Chapter 31

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I strolled down the corridor making my way to the Library. I was meant to be studying Potions with Severus and Regulus.

I've started studying now that exams are coming up. I've began rewriting my notes and revising all my work. It's the end of March and we've only got two months left. I really want all O's for my NEWTs, and I'm going to get them.

I collided with someone's chest and fell back. I looked up to apologize but saw my brother on the floor. I turned my gaze to a glare.

"Bloody hell Lucius. Could you watch where you're going." I grumbled as I got up.

Lucius dusted off his robes as he stood before turning to me. "Sorry Livvy." He grinned, "Where are you headed?"

I rolled my eyes and answered, "the library. To study."

"I walk you." He nodded.

He wants something. I can tell. He's acting suspicious.

I shook my head and kept walking. During the walk he kept fumbling with his robes or looking anywhere but me.

I have had enough of this.

"Lucius!" I said to get his attention, "What is up with you? If you have something to say, spit it out then!" He annoys me to no end. I was already in a bad mood. The looming thought of exams and having to face the real world after graduation is terrifying.

"IknowyoulikePotter." He rushed out in a jumbled mess.

"Pardon?" I furrowed my eyesbrows trying to understand what just came out of his mouth.

"I know you like Potter." He said, slower this time.

I halted. "What makes you think that?" I said without turning around to face him. I may be good at keeping a poker face but never around him.

"Don't play dumb with me Livy. I can it in the way you look at him. The way he looks at you tells me he feels the same about you as well." He smiles.

I sigh. "How do you know he likes be from a look?" I asked.

"Because I look at Narcissa the same way."

I smiled at Lucius. He loves Cissa so much. And I love him. My big brother. My twin. The one person who has been there for me since birth.

"You're right," I sigh, "I do like him."

"What are thinking Livy? Mother and Father will disown you once they find out!" His face changes from content to stern as he spoke.

"That's the plan." I grumbled.

"Livy!" He sighed and shook his head. "Alivia. You know I love you and I will always support you. But I'm worried about you. You'll become a target."

As he said those words I was brought back to the beginning of this year when I spoke to Sirius about the exact same thing.

His brother was worried about him. About him being a target.

I wanted to be angry at Lucius. I wanted to be mad at him for trying to control my life but I couldn't. Because I told Sirius exactly the same thing on behalf of his brother.

I looked at Lucius and smiled softly, "Thank you Lucy. For caring. I know I'll become a target, but I'll be okay." I embraced Lucius tightly before letting go. "I need to go." I smiled brightly.

He nodded and let me go, but not before kissing my forehead.

I stepped into the Library and found Severus and Regulus sat at a table in the far right. I walked up to them and said hello causing them to glare at me.

"And where have you been?" Severus tutted.

"Probably snogging Potter." Regulus added.

I gasped. "I have not been snogging Potter!" I whisper-yelled. I glared daggers at them.

They just laughed. "Oh come on it's obvious you like the guy." Regulus laughed.

My eyes widened. "Shhh! Don't say it out loud." Gosh, was I really that bad at hiding it?

"So you do!" Severus added. They both continued laughing at my misery.

I rolled my eyes. "You're going to get us kicked out of here you twats."

"Another excuse for you to leave to shag Potter." Regulus said.

"Plenty of free time." Severus added.

"You've got your own dorm don't you? Is that where go to do the nasty?" Regulus said before fake gagging. He smirked at me reaction.

I looked at him with my mouth open. These boys. I couldn't help myself and joined in on their laughter.

We were kicked out soon after.

Severus, Regulus, and I stumbled into the Slytherin common room, laughter still dripping from our lips. Heads turned to observe the disruption of the peace but we paid no mind to it.

I looked around and spotted Narcissa and Lucius. I walked over and grabbed Narcissa's hand and dragged her up to her dorm. She asked a variety of questions, mostly consisting of what are you doing's.

We made it to her dorm and I dragged her in. I kicked out the other two girls and told them to sleep somewhere else tonight. We were going to have a girls night and I doubt they would want to sleep here with the noise we were going to make. Besides why would I let them be able to hear the gossip we were about to spill? I snorted to myself. As if I had time for gossip.

I sat Narcissa down on her bed and threw a pillow at her. She looked at me bewildered.

"Girls night!" I grinned. She laughed at me and clutched the pillow.

"You could have just said so." She said in her soft mellowy voice.

I grabbed some sweets from her trunk and sat on her bed with her. She held the pillow I threw at her tightly against her chest as she sat cross legged. I sat on my knees and began eating her stash of chocolate wands and sugar quills.

"You could have at least asked." She rolled her eyes and laughed while gesturing to the candy I was currently eating.

"So, when were you going to tell me about your crush on Potter?" Narcissa smirked at me.

I groaned loudly before swallowing a piece of chocolate. "Am I that obvious?" I asked with a frown.

"Of course not," Narcissa giggled, "Lucius told me."

"I'm going to kill the wanker." I muttered. Narcissa heard me though and it caused her to burst into laughter; soon followed by me.

After we stopped laughing Narcissa spoke again. "He won't tell anyone Liv. Neither will Sev and Reg, nor will I." She smiled softly at me.

"You better not." I giggled.

She laughed as well but stopped when I grabbed a pillow and hit her with it. She looked at me shocked before taking hers and striking back.

We were laughing the whole night and I'm pretty sure we even got a couple of complaints but not once did we bother to answer the shouts or bangs on the door.

For one night, we cared only about each other and not the troubles of school, boys, and the war.


I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

If I do write a sequel to this story would you like it to be in first person or third person?

Thank you for reading! <3

– mysticpanda xx

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