Chapter 28

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I have a problem. Now it's not necessarily bad but it's a problem nonetheless.

Oh who am I kidding of course it's bad. It's terrible.

I have feelings for James Freaking Potter! Of all people it had to be him. Before, I tried to ignore these feelings but I can't deny it much longer.

The more I try to push him from my thoughts the more he seems to appear. It's hard to ignore feelings when you see the person every day.

Before, I thought it was just a small crush that would fade with time. I was, however wrong. My feelings grew stronger.

Now what's the problem with having feelings for someone? The fact that this someone is in love with another girl is one reason. He also happens to be what my family thinks is a blood traitor.

I can't even talk to Narcissa about this. I know she'll support me, but she'll also advise me to ignore my emotions. She's tried to convince me not to runaway but if I don't I'll have to get the Dark Mark.

That is not an option though. I'd rather be disowned.

I can't tell Lucius either. He'll probably kill me himself. James as well. It's not even the fact that he hates James but he's quite the overprotective brother type.

Back in 5th Year I went on a date with Fabian Prewett. Lucius found out and had an all out duel with him. I had to disarm them both myself.

I ended up having to apologize to Fabian, and although he said he forgave me, he hasn't spoken to me since. I don't blame him though.

Lucius never let me go on another date again.

A loud bang followed by a scream dragged me from my intruding thoughts. I rushed to the next corridor ready to give some detentions.

At first I thought it might have been Peeves because the corridor was empty, except for a couple of armour cases that had been knocked over.

A cloth flew off something that I immediately recognized as James' invisibility cloak. Under it had been three boys. Sirius, Remus, and Peter.

They were jumbled in a mess of limbs on the floor. Remus groaned and sat up after pushing Sirius off of him and onto Peter.

"You bloody wankers." He complained. He got up and picked up the cloak before turning to me. "Oh hello Alivia." The other two boys shot up after seeing me standing across from them.

"Hello Remus. What are you three up to?" I narrowed my eyes at them. I did not want to be caught up in the middle of one of their pranks

"Oh causing chaos. The usual." Sirius shrugged as he leaned against the wall.

"Ah I should've known." I rolled my eyes. I began to walk away but they stopped me.

"Wait Alivia." I turned around and raised an eyebrow to show they had my attention.

"Have you noticed anything wrong with James?" Remus asked.

I furrowed my eyebrows and thought back over the past week trying to see if I could recall James acting weird.

"No I don't think he has." I answered.

"He's been acting really weird lately. He's been fidgety and distracted." Remus said.

"Yeah he's been off." Sirius added. He moved his hand to scratch his head.

"It could be stress?" I offered, "exams are soon."

Sirius shrugged, contemplating the possibility. Remus seemed to be deep I thought. "Thank you Alivia. We'll let you continue your day," Remus smiled and waved goodbye. I said goodbye to the others and walked to the Heads' common room.

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