Chapter 33

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Hello lovelies!

I hope everyone is staying safe and taking care. Remember even if you are not going to be affected by COVID-19, you could still be a vector with no symptoms or very little and spread the virus to people who are affected by it. Elderly people or people who suffer from chronic illnesses are greatly affected by this virus because they're bodies cannot fight of the virus.

Stay safe, and distance yourself from people. Be careful and wash your and hands and avoid touching your face.

Okay enough of my rant. Back to the actual storyyy!


Today has definitely been chaotic and it's not even 11:00. It's a Quidditch match today. And not just any Quidditch match, a Slytherin and Gryffindor match.

Slytherins have been hexing any Gryffindors they come across and Gryffindors have been throwing insults at any passing Slytherin. The infamous rivalry between Slytherin and Gryffindor truly shows on days like these.

Surprisingly, the Quidditch players themselves were not even apart of this chaos. No, they were far too stressed with the upcoming game.

Especially James Potter. I don't think anyone is more stressed out than him. I saw him at breakfast and he was an absolute mess.

If this match was not against my own house I would have supported him completely but I could never let down my own house. As much as I hate some of the people in my house it is still the house I was placed in, my unofficial family.

I stood in the stands in the wind as I waited, along with the rest of the school, for the Quidditch players to enter the pitch. I continued bouncing on the balls of my feet and I searched for any sign of the players.

At last specks of red and green flashed across the field as each team flew to their designated side of the field. Madam Hooch flew up on a broom in between the two teams. The captains shook hands.

I could see the tension from just here. James was still shaking from his nerves but he had determination written all over his face. Rosier however looked ready to win.

Both teams are so unbelievably good this year and I, along with everyone else, was on the edge of my seat.

The whistle blew and the players raced to begin the game. James had the quaffle and passed it to Wood. Rosier collides with Wood and they loose the quaffle. James retrieves it. And he scores! 10-0.

This continued on for roughly an hour before the Snitch was in sight with the Slytherin seeker. Nott shot forward alerting the attention of everyone in the stadium and all of the players. Gryffindor's seeker, Johnson, caught up quickly as they sped around the pitch.

They reached forward fingers just grasping the snitch.

Nott slips.

Johnson grabs the snitch.

Gryffindor wins!

I watched as the Gryffindor supporters jumped up and down in excitement and the Slytherins booed at the loss.

I looked down toward the pitch and caught eyes with James. He grinned at me. I smiled back.
I was proud of him.

As much as I wanted my house to win the game I could not help but be proud of James. He truly deserved this win.

I walked back to the Slytherin common room along with the rest of Slytherin house. The loss definitely was not appreciated.

Lucius sat in a chair by the fireplace sulking as Narcissa tried to tell him it wasn't a big deal.

𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐒 // 𝐉𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒 𝐏𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑 [𝟏]Where stories live. Discover now