Chapter 17

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It's been a week and it's getting closer to Christmas holidays. I was planning on staying here for Christmas but my parents have a different idea.

I was fairly happy when I woke up that morning to discover my parents had sent a letter with our family owl.

The owl was a dark brown colour and we called her Lux. It's a Latin name and it means light. It's mainly because her eyes are bright yellow while her body is a dark brown.

I let Lux in through my window and she landed on my desk. I gently took the letter from her and gave her a treat.

I opened the letter and began to read it.

Dear Alivia,

How are things at school? How are your Head Girl duties?
Your Father and I are doing well here at home.
You will be coming home for Christmas this year. You will be meeting the Dark Lord. You are to receive your Dark Mark along with your brother and join the Death Eaters.
We'll see you then.

Your Mother

I dropped the letter. No. They couldn't be making us get our dark marks. Not now. Oh no.

Breath, Alivia, breath. I'll find a way to get through this. I hope.

I swear on Merlin's Beard this day could not get any worse. During Transfiguration, some fool managed to transfigure a school uniform into a barrel. And not just any school uniform. The entire row sitting across from him. That included me, Narcissa, two other Slytherins, and three Gryffindors.

I was ready to throw some punches. The class was in absolute chaos and to make it worse we couldn't even get our uniforms back.

Professor McGonagall had to transfigure us all new uniforms.

How can someone be so daft? How would someone even mess up a spell that badly? I was honestly done with this day.

I stomped out the classroom with Narcissa hot on my heels.

"Liv. Alivia!" I skidded to a halt. I turned around to face her and crossed my arms, giving her a look of stone. I made a gesture for her to continue. "Liv. What's wrong? You never get that mad over a mistake. Even if it was by someone else."

"It's nothing Narcissa." I rolled my eyes and continued walking. She caught up with me. Damn this girl just won't give up.

"It's not nothing. You looked like you wanted to kill the poor boy." She was looking at me with concern written all over her face.

I sighed. "I'm fine Narcissa, really." I contemplated telling her what was wrong but for some reason I couldn't. I don't know why but I just felt like she didn't really need to know. I smiled at her.

She smiled back, uncertain if I was really okay. She nodded finally believing me, though she still looked unsure.

"Let's go." I took a deep breathe and nodded.

I sat down in my common room after dinner to finish up some homework before bed. Slughorn gave us so much homework. We had a 6inch essay on the Draught Of The Living Death, 3 more essays all due over the course of next week and 2 tests we had to study for. And this was just for Potions. Never mind the mounds of work we've received in other classes.

On top of all that I still have prefect duties. Being Head Girl means I'm up till midnight with Potter doing rounds once every week.

It may seem like a little but it really does mess up my sleeping schedule.

Speak of the devil and he shall arrive. Potter just walked through the door. Fortunately his friends weren't with him.

He walked up to me and stopped in front of my table. He took a breath before saying, "Do you mind if I sit here? I need to finish some essays."

I rolled my eyes. I sighed. "Of course you can sit here Potter. It's you're common room too," I say without lifting my eyes from my paper. Usually I would've been grateful he was so respectful but with all that's happened today, I don't think so. First the letter and then the accident in Transfiguration. This day could not get any worse.

I skidded to a stop. Potter tumbled into me causing us to both fall over.

I really need to learn to keep my mouth shut.

Let me recap. James and I were walking down a corridor when a thousand—I'm not exaggerating—bats flew out of an empty classroom. It must have been the Prewett twins because James looked just as surprised as I did.

We ran until we lost them. Which led us to here. Sitting on the floor. With James on top of me.

"Get off, Potter." I grumbled as I pushed him off of me. I stood up. He stood up as well somewhere behind me. "I think we lost them." I turned back to face him.

"Thank Merlin. I didn't think I could run any longer." James sighed in relief. He smirked.

I rolled my eyes. "You're literally the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain. You run this much every practice, don't you?"

James laughed, "Yeah but it's for fun, not running for my life." He tapped his head as if to show it was common knowledge.

I laughed while rolling my eyes, to exhausted to argue any longer. I shook my head, still laughing. "Honestly James," I looked down the corridor before continuing, "We need to go. I think we better take a different route."

James nodded in agreement and led the way back to the common room.

We stopped outside our rooms before entering.

"This was fun." James said with a smirk.

"It wasn't meant to be fun." I joked.

We laughed. Today started off bad and it just got worse, but I had a little fun towards the end.

Though I could not forget the simple fact that made this day so bad to begin with.


Hello everyone who reads this. I've been trying to update and I'll be more frequent with updates for now. I don't want to write when I'm unmotivated because I want to put out good work and I can't do that I'm not in the mood to.

This is really just a first draft of this story. I'm publishing it to get feedback and comments so I can learn from my mistakes and see what people like and don't like. Once I'm done with the story I will edit it and make sure it's the best it can be.

I accept criticism, but please don't be rude about it. If you have ways to help me improve my writing skills, share them. It would really help. If I'm doing something wrong please let me know. If you do not like my writing keep it to yourself. I don't accept rude comments or anything that belittles me or my writing. I know I'm not the best but I'm only trying to get better.

Thank you

– mysticpanda xx

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