Chapter 13

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I'm on my way to breakfast and I notice there's more whispering going on than usual. I swear I heard someone squeal as well. What happened that's got the entire school talking about it?

I find out the answer when I walk into the Great Hall. I glance over all the tables and notice the Marauders. And Lily. Except Lily is sitting right up against Potter and he's got he's arm around her.

What in the name of Merlin happened?

I walk over to Narcissa and she tells me that Evans gave in. Lily Evans said yes to James Potter. I never thought I'd live to see the day. Potter must be happy then. He's been chasing after her for six years and now she decides he's worth her time.

I ignore them and eat my breakfast. The school is going to be taking about this for at least two more weeks. I mean it's pretty big news. For most of the school. I, however, could not care less about it.

Potions. I have to spend an entire lesson listening to Potter talk about how happy he is. Fantastic.

I walk into class and make my way over to my usual seat and wait for the lesson to begin. Surprisingly Potter arrived early. It's only really because he walked Evans to class though.

He sits next to me and he's got a huge grin on his face. Lovesick fool. I roll my eyes at him and begin to make the potion as instructed on the board.

He notices me rolling my eyes and decides to question it.

"Jealous, Malfoy?"

I turn to look at him and see he's got a smirk on his handsome—wait what? No he's got a smirk on his absolutely normal looking face.

"Why would I be jealous Potter? Evans isn't really my type you know?" I said with a small smirk and shrugged.

He looked confused for a second, then offended, then a look of incredulity stuck on his face. I almost laughed at the look. I smirked once more and turned back to my potion. Silently laughing to myself.

He sat there staring at me for a solid three minutes before accepting the fact that I'd said I would rather date Evans than him.

I wandered through the halls after class with nothing to do. I wandered past all of the paintings and watched as they conversed with each other. I admired the great detail in the walls and the ceilings. Hogwarts castle really is an amazing piece of architecture. Built over thousands of years ago. I could never get bored of this castle. There's still so many secrets and places I haven't even seen in the castle.

I walk around the castle aimlessly thinking about everything that's happened so far. I'm Head Girl, I write NEWTs this year, I'm supposed to get my dark mark after I graduate. It may seem like little but I've never been more stressed out in my entire life. It's only October for Merlin's sake.

What am I even going to do after I graduate? I can't just flat out refuse the dark mark. I could go into hiding but then I can't really pursue my dream career of working in the Ministry. I sighed and decided it was time to head to the Prefects common room to start the meeting.

I arrived and saw that there were a few prefects already there. I waited for them all to arrive before I could start.

Every prefect was here except for two. Potter and Evans. I waited for another 5 minutes before Lily came running into the Common Room our of breath and her hair messy.

"Sorry I'm late. I was, um, doing stuff." She apologised.

As she said that Potter ran in and whispered "I'm stuff," to the prefect next to him but everyone heard.

"Well now that you've finally decided to show up we can get the meeting started." I glared at them both for wasting my time.

Once the meeting was finished I called Potter and Evans over to speak to them. The stood in front of me. Evans looked nervous but Potter was grinning.

"Please ensure that neither of you are late again. Especially without a proper reason. I will let you off for now but I don't want it to happened again." I nodded to Evans and she took that as her cue to leave. She glared at me for reprimanding her. She's always hated me. She hates all Slytherins though so I'm not really bothered by it.

"I knew you were jealous Malfoy." Potter said from behind me.

"I'm not jealous you fool. You were late. I can't start a bloody meeting without the Head Boy and I have homework to complete. You wasted my time." I glared at him. I went to walk to my dorm but as I did I heard him laughing at me. I took out my wand to conjure a jet of water to spray him.

I could just imagine the look on his face as the water hit him. I walked into my room before he could retaliate.

I noticed a letter on my bed and I went to open it. Judging by the writing on the front and the stamp with my family crest on it it was from my parents.

The letter read:

Dear Alivia,

Your father and I have been doing well at home. I heard from your brother that Hogsmeade weekend is soon so I've sent some money for you. I hope everything is going well and you are enjoying your duties as Head Girl. Who is the Head Boy?

Please look after Lucius. He may be older than you but he doesn't act like it. I'm worried about him getting into fights, especially with that Bloodtraitor, Sirius Black.

We hope you study hard and do well this year.

Your Mother

I noticed the bag of money attached. They always send money for Hogsmeade even if I claim I have enough from the last time.

I check the clock on the wall and see it's not late and I've got enough time to write a letter back.

Dear Mother,

I'm happy to hear that you and Father have been doing well. All is well as Head Girl though organising all the meetings and schedules for Prefects can be a bit stressful. I'm worried about NEWTs this year but I faith in myself to be able to pass each one of them.

I'm doing my best to look after Lucius. He insists it's I who needs to be looked after.

Alivia Malfoy

I dropped my quill and put the letter into an envelope. I sent it off with the family owl and jumped into my warm bed before falling into a dreamless sleep.

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