Chapter 3

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After classes Narcissa and I were walking towards the library. She was just going to walk there with me and then she's going to meet with Lucius. Potter and I need to make the prefects schedules.

We walked into the library and I saw Potter sitting in a corner, alone, writing on what seems to be parchment. I turned to give Narcissa a hug but I found that she had already left me to join Lucius. What a great friend she is. Just kidding, Narcissa is really a great friend.

I walked over to Potter and sat down across from him. I took out my quill, ink, and parchment and set it on the table.

"Potter." He looked up.


"Well let's get started then." I said with a roll of my eyes.

"Oh right." He looked lost for a second before realisation adorned his features. "The schedules."

"Yes Potter. Congratulations on figuring that out. Now we could do it two prefects from each year go out and then patrol certain sections of the castle.

"Yes, that sounds good."

We finished after about an hour and it was surprisingly easy. He worked well and stayed focus. We wouldn't have finished so quickly if he had been a prick about it. I mean this could have gone so many different ways, he could have said that my ideas were crap because I'm a Slytherin and not to mention a Malfoy, so I'd say I'm pretty lucky. He didn't even make any comments on me being a Malfoy and I was grateful for that. I hate being a Malfoy, I could have so many actual friends, not that Narcissa isn't my friend, but I could have friends in other houses, people who want to be my friends because of who I am not because of my blood status and name.

Potter got up to leave after he had packed his parchment and ink into his bag. I got up as well.

"You know Malfoy, you're not as bad as I thought." he said looking me in the eye, he had a smallest of smiles, but a smile nonetheless and gave me nod.

I nodded back at him but inside I was smiling. "Not too bad yourself Potter." After that I turned around and left the library. I wanted to spend time with Narcissa before the Prefect meeting where we would be giving the others their schedules. There isn't really much time to spend with Narcissa as I have to stay in my own dorm.

I found Narcissa in the Slytherin common room with Lucius and Mulciber. I never really liked Mulciber but then again I hate most pureblood supremacists so it's not really that much of a surprise. they are all so cold and mean, all taught to wear a mask so no one can read your emotions. It's cruel really. taught from such a young age that you have to be poised and elegant, show no sign of weakness, no emotions. In a war like this, hiding your emotions can be helpful, but as a lifestyle it's just sad.

"Narcissa, can we go for walk?" I asked her with no emotion in my voice at all. I can only really show my emotions around her and occasionally my brother, Regulus, and Severus. She nodded and said her goodbyes to Lucius and Mulciber.

She spoke up again once we were out of the common room. "How was the meeting with Potter?"

"It went surprisingly okay." I answered.

"How so?"

"Well, for starters he didn't make a single comment about my House, blood status, or name, except for when he said that I wasn't too bad for Malfoy."

"At least he can see that. I honesty thought he'd be too blinded by his hate for Snape that he wouldn't be able to even work with you."

"That's what I thought, but it turns out he's actually quite mature. I think Dumbledore made a pretty good choice for Head boy this year."

"Yes as much as I hate to admit it I think he'll do quite well this year." We both laughed and continued walking.

It was almost dinner so we walked towards the Great Hall. I really enjoy talking to Narcissa. Sometimes she's exactly what I need to relax me, or cheer me up after a bad day. I'm glad we're friends because I don't know what I'd do without her. She was the one who helped me show my emotions. She understood the pressure I was under and helped me cope with it, and for that I couldn't be more grateful.

Dinner was pretty uneventful but now it was time for the prefects meeting. When I got to the prefects common room Potter and Lupin were already there.

"Evening Potter, Lupin." I greeted as I walked in. I went to go set some of my stuff on my desk on the other side of the room.

"Evening Malfoy." Lupin greeted back with a kind smile. He looked really exhausted. His lycanthropy must be taking a toll on him, it is the full moon tomorrow.

"Malfoy." Potter nodded to me.

More and more prefects began to arrive until they were all standing in the common room with Potter and me standing in front of them.

"Listen up everyone. We have made your patrolling schedules. As you all know the higher the year you are in the longer your patrols will last." Potter spoke up with so much authority it confused me for a second. Well I guess it comes with being Quidditch Captain. He nodded towards me to carrying on.

"Two prefects from each year will be patrolling different parts of the castle. Some days two prefects from the same house will be patrolling and some days we've mixed the houses. For newer prefects, if you find someone out at night deduct points, if you find them more than once a detention shall be given, if they are causing trouble they should be given detention as well as have point deducted." I said looking at each and every prefect. My eyes met Lucius' eyes. He was also a prefect, we were both chosen in our fifth year to be prefects and have been ever since. Potter and I handed out the prefect schedules and dismissed them.

I was about to turn around to go to my dorm but a hand stopped me. It was Lucius. I turned round to face him.

"Yes Lucius?" I questioned.

"Can we talk outside?" He said looking around as if someone would follow us. I nodded and he pulled me outside.

"Listen Livvy, you need to be careful with stuff involving the dark arts and the dark lord. I don't want you to get hurt." He said, his eyes filled with concern.

"Lucy, I'll be fine. I'm supposed to get the dark mark after I graduate." I said allowing myself to give him a small reassuring smile.

"Yes but I don't want you to be hurt by either the dark lord or aurors."

"I will be fine Lucy. Don't worry. I love you, now go to bed." I said with a stern look.

"I love you too Livvy." He said and walked off towards the dungeons.

I walked back into the common room and went straight to my dorm.

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