Chapter 10

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I went to bed early last night seeing as I had didn't have rounds with Potter. Narcissa and I have been pranking since last year. Surprisingly it was her idea to prank those who messed with us. The Marauders always got the blame, only those who were pranked guesses it was us, or that we asked the Marauders to do it for us.

Breakfast was as normal as it could be, that is until Narcissa rushed in and sat next to me.

"There's a Halloween costume party in the Room of Requirement on Halloween." She whispered excitedly in my ear. She moved away and I noticed she was grinning from ear to ear.

"You've already got costume ideas don't you?" I questioned. I wonder what she's come up with.

"I was thinking I could be an angel," that would suit her very well, "and you could be a devil." She finished with a smirk.

"A devil? Is that what you think I am?" I said with a smile and a laugh.

"Well you're as clever and cunning as one."

Even though most Slytherin's hated muggles, they couldn't help dressing up for a Halloween Party. They made sure not to dress as anything related only to muggles though.

"Livvy." A familiar voice called and pulled me out of my thoughts. I looked up from where I was staring at my plate and saw Lucius now sitting in front of me.

"Yes, Lucy." I asked with an innocent smile. Oh how he hated that nickname.

Lucius grumbled something and his breathe and spoke, "I told you not to tell me that." He mumbled. "Also are you going to the Halloween party?" He asked.

Here it comes again. Lucius, being my twin brother, was very protective of me. He hated letting me go to parties because he didn't want me to get hurt.

"Yes I'm going Lucius, and nothing you say will prevent me from going." I said sternly. He just grumbled and got up to sit further down the table with his friends.

I turned to Narcissa and rolled my eyes, to which she laughed at my misery and troubles. I ended up laughing as well. We gathered our things and walked to our first class of the day, laughing and chatting about anything and everything.

Classes had gone as you would expect and I was now seated in at a small table in the library. I was determined to finish the homework we were given today because I wouldn't have time tonight with patrols and tomorrow was the first Quidditch match so I would be there. I also couldn't do it on Sunday because I had three essays I had already planned to finish then.

My first task was a worksheet on different charms we learnt over the years given to us as revision. I also had two essay to write, a potions essay and an Arthimacy one.

I sat in the library for another two hours, occasionally getting up to find a book I needed. It was quite peaceful in here. In the library I get to hide from the reality of life, there's no expectations to be a good student and not forgetting the superiority of purebloods. I get to sit and read, or focus fully on my homework. It's a distraction I suppose. A distraction from the real world.

I was enjoying my peace when I saw Lupin walk up to a bookshelf near my table. He must've noticed I looked up and turned around, he showed me a small smile to which I returned.

"You know, dinner starts in a few minutes, and you might want to eat seeing as you have patrols with James tonight." He got the book he was looking for and sat down in front of me. I wouldn't say we were friends, we were more like acquaintances. We got along well though, sometimes studying in the library or talking at Prefect meetings.

"Thank you for reminding me. I would've missed dinner if you hadn't arrived. And what about you? are you not hungry?" I replied with a smile, grateful he reminded me of dinner time.

"I'm not hungry," he shrugged.

"Well then, I'm off to dinner." I got up and gathered my things then left the library. I planned to drop off my books in my dorm just before patrols.

I was waiting in the prefects common room for Potter so we could start our patrol. He was late. Just as I was about to leave he came running into the common room.

"Sorry I'm late. I forgot about patrol and Remus reminded me now." he said while breathing heavily.

"Whatever, just don't let it happen again. Let's just go."

Nothing really happened during the patrol, just some small talk here and there, and Potter telling a few ridiculous jokes. Potter was in the middle of telling another one of his lame jokes when we heard talking. He immediately stopped talking and took out his wand. I did the same.

We walked around the corner and caught three learners out of bed. Not just any three learners though; Snape, Regulus Black, and Lucius.

Lucius noticed us first and he's widened, "Livvy...what a coincidence seeing you here."

"Lucius." I warned. Potter and I still had our wands out, mine casting Lumos.

"What are you three doing out of bed?" Potter asked.

"It's none of your business Potter." Snape replied, a look of hate in his eyes.

"Well it kinda is now isn't? I mean I'm Head Boy, and you're not allowed to be out past curfew."

Snape was about to reply but I cut him off, "Enough, both of you." I said sending warning looks at both of them. "Five points from each of you. Now go to bed before you lose any more points from our house." I ordered them. The quickly went back to their dorms.

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