Chapter 9

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I've decided this year I wouldn't play Quidditch. I'm Head Girl now and I have more responsibilities. We are also writing our N.E.W.T's this year. I'd rather spend my time studying and ensuring a good mark than having to practice for a sport that won't get me anywhere in the future.

I had already finished getting changed into my uniform and was now heading down to the Great Hall for breakfast. I would meet Narcissa there and then we'll go to Potions after we eat.

When I got to the Great Hall, Narcissa was already sitting at the Slytherin table. She was just filling up her plate with food when I sat down so she must've just gotten here.

"Hey Cissa." I said filling up a plate of my own.

"Hey Liv." She replied.

We ate our food and walked to Potions. We didn't say anything on the way there, just walking in a comfortable silence.

We walked into class and sat at our usual table. Professor Slughorn walked in looking way too cheerful for his usual self. "Okay, listen up. I will be changing your seating positions," cue the groans, "I will be paring you with someone from the opposite house seeing as there are an equal amount of you." Now this caused chaos, groans, complaints, and even some insults.

"Now come on it's not that bad. Lucius Malfoy and Sirius Black,"

Oh dear Merlin what the hell was he thinking. I shot Lucius and Sirius warning looks. This is not gonna end well. I wasn't really paying attention to the names being called out. Narcissa got Lily Evans.

"Alivia Malfoy and James Potter." Great. Now not only do I have to see him every morning and night but as well as during Potions.

James picked up his bag and made his way over to where I was seated. He gave me a smile to which a I gave a nod back.

"Today we will not be doing any work, but ask you to revise for your upcoming class test." Professor Slughorn told us and then went to sit behind his desk and mark homework or something. I took out some of my Potions notes from previous classes as well as my ink, parchment, and Potions Book.

While I was working I noticed James staring at me. I tried to ignore him but it was messing with my concentration knowing he was watching me. I turned to look at him with a look that said 'what-do-you-want'. He opened his mouth to say something but it seemed like he forgot as he closed his mouth again.

"You know Potter, if you want to ask me something just ask. I don't bite." I whispered as I turned back to my work.

"It's just, you're so different from your brother." There it is again. The assumption that I'm exactly like my brother. I rolled my eyes and turned to look at him.

"I'm nothing like my brother. Sure we may have similar habits, or look alike but that doesn't mean I'm him. Just like Sirius isn't like his parents." As I said that the bell rang. I packed up my things and ran out the class before he could get another word in.

The bell rang ending the last class. I slowly packed away my things and then I walked out of class to meet Narcissa under our favourite tree by the Black Lake. Our favourite tree also happens to be a few trees or so from the Marauders favourite tree. I could hear them laughing from where I sat.

Luckily Narcissa arrived a few minutes after me so I wasn't alone for long.

"Hey Cissa." I called from where I sat. What I didn't know was that the Marauders heard me and were now watching us.

"Hey Livia." She said as she sat down next to me. "I've been meaning to ask you why you ran out of Potions so quickly. Did you and Potter have an argument or something?"

"Ugh," I rolled my eyes, "he made comment about how I'm not like my brother. So he assumed I was. I'm so sick of people thinking I'm like him. Yes I love Lucius with all my heart, he's my twin. But that doesn't mean I agree with his ways of dealing with stuff or his interests. I'm nothing like him. I'm my own person. I wish people would just understand that!" I had tears in my eyes but I refused to let them fall. This topic infuriated me to no end.

"I know you're not like your brother. And I know you want to show that you're not but you can't and you know that. It's too dangerous." She said in a soft, caring tone. Her eyes were glistening with concern.

"It's not fair though." I then realised I hadn't heard anymore laughing or talking. The damn Marauders were eavesdropping on us. I tapped Narcissa's arm and whispered to her. "The Marauders are eavesdropping." We looked at each other and nodded. We both looked at the Marauders catching them red-handed.

"Eavesdropping, Potter?" I questioned even though I knew the answer.

"What? No. Of course not–"

"Yes we were eavesdropping. I tried to stop them but they didn't listen." Remus apologised.

"I'm sure Aunt Walburga taught you better Sirius." Narcissa said.

"Ah but you know I'm a rule breaker." Sirius smirked.

"Watch your back Marauders." I said and Narcissa and I walked back to the castle. I heard James call out something and then ask the others what they think I meant. Morons. 'They're not the only ones who can prank' I thought with a smirk. I looked at Narcissa to see she was smirking as well. This was going to be fun.

Once we were in the castle and far away from eavesdroppers Narcissa spoke up, "So when are we going to prank them?"

"Give it a week or two. Get them paranoid. Then when they think we were joking we prank them. If they ask what we meant pretend it never happened." I grinned. Narcissa was also grinning evilly.

Oh this was going to be fun.

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