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Narcissa Malfoy heard a knock at her, confused she made her way to see who it was.

Voldemort has been declared dead the night before, the rest of the Death Eaters has left her home, leaving only herself, Lucius, and Draco. Her sister, Bellatrix, and the Lestrange brothers had been sent to Azkaban along with her cousin Sirius.

Narcissa clutched her wand tightly in her hand and opened the door.

It was a Ministry official.

"Hello?" She greeted, trying to remain calm.

"Hello, Mrs Malfoy correct?" The official asked. She nodded. "I regret to inform you that you and your husband are now the guardians of Sara Julia Potter. James Potter and Lily Evans were found dead early this morning and Alivia Malfoy-Potter is missing."

Narcissa nodded slowly as she tried to take in the news. Lucius was going to be devastated. Just then she noticed the bundle of blankets in the Ministry Officials arms.

Poking out from the lilac blankets was the distinctive Malfoy platinum blonde hair.

At age 5, Sara Potter ran around the garden, Draco Malfoy chasing his cousin as she giggled.

She tripped, causing Draco to crash into her. They fell to the ground laughing.

Lucius and Narcissa watched as the two played. It had taken quite some time to get over Alivia's disappearance and assumed death but they had managed.

Lucius was quite glad he had Sara. She looked like a spitting image of her mother, a reminder that she was still there, while sporting their father's blue eyes.

From the beginning, Lucius and Narcissa decided they would tell Sara everything they could. They made sure the two young children knew they were cousins and that Sara had an amazing mother. While Lucius would have rather said an okay father, Narcissa scolded him and told her amazing stories of both of her parents.

Sara loved hearing the stories of her parents, but she still loved Lucius and Narcissa like her own parents. They were after all the ones to raise her.

At age 8, Sara sat in the lounge on the piano chair. Lucius was teaching her how to play the piano.

While she messed up every second key, she was learning well. She giggled whenever she messed up a key, never able to keep a straight face. Soon, though, she would be able to play wonderfully.

Lucius has been teaching his son too, Draco, and he had been learning quite well. Sometimes he would spot the two playing the piano together as Draco tried to teach Sara how to play better.

Some days Lucius would see Sara and Draco and think about how himself and Alivia used to play when they were kids.

Some days, he would see them and think about how Alivia was no longer here. She was gone, most probably dead.

He held on to the hope that she was still alive, but after a few years he realised she was was gone. Dead, and not coming back.

He promised he would always be there for her, to protect her. He failed her, and now he had to live with that.

Alivia Malfoy, she couldn't bare going by Potter because it brought back too many memories, sat in an old Romanian Inn next to Severus Snape.

When Lily Evans was killed Severus turned to Dumbledore. He asked for help and Dumbledore made him a spy.

Only Dumbledore, Severus and Hagrid knew she was alive.

Severus had been bringing news to her about Sara, he couldn't get much on Harry until they attended Hogwarts.

Alivia sipped her coffee and waited for Severus to speak.

"Sara and Draco are getting on quite well. They remind me of you and your brother." Severus spoke, keeping his eyes focused on a painting on the wall.

Alivia had a dazed, unfocused look on her faced, "how is my brother, Severus?" She asked, still staring off into space.

Severus sighed, "He's still trying to cope. I believe he's come to terms with your death. He used to hold on to the hope that you were still alive."

"I wish he didn't have to go through this." Alivia hated how people had to suffer because of her supposed death. If she was actually dead it would be fine but she was healthy and alive yet the world believed she was dead.

"They go to Hogwarts next year." Severus spoke after a moment of silence.

Alivia smiled, "I wonder which houses they'll be in."

"Hopefully Slytherin." Severus muttered.

Alivia chuckled, "that would be nice, but don't you think Harry would be a Gryffindor. I like to think that he's like his father, even as a baby he looked so much like him."

"Maybe." Severus shrugged.


Well, that's the end. The story is finished. I hope you enjoyed it!

The sequel will be out soon. I've got all these ideas, I just need to start writing them. :)

– mysticpanda xx

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