My heart stopped. Why would they want me? Surely Narcissa would want her sister to be godmother.

I looked up at them shocked, "you want me to be his godmother?" I asked.

"Of course Livy." Lucius told me.

I felt myself tearing up, "I'll be honored to be his Godmother." I would protect this baby as if he were my own, though I knew he would be loved enough by his own parents.

I screamed as I felt another contraction. The babies were coming. I sat in the hospital bed with James at my side. I squeezed his hand tightly. He took to biting his nails to calm his nerves. He almost seemed more nervous than I was.

The birth was hard, especially with two, and I was exhausted afterwards, but it was worth it. I held my two little babies on my chest. They were beautiful.

Harry James Potter and Sara Julia Potter.

I handed Harry to James and he looked absolutely in love with the boy. I smiled. He was going to be an amazing father.

The first people to enter the room were Sirius and Remus. Their eyes brightened up as they walked quietly over to us. Both were trying exceptionally hard to be as quiet and careful as possible. Sirius hushing Remus loudly despite the latter barely making a sound.

James and I already discussed who would be godparents for each child. I thought he'd want more people from his side to be godparents but he was the one to suggest that both our families should be involved in the babies lives.

"Sirius?" James called. Sirius looked up from where he held Harry. Remus was holding Sara carefully, as though he was scared he would break her.

I wanted to ask him to be Sara's godfather but I knew he wouldn't accept, especially with his lycanthropy. He was too scared to have his own children. I didn't want to stress him out with giving him that responsibility so soon, though I knew he would love the children either way.

"We want you to be Harry's godfather."

I swear I saw Sirius start to tear up but he nodded and smiled brightly.

Next to see the children were Lucius and Narcissa. They brought little Draco too, only a month old.

I asked Narcissa and Lucius to be Sara's godparents.

Though James suggested it, he seemed a little hesitant. They were known Death Eaters after all. I reassured him that they would protect Sara with their lives if something happened to us.

Lucius was so gently with Sara as he held her while I took to holding Draco. I hoped they would all be really close despite the differences between our families.

When James and I got home he made sure I was okay every minute. The bags under his eyes told me he was exhausted, but he still helped place the babies in their cribs and lilac coloured room.

We decided on lilac because not only was it a beautiful colour, we didn't want to go with the stereotypical blue or pink.

The first night, or should I say months was hectic. James and I were constantly running around like headless chickens tending to our babies' needs.

Thankfully we had many people to help us. Sirius and Remus were always visiting to give us a helping hand. Many times James and I had ended up falling asleep on the couch while they watched over the babies.

They even managed to get a photo one time. I love that photo so much.

Lily also came over regularly, we had grown really close and while James was on Order missions she came over and helped me look after Harry and Sara

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Lily also came over regularly, we had grown really close and while James was on Order missions she came over and helped me look after Harry and Sara.

They both had grown more hair and it was clear Harry was going to end up with his father's messy mane of brown hair while he inherited my green eyes.

Sara however inherited my platinum blonde hair and my father's blue eyes.

When James and I had meetings and missions at the same time I told him I was visiting Narcissa and always brought the children with me. She looked after them while Lucius and I went on missions.

However when it was just a meeting I would say I was going out with Narcissa or Lucius and he would look after the children.

I hated lying to him, but it was necessary. If he were to be captured by Death Eaters, Voldemort or anyone capable of Legilimency would be able to read his mind and if they did my cover would be blown, which would result in my death.

At least if he was captured I could get him out, even now Death Eaters tended to stay away from him because they knew we were married.

Every day I feared that he would die during one of the missions and I wouldn't be able to stop it. Dumbledore warned me to not intervene if anyone from the Order was injured or killed. He made it clear that my number one priority was remaining undercover.

It was difficult, but it was helping the Order capture more and more Death Eaters and infiltrate their missions.


There are four more chapters left after this one so I hope you all are ready for the

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– mysticpanda xx

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