Chapter 6

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Hogsmeade weekend. Yay. Usually I'd be more excited but someone gave Narcissa the password-it was probably Lucius- so now she was in my dorm, fully dressed, and trying to make me get ready so we could leave early.

"Come on Liv. We've got to go eat breakfast so we can get to Hogsmeade early before it gets to busy." She was tugging my arm like a 5-year-old.

"Okay, okay I'll get ready." I got up and walked to my bathroom to shower. I saw out of the corner of my eye that Narcissa went straight to my wardrobe, presumably trying to find me some clothes to wear.

When I got out of the shower I walked back into my room and saw that she had picked out a long sleeve dark green fitted shirt, a pair of black skinny jeans, and a pair of black boots with a small heel. She was wearing a dark green sweater, a denim skirt, a pair of high heels.

I got changed and we walked into the common room. Turns out we weren't the only ones getting ready so early. The Marauders, excluding Potter, were trying to wake Potter. We could hear him complaining and I think he hit Black because he screamed ow. Cissa and I laughed at that and continued our walk to the Great Hall.

We at breakfast and walked towards the carriages. There are fewer carriages so early so only the last one was empty. Now usually this would be fantastic but the Marauders were behind us.

"Oi Malfoy! Can we share a carriage?" Potter asked from behind us as I climbed onto the carriage.

"Sure Potter." I rolled my eyes as I said that.

"That sound a lot like sarcasm." I heard someone say. I think it was Black. Okay it was Black because Cissa answered him.

"Don't worry Siri, I can't tell the difference either." Cissa said.

They all climbed in. Cissa sat opposite me with Black next to her and Pettigrew next to him. Potter sat next to me and Remus next to him. Potter and Black immediately started talking about Quidditch, Pettigrew just stared at them, and Remus took out a book to read.

I decided to talk to Narcissa. "Cissa, when are we meeting up with Lucius, Regulus, and Severus?"

"Oh a bit later. I wanted some girl time. They'll meet us at the Three Broomsticks." She said.

"Okay cool."

"Severus might not be coming though. Busy perfecting his potions." She said with an eye roll.

"Aww that's cute. He thinks he can beat me." I said with a smirk. She just laughed quietly and watched the scenery as we rode past.

We finally arrived and we split up from the Marauders. Narcissa and I went to Honeydukes first. I bought some sugar quills and caldron cakes. Narcissa just bought some sugar quills.

We then went to a clothing shop. I bought a new black coat and a dark green sweater. I also got a necklace with a snake charm on it with a matching bracelet that was a snake that wrapped around my wrist. They were both silver.

The last place we went to was The Three Broomsticks. We walked in and I told Narcissa to find us a seat and wait for the others while I ordered us some drinks. After I had gotten our drinks I saw she chose a table at the back. Right behind the Marauders.

I sat down and placed her Butterbeer in front of her. I gave her a look she clearly read as 'why did you choose this seat?'

"It was the only one open that was big enough for all of us." She said with a sheepish smile.

Just then Severus and Lucius walked in. They better not cause trouble with the Marauders.

"Hey Lucius, Severus." I said as they sat down next to us, Lucius next to me and Severus next to Cissa. As I said Severus I noticed out of the corner of my eye Potter turned around. Narcissa must have noticed too because she gave me a look. She also didn't want trouble.

"Where's Regulus?" She asked.

"Oh he's got himself a date." Lucius said with a smirk.

"A date? Who?" I asked. He was never really one for dating.

"Catherine Nott." Severus responded.

"Catherine?" Narcissa looked shocked.

"What's wrong with Catherine?" I asked, a little confused. Narcissa shares a dorm with her. I used to but then I became Head Girl.

"She likes Avery. Not Regulus." She said. She was biting her lip and kept looking around. "I think she's using him to make Avery jealous." She said after a long silence.

"He's going to be heartbroken. Wouldn't stop talking about the date." Severus said. He wasn't showing it but I knew that deep down he was concerned for his friend.

"Guys calm down. I'm sure he'll be alright. We'll just have to have to find him later." I tried calming them down. It seemed to be working because Narcissa stopped biting her lip and took another sip of Butterbeer.

It only occurred to me now that the Marauders weren't talking. They had been listening to the whole thing. Rude much. Severus noticed this as well. Shit. Please don't make a scene. Please don't make a scene. Please don't make a scene.

Shit he's making a scene. "Oi can't you Gryffindors mind your own business." He shouted across the table to them. This caused Lucius to turned around.

"Didn't mummy ever teach you it's rude to eavesdrop Black?" Lucius spat at Black. Remus looked worried.

"She couldn't be bothered with me." Sirius muttered under his breathe but Lucius and I heard him.

"Upset that mummy doesn't love you eh Black." Lucius teased again.

"That women is not my mother." Black said through gritted teeth. He had his hands clenched into fists and his knuckles were turning white.

"Oh yes. I almost forgot you were disowned." That seemed to set Black off. He stood up, Lucius stood up as well. They were nearly the same height. Lucius only a couple cm taller. Black tried to punch him but Potter stopped him. Lucius tried to hit him back but I stopped him by putting my hand on his forearm.

"Lucius. Stop. Now is not the time for a fight." Lucius unclenched his fist and took a step back. "Let's just go." He mumbled something under his breathe and left. I ran after him.

"Lucius." I said.

"What?" He said quite harshly. He must've seemed to realise his harsh tone because his face softened. "Sorry" He mumbled.

"What's wrong?" I asked taking a step closer.

"Nothing's wrong." He said.

"You're my twin brother Lucius. I think I've learned to tell when you're lying by now." I said with a small smile.

"I'm just stressed. I've got so much pressure being a Death Eater and with school, and protecting you. It just sometimes too much you know." He kept his eyes on the ground the whole time.

"Taking it out on someone else isn't right."

"I couldn't help it!"

"Talk to me! I can help you!"

"No you can't! I don't want to stress you out."

"You just need to relax. Calm down. And breathe. Everything's going to be alright. Okay?"

"Okay." He reaches forward and hugged me. He wasn't really much of a hugger so this surprised me but I hugged back tightly.

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